Sunday, August 9, 2015

We celebrated a birthday, this weekend.  We went to our favorite hamburger joint as part of the festivity.  The person recognized preferred it to something fancy.  Since there were few in number Teresa baked some brownies (instead of cake) chocolate of course since ALL birthday cakes are chocolate in this family (sorry Josh, we WILL still fix you a carrot cake – but -) with homemade German Chocolate frosting.
Good finish to the day.
Carla picked up some soup bones at the store, they were marked down and she doesn’t find them very often.  They were for Blaze.
I carved off the small bones and fat and took him outside to devour.  After he brought it into our bedroom, I took him and his bone back outside.  After he brought it into the living room and tried to eat it on the couch I took him and his bone outside.  He tried one more time and I told him no as he approached the door, he went back to the yard and started enjoying his feast.
He is an intelligent dog, it is his fear and he can’t grasp some of the concepts of being a dog that keeps him from doing the things most dogs do.
Ruth 4:13 So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bare a son.
As stated above we celebrated a birthday this weekend.  That is the date all of us use as the beginning of our life on earth.  But it would be much more accurate to say that our life begins at our conception in the womb of our mother.  That is how God perceives them.
It is too bad we don’t celebrate that day, but, it is much more difficult to tell when it was and it involves activity that some find embarrassing, so we celebrate the birth.  That is too bad, because it tends to minimize human life and for those that promote abortions doing it prior to the birth day makes it more palatable somehow.
Abortion has become big business, not only for those that harvest the baby, but those who use the parts of the baby for research, etc.
Reading the above verse got me thinking this morning, ‘what are the leading causes of death in America, today?’  I have heard it is heart disease, cancer and the third is medical error.  So I got to looking up info on the web.  Now, we all know that it can be a bit off, but what I found was basically the same info from different sources.
It is interesting to note two things, most don’t even address medical deaths nor do they address deaths by abortion.  I found that to be the norm in sites operated by medical professionals.  All statistics are for America.
Causes of death in 2013 (according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):  Heart disease 611,105; Cancer 584,881
According to a 2000 Medical study:  (Journal of the American Medical Association) published a study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a medical doctor with a Master’s degree in Public Health. The doctor, from what I understand, concluded there were at least 225,000 deaths a year from iatrogenic causes (medical providers, doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc.)
Again, none of the medically sponsored sources I reviewed had Abortion as a cause of death – I know there are some sites out there that do include it (at least peripherally,) but I couldn’t find them today.
Statistics from Pro-Life sites, show that Abortions are going down in the United States, undoubtedly from education of what a baby looks like in the womb and the use of contraceptives to prevent conception verses abortion to prevent birth.
According to there were an estimated 984,000 abortions in the United States in 2013.  (Consistent with other sites, but another site listed it at over 1,120,000; which the site listed for 2012.)
Now, I realize that these statistics are not of the same year nor are they from the same source, so it is difficult to give a completely accurate picture of these four deaths, but it will give a good perspective on the deaths:
Heart disease 611,105
Cancer 584,881
Medical mistakes 225,000
Total of the supposedly top three causes of death:  1,420,9876
Using the centers numbers and the additional from Dr. Starfield, there are 2,135,311 deaths in the United States due to medical reasons.   Now from the Center we have another category, homicide.  There are 16,208 homicides in the US for 2011.  (As an aside, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report just 15 cities accounted for 3,304 of those murders or 20%.)
But 984,000 Abortions far out number any one of the top three and multiple times more than any other kind of death.
So, we have approximately 3,135,519 deaths a year with almost one third (31.4%) of them being unborn children.  But, those aren’t counted, because society doesn’t want to recognize the murder of these babies.
Let’s put that into another perspective.  We know war kills our young men and women.  They die and we lose some of the brightest and most honored Americans.  Had they lived it is hard telling how much higher status this nation could have attained.
There have been 1,309,000 deaths of men and women serving in the military in all the wars and conflicts our nation has been involved in from 1776 through now (including both sides of the Civil War – 623,026) according to Military
In other words, in less than 18 months there are more children murdered than all the young people who have lost their lives in all the wars and conflicts we have fought.
The numbers are down, but it isn’t hard to see where the number 55 million deaths due to abortions has come from.
Even with abortions going down it is still, by far, the leading cause of death in the United States.  Deaths of children.  Deaths of the innocent that have done nothing, except be conceived.
And our society and our government, as a whole condones, it!
Millions upon millions of souls crying out because they were murdered without recourse.
We recognize that abortion is sin.  It is the taking of a human life without cause.  But, like everything else that satan uses against God, satan uses his power of seduction and lies to cover it up and make it more appealing as a way to assuage the feelings of guilt. 
Fortunately, God is in the business of forgiving sin through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Even for those that do the abortions it is not too late to stop them and repent of their sins and crimes against humanity.
Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Many Christians are suffering, still, from abortions they had in the past.  Many who have had abortions feel the guilt so deep they do not think God will ever forgive them.
That of course is not the case for either person.  God loves each of us.  All of us have sinned against Him.  Yet, He stands ready through the blood of Christ, to forgive us and accept us into His family.
We need to remember those that have or are contemplating the death of their child by Abortion in our prayers and loving guidance through God’s Holy Spirit.  We need to pray for those who view the child as just a group of cells that have no life in them and can be discarded from the body like fecal matter, flushed away and never again thought about.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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