Monday, August 3, 2015

Ken and Wendy’s Anniversary!  Happy anniversary you two, sorry can’t remember if this is 19 or 20, either way you are a strong team.
Steven, Celinda and CeeCee just got back from a family reunion in Atlanta.  It was a week-long function with some overlapping; some having come early and leaving mid-way and others coming after them and staying after they left.
I was impressed.  There was a division of labor and there were planned activities; challenges in games and other things, visiting family businesses and other locations.  Because all were there from Monday to Wednesday, Steven said the activities were almost non-stop, but slowed down a bit after some had left – they wanted to include all in their fun.
Got a call from Norman, he agreed the participant ‘Adam’ in the show “Alone” is just like him.  He relates with him in many ways.
It is funny how we can see people we like in other people; it makes them somehow closer to us.  I don’t know, yet, who won the money for being out there the longest, but we started rooting for Adam a few weeks ago, even before we fully realized how much he was like Norm.
My system seems to be going from one extreme to another, we think we have it taken care of but then the opposite happens, the medication works ‘too’ well.  Hopefully we will have a happy medium here pretty quick – this is a bit frustrating.
Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

I enjoy a good story, particularly if it is about someone overcoming and winning.  There are so many stories like that in the Bible.
Men and women who were picked by God to serve Him in a special way; people who might not be considered leaders by either family or friends; yet they did incredible things for God.
I read about them and I picture in my mind the times and the danger they were in.  The one good thing about cinema is we have some idea of what these people wore, where and how they lived.  So it is easier to have a feel of comradery with them as far as time is concerned.
I relate with them; like any good story teller, God pulls me into the story and I become part of the times.  I get excited at the triumphs, I wonder about the times when they falter – how could they do that when they had been so close to God.
But I know that I too have wavered and made mistakes in my spiritual life.  There too I can relate – to a point with them.
I want to imitate their drive, their fearlessness, their leadership under the Power of the Holy Spirit.  I want to mirror their actions in the face of adversity and come out on top.  I want to be like them; victorious.
There are many truths in God’s Word.  Many proclaim it as a history book of the early Jews, and it is that – to an extent.  But there is more to it than that, we must read it in the mindset that this is God’s story, not man’s, when I realize this I come to a greater understanding of who He is and how He relates with us.
I read of Peter, and I must admit, I relate with him better than any of the other Apostles.  He is brash, bold and ready to take on the world; I can picture myself as Peter, far better than I can Jesus, he acted as I act.
But, God wanted to use that for HIS gain, not for Peter’s.   Peter had to be chastised and corrected, many times, until he came to the point where he was humbled before God, before he could truly become the great leader he became.
Peter learned from the Master, and through his many trials came to become very much like Him.  I need that same transformation.
I ‘know’ that God deals with us as individuals.  He uses our strengths and more importantly our weaknesses that we have turned over to Him to accomplish His mission for us.
When we rely on our strengths we do not feel we need as much help from God as when we are placed in unfamiliar territory that our strength cannot help.  I want to humble myself before Him; I want to take the examples of His Grace and Power and make them my own.
But therein lays a problem for me.  I relate with these people, I think I understand these people, but in connecting I have gone from an open heart to a ‘make me like them’ mentality. 
I find myself telling God what I want Him to do with me – just like David, or Daniel, or Peter, or Paul – and I forget I am different from them.  No matter the similarities, no matter my desires, I am not them.
It is important that I read God’s Word.  In it I learn of Him, I learn of His Salvation, I learn how He wants us to live, I learn of how others have struggled and overcome, I learn to be wary of those that would lead me astray – and each time I read it I learn more things about God, but what is also important, I am learning more things about myself.
God doesn’t want me to be another Peter, or David, He wants me to be a man He can use as He sees fit.  He wants my heart to be open to Him, ready to accept His guidance and direction.
I must put aside my thoughts of the ideal Christian leader and allow Him to use me in His way, not mine. 
When we look back at these stories of people who have become great examples the one thing they have in common is a heart to God and a desire to be obedient.  In almost every case they had no idea of what would become of them, how God would use them, but allowed themselves to fall before Him.
As we look at the stories we see how God directed their lives over a period of time, sometimes decades, to reach that point where He could use them for His Glory.  When the time came, their heart was ready to obey.
I accepted Christ over 50 years ago.  I have served and failed Him many times during those decades, but I also know that where I am now, he can still use me.  The experiences I have had through those years can make me a better servant for Him – if I let Him use me as He wants to use me, not at my direction.
I need to have that same spirit of wanting to serve, no matter what, and get away from, wanting to serve in a specific manner so that I too will become a great leader – that is nothing but pride speaking. 
This has not been easy this morning, but it was needed.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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