Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Yesterday was very mild in our neck of the woods.  Temperatures remained in the 70’s, warmer today, but not too bad, barely in the 80’s, at least right now.
We can tell Fall is coming, soon.  Our air conditioner is only needed a few hours a day, coming on around 1200 and off in the early hours – vs having it on through the night.
One of the things I miss about Central Oregon was the cool night air after a very hot day.  I didn’t know anyone who had an air conditioner in their home, opening windows and doors was enough to keep cool.  – of course a different era, didn’t worry too much about break ins.  It can still be done, just have to make it so the windows can’t be opened enough to allow someone to gain entry, easily done.
1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
To me, frankly, this is one of the scariest verses in the Bible.
Paul is saying I live my life in Christ so well you should follow my example.
They didn’t have cameras, videos or still; they didn’t have all the outlets on social media we have today – but still he was well known.
We know of once well thought of and followed evangelists that were living a lie in secret.  They were eventually exposed and their witness to others was destroyed. 
They were a disappointment to those that believed they were true men of God and an example used by the unbelievers as to why it doesn’t pay to follow God and His commands – look at these hypocrites and charlatans, all they were looking for was fame and money.
I have sinned so many times and in so many ways in my life, and there are those that know and have readily pointed out my failures.  It gives them an excuse to not accept Christ.
How can I possibly say what Paul has said, and yet we know that is one of our missions – live a life for Christ where others will see Him in us.
Whether we like it or not, we are an example to others.  People who we have no inkling of are watching us to see if our actions match our words.
A while back I had a woman come up to me.  As a child and teenager she attended the same church I attended.  I never had her in one of my classes, but since I was a man in the church she knew who I was.
She also knew I was a police officer.  When she came up to me she told me that when she was younger one of the things that kept her out of trouble was the ‘fear’ of having to disappoint me – and probably more significantly – of being caught doing wrong by me.
I had no idea, of course, that she would even contemplate doing something wrong – and I rather doubt she would have turned into a criminal, but the thought of being caught by a police officer who was a Christian and leader in her church helped keep her on the straight and narrow.
I am sure each of you have had similar experiences where years after you have had contact with someone they come to you and tell you a similar story; perhaps even of how they found Christ because of you.
Don’t think that your sins are going to be so bad that you can never properly serve Christ.  We are not perfect, and because of that imperfection there are times we have shown ourselves in a different light and there will be those that will forever hold it against us – but, dwelling on that is exactly what satan wants us to do because he knows if he can make us discouraged, it is half the battle!
Now, if I can just accept that fact, myself.
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sorry, couldn’t make it any shorter and I really did try – could have made it a whole lot longer!
Habakkuk 1:2-4  O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.

I am sitting here this morning contemplating both the Word of God and the current raging of people against police.
The establishment and much of the rest of society keeps pointing the finger at the Police saying there lies our problem.  They are bias, they aren’t trained well enough, they are brutal and the list of grievances – and, yes, some have merit, to a degree – goes on.
There are those out there that believe that if they feel threatened for doing something wrong, all they have to do is yell police brutality and police prejudice and they will get away with anything, getting out of a ticket, rioting and other crimes including murder.
And far too many of the establishment agrees with them, and rather than waiting until the facts are investigated, immediately attack the police.  The establishment – and society as a whole - is a HUGE part of our problem here in America.
It is as if Habakkuk was living in American, today.
I am a man of far too many words.  I could write for days and tens of thousands of words on my feelings about this subject. 
And, yes I know, few would read them.
Still I must write and I WILL try to be as concise as my poor brain can be:
Is there a problem with some police officers and some police departments?  Yes.
Is that the only place the problem resides?  No.
Billy Sunday, Evangelist, once said, “If you don’t do your part, don’t blame God.”
What is our part, especially as Christians?
Sunday also said, “The rivers of America will run with blood filled to their banks before we will submit to them taking the Bible out of our schools.”
So what happened?  Not only is it not to be read in a class, but some schools even have banned it from the school grounds.
For the last 60 – 100 years Christians – myself included – have allowed our relationship with God to be tarnished with human interests and desires that are contradicted by His Word.
AND, we did not speak out when God was condemned by the government, courts and a select few people.
As Christians we have not done our part...and for that matter neither have the Jews, whose standards are the same as a Christian’s; although they may have some excuses since much of society oppressed and looked(s)down on them.
Momentum has slowly built through the years, and then started steam rolling these past eight years, to the point of not only God’s standards being thrown out by the government and the courts, but common sense along with it – and far too many churches are supporting those new societal standards.
Our teachers are unable to conduct their mission because of the problem children in their classes.  When parents are contacted they blame the schools and support their child, regardless – and of course they reinforce their method of raising their child, which is part of the problem.  They say, or imply, it isn’t my fault, it is society’s – which goes back to the parents since they are supposed to be the adults in society.
And, in doing so, they teach their children that it isn’t their fault either, all they have to do is blame others for their actions.
We have lowered standards everywhere for our students so they will not have bad feelings, instead of holding them to the higher standards and helping them attain so they can feel accomplishment, and end up feeling better about themselves.
And when the children face the real world they can’t handle it, because if they cannot perform they can’t have a job – unless it is for federal government where many seem to gravitate and seem to be accepted.
Too many parents have abdicated the responsibility of the raising of their children to TV sets and video games or other passive means.  Anything but actually helping the child become a solid citizen who knows the difference between right and wrong.  Teaching them to be a person who knows how to work and respect others, who takes responsibility for their actions and expects others to do the same.
When the child fails, they blame everyone but themselves.
But it is the Police Officers fault that we are having the violence in today’s America.
So, let us do away with the police.  Now what?
Obviously we cannot do that, so we need alternatives in who is selected and what their training consists of, because everyone knows the police are biased and can’t be trusted.
I have gone over the process of hiring police officers many times.  It is a long and arduous procedure and a very small percentage of applicants actually become police officers, and an even smaller percentage makes it to retirement age.
They quit because they can’t make enough money, or the job is so dangerous they don’t want to risk their lives and the future of their family, or they are tired of the harassment they are getting from the public who just doesn’t care about them.
Some are discharged for various reasons, including biases, against others which has interfered with their ability to do a fair and honest job.
So we need to have a better way of selecting the right officers.
What would you suggest?  And, if you wish, I can send you my comments on how officers are selected, now.
What do you want in your Police Officer?
I could not believe comments made to me by a couple of businessmen – and others, including my parents and other family members, through the years - after I became a police officer.  I heard, “you are too smart; you could do other things in your career and make real money” – among other things.
My question, after I thought about it, was, “What do you want a police officer to be?”  I couldn’t believe that they, and many other people, thought intelligent people were wasting their skills and talents becoming a police officer.
What is the perfect officer?  I am going to leave that question to you to answer.
Do you know anyone that can absolutely meet that standard day in and day out?
Where do we find such a person?  How can we get him/her interested in law enforcement?
It was difficult enough when I was doing the hiring, I can’t imagine how difficult it is today to get competent people interested with all the negative verbal and written attacks AND the ambushing and killing of officers simply because they ARE officers. 
Would you like to go out and try and handle violent or potentially violent calls in this environment?  (which, by the way, is ANY call an officer goes on, any traffic stop an officer makes.)
How would you handle it?
One of the sergeants in our Police Department once told me that we need robots in the jury box (this was before computers were available to almost everyone) to make a determination of guilt or innocence of a suspect.  Because people interject their own emotions and biases and don’t just consider the facts.
Obviously that is unacceptable, lie detectors prove that since they can be beat, but his frustrations were real, and understandable when obvious criminals are found not guilty by a jury because their attorney was glib. 
There is a movie called “Robocop.”  In the film they took the brain of a police officer who had been killed and put it into the body of a robot.  He made no personal judgments, he had no bias, he was built to be stronger and smarter than the normal officer on the street.
If he saw a crime he acted, period.  He was designed with a certain set of standards upon which to act.
AND he was controlled by those that made him and therefore set the standards.  A corporation that had its own agenda and it wasn’t to benefit anyone but themselves.  It was to control the masses so the corporation could do whatever it wanted.
I have heard some say, let’s let the federal government handle ALL law enforcement.  Hmm. Let’s see, have any of them made any mistakes lately – and where are you going to get a million federal agents – over and above the current number – to handle local enforcement?
Can’t be those currently in the profession, they can’t be trusted.
The police profession is an honorable profession.  But it is made up of people, human beings, raised in our societies.  As in every profession there are a few people who take advantage of their power.  Honest mistakes DO happen.  ALL mistakes must be corrected, but to lay the burden on every officer, for the mistake of a very few, is counterproductive.
Of the million local (city, county) and state law enforcement officers now in the field there is very few who do not take their job seriously, doing the very best they can to honestly protect and serve their constituents.
I am a strong advocate of ride alongs with police officers; I support those agencies that have citizen academies that allow citizens the opportunity to understand what it takes to do the job of a police officer.
I encourage any and all to contact their local Police or Sheriff’s Office and ask if they can ride along.  It can be a VERY eye opening experience.
Who knows, you may get the bug and become one yourself!
Later, Art :-)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Carla wanted a whole chicken, so since we don’t raise them we purchased a Foster Farms chicken from the local store.  Spend three hours smoking it yesterday, came out great.
I am finally learning the intricacies of the smoker, like any piece of equipment it has its quirks and you have to figure it out.  Done enough on it so I have a better understanding of how to keep temperatures in the range I want.
I didn’t brine this one, instead I injected butter combined with orange juice and poultry seasoning, slathered it up with the remaining liquid and dusted it with a rub – came out really full of flavor and moist.
There was a time when the two of us could just about finish off a whole chicken in one, if not two meals – now it lasts a little longer. 
Still used the fresh veggies from the garden, though.
Isaiah 46:9-10 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
While this is in the Old Testament, it is germane for us today.
The Old Testament is full of prophecy for His people, and we became part of that select group once we accepted Christ as Savior.
God hasn’t changed, and won’t change, no matter how we may try and ascribe changes to Him.
Much of what Jesus taught was just a reaffirming of God’s Word in the Old Testament.  God loves His people; He wants what is best for them.
But He has laws for us to obey.  And while we are not under the Jewish Laws, we are under the commands that Jesus reaffirmed for us.
There are consequences for our failure to listen and follow Him.
Many of the early prophesies have already been fulfilled, especially in the foretelling of the Messiah and His coming – Jesus fulfilled those prophecies.
Throughout His teachings He advises the leadership of the Jews to READ the Old Testament, to confirm that His teachings were correct and that the passages told of His coming.
They chose not to research, but to berate, get jealous of and eventually caused the death of, Jesus.
Today we have no excuses, while most of the written Word of God was available only in the Tabernacle for readings by the leadership, we have the Bible, in print, available to us in several stores.  All we have to do is walk in and purchase them, for the price of a couple cups of what passes for coffee at Starbucks and other coffee stands we get the most significant book ever written, God’s Word.
The Bible speaks to God’s people.  It is a wealth of information on what God expects, what He has done in the past, what He is doing now and will do in the future.
It is more than just a book containing books and written by men who had good ideas.  It is the very essence of who we are in Christ.  It lifts us up, in helps us find answers and hope, it gives us peace as we allow the Holy Spirit to commune with our hearts and soul. 
Jesus proclaimed that He was the Son of God.  He proclaimed that He was God – and they killed Him to try and get His heresy destroyed.
But the rulers then, and those now, cannot destroy God or His Word.  Oh, they may take away the Bible from us – as has been done through the centuries – but His Word stays on.
Hard times come upon us in various ways, but God’s Word is the same no matter what our circumstances may be, we can rely on it and the promise of salvation.
He tells us that very thing throughout His Word – first in the Old Testament and then reaffirmed in the New Testament which refers, often, to the old.
Jesus is real.  His sacrifice is real. 
John 1:1-2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
And He will not change!
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Later, Art :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Short on scripture today, but longer on my own thoughts about Police Officers. 
“We must allow the Word of God to correct us the same way we do to encourage us.”  A.W. Tozer
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
By now most people have heard that one of the NFL players is refusing to stand while our national anthem is being played.  He feels that police officers are not held to a high enough standard since when they “kill” someone they are put on administrative leave.  In addition the people of color are not getting the same treatment others are receiving (presumably causations.)
First, the reason a Police Officer is placed on administrative leave after any shooting (or accusation of serious misconduct) is the incident has to be investigated.  The officer is taken off the street just in case the shooting was not warranted or the actions were criminal.
It has been proven over and over – in the past couple of years even – that not always the first accounts by witnesses are truthful – it would be foolish to not undertake a full investigation before condemning the officer.
The officer should not be punished for doing the job he was trained for until it is shown that the officer made a mistake in judgement, or even deliberately committed a crime.  Placing the officer on administrative leave allows the officer to be paid while the investigation is done.
IF the investigation shows that the officer was in the wrong, then appropriate measures should and, for the most part, will be taken.  Those measures could be anywhere from a verbal reprimand, to suspension, to termination, to incarceration.
Administrative leave has nothing to do with guilt or innocence at that point, but only to insure that if the officer is not guilty the officer is not punished as removing his pay would do.
There are strict rules, some of which are governed by contracts, and laws that protect everyone from being unfavorably punished.  There is a process to allow the accused the opportunity to defend themselves.  During that time the accused is presumed innocent.
Is the system perfect?  No, but it doesn’t allow punishment to be meted out until proof is shown – in the case of criminal charges the standard is beyond reasonable doubt, in the case of other situations, civil or employee misconduct, it is the preponderance of the evidence.
The one, criminal charges, is a high percentage, not 100% but quantitavily I would say about 80 to 90%, the other is by weight, 50.1% (more likely than not) the person committed the violation.  But both have to be carefully investigated before any punishment is assigned.
As the Sheriff (and in a Police Department) I have received complaints against deputies.  We look at the seriousness of the complaint and make a decision if we should take the deputy off the road until the complaint is adjudicated.
I have had deputies accused of crimes.  In these cases there are two investigations – the criminal, which is usually done by another agency and often times taken before a Grand Jury before charges are levied – and the administrative which is handled by my Office.
The administrative case is usually handled by a higher ranking deputy, and sometimes an investigative board will be appointed so that more than one deputy is involved in the investigation, interviews, etc.
The admin investigation has access to the criminal investigation and can use any information obtained, not always can the administrative evidence be used in a criminal case, because of the different standards in obtaining information.
If a deputy was charged with a crime we did not wait until the deputy went to trial to make a decision.  Administrative investigations and decisions are usually done within a matter of days, although it may take longer, whereas a criminal trial may be months or even years in the future.
If we found that a deputy probably committed the offence we would then go through the process of administrative action. 
The deputy is told of the outcome of the investigation and given the opportunity to refute any of it in front of the person(s) who make the decision – in the Sheriff Office, the Sheriff, with very few exceptions makes the decision.
The deputy has a right to appeal the decision and it can go all the way to arbitration where a person or persons listens to both sides and makes a ruling – does the arbitrator agree that the deputy was ‘guilty’ and is the penalty for the actions warranted.  Sometimes they will rule the deputy was guilty, but the punishment was too severe and make an arbitrary decision on what the punishment should be.
Administrative Leave is NOT a reward, it is a protection for the agency and the public in case the Officer was wrong so the officer cannot use undue influence – or continue the behavior – while being investigated.
Second, the officer is human.
The officer is selected from society, and sometimes the environment the officer was raised in may affect the way the officer sees others. 
Police agencies as well as the legislative bodies and other government officials are well aware that the officer in the field should be as unbiased as possible.
The days of hiring a police officer off the street, placing a uniform and badge on them, giving them a gun and telling them to go forth and enforce the laws are long gone.
Most law enforcement agencies go through a grueling process to select the right person for their agency.
The candidate must pass a criminal background check, as well as several written and oral tests before they are seriously considered.  They must show that they are physically capable of doing the job.
Most agencies do some kind of psychological testing to ascertain whether the candidate has the personality and bearing to do the job.  It takes into consideration biases as well as decision making, anger, etc.
IF the candidate gets through this far then a more extensive background investigation is conducted.   Neighbors, friends, relatives, teachers, past employers are contacted.  Not just the ones listed on the application – who normally give a good recommendation – but anyone else we may find who knows the candidate.
Once the candidate is hired the officer goes through extensive training by both the department, by assigning field training officer(s) for him, and an academy that goes through months of teaching and training of the officer to be as professional as possible. 
The officer is on probation anywhere from a year to two years, depending on the department, where any conduct that might seem to the department to be inappropriate can result in termination.  That decision can be made ‘without’ cause.  The officer ‘just didn’t make probation” or some other wording indicating that for this department the officer didn’t meet their standards, there are no appeal rights.
After probation the officer has rights to the job and any decision to terminate must have a reason, unlike the probationary officer that is discharged, the ‘regular’ officer can appeal the decision.
Rarely do we find an officer who is so biased that the officer will intentionally make decisions based on the color of the skin.  It happens, of course, but most departments – especially in the past several decades – strives to weed those officers out before they are hired, but if not, as soon as the bias affects the officer’s decisions are noted, then appropriate actions to correct the officer’s conduct is done.
It can go all the way from reprimands, to schooling, to termination and criminal charges if they are warranted.
In the case of a shooting, the officer can be traumatized, even if the officer had NO choice, a life was taken and for most people that is an emotional tragedy, a tragedy that some officers cannot overcome. 
In addition to the officer having to wait for the investigation to be concluded most departments have the officer go to counseling.  In some departments, usually large ones, there is a peer group where other officers that have had to use their guns can help the officer deal with their emotions. 
Smaller agencies often use that same group, thanks to the larger agencies willingness to help, to help the officer work through those emotions.
Most officers become officers because they want to help society and the victims.  Their training is to do all they can to help people, not just make arrests.  Their function is to be a peace officer, not a judge and jury.  Most officers know and support the distinction.
Most shooting incidents, involving Officers, occur in fractions of minutes, often just seconds and most shootings are ruled justifiable due to the circumstances at the time.
In these emotional times, far too many people have an agenda against the police and do anything they can to try and gain something from their accusing Officers with no proof, only something happened and they didn’t like it.
There are huge headlines when the incidents occur, but the clearance of the officer(s) rarely make the front page – so the problem grows instead of allowing level heads to prevail.
It can take weeks and even years to completely investigate a shooting, while the officer had but a mere moment to make the decision.
Try that on for size.
Later, Art 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Warm today, but the wind passing through the shade of the elm tree makes it seem bearable. 
Dinner will be home grown today, beef from Rose, fresh garden vegetables from Carla and melons also from her garden.
Everything tastes so much better than the store’s products that must be able to withstand being transported and shifted from one area to another. 
Nothing but the product with full knowledge of how it was raised is nice indeed.
Mathew 20:29-34 And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.
30 And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.
31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.
32 And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?
33 They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.
34 So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

As I read this this morning, I thought of how we all too often have our own agenda and want God to follow it.
They were on the road to Jerusalem and the crowd expected Him to hurry along and take charge of everything as they envisioned the Messiah should.  This was serious business.  Why should He spend time with blind beggars (who, in their thoughts had committed a sin or their parents had so that they deserved their blindness) why show compassion to them?
We don’t have the time or patience to wait for Him as He works in the lives of others.  We want immediate results and when we don’t get it we become frustrated wondering why and too often give up.
How many times have I expected Him to do something, only to watch Him do something else?  It wasn’t what ‘I’ thought should be done; He could be going onto greater work, why waste time with such trivial matters?
This is a story similar to the Good Samaritan.  Jesus takes the time to help those that need it, regardless of a calendar or clock or someone else’s expectation.
We can get so hung up on our own agenda we forget that it isn’t our agenda God is concerned about, it is His.
We need to focus on God and follow His Holy Spirit’s leading.  We need to have our eyes opened up, by Him, so that we see what needs to be seen in order to serve Him.
But as I was contemplating this another thought came to mind, involving another blind man. 
Mark 8:23-25 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.
24 And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.
25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

Are we blinded by the world?  Do we see, yet not understand what we are seeing?  Have we asked God to guide and show us His will, only to find that for whatever reason we cannot see Him clearly?
If so we may need that second touch, the asking of God to open our eyes fully to see the needs of those we have contact with and how He wants us to help them.
We get so busy that we don’t see what is there; we don’t take the time to survey our surroundings.  All we see is the need to continue with our agenda for the day and make sure we don’t mess up the calendar or time schedule.
And we overlook the very reason for our existence, the very reason He left us on earth to tell others about Him.
We need to keep ourselves readily available to God.  It is so easy to take our eyes off Him and look around at the world and our own agenda.
We need to see from our heart that has been cleansed by God so that we see as He sees and we can truly be led His Spirit.
Psalm 129:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
And in the end, we won’t have to keep wondering if we are in His will, if we are indeed at peace with God.
Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Later, Art :-)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Much cooler yesterday, Blaze stayed out in the yard for several hours.  Now, for most dogs that is not a big deal, but for him it is; he just doesn’t process his environment like most dogs.  But yesterday he was out there watching the birds, sitting with Abby, one of the cats, and seemed to be enjoying himself.
Unfortunately, he does things like that and I think, maybe, just maybe he is getting better – then he gets skittish over something and retreats back into his shell.
For the most part he is happy, I think, but could be so much happier if we could just get him to try new things.
Had some homemade seafood sauce with our fish tonight, didn’t taste too bad, it could be a bit tangier – more horse radish might help so we will add it to the next mix.
“In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”  Isaac Newton
Romans 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
When I was in 7th or 8th grade I remember our science teacher saying that she was asked if she believed in God since she believed in evolution.  She said she told them, ‘yes, I believe in God, but I think He created the universe in His own way.’
I can remember thinking, then, that is a strange comment.  I wasn’t aware of what all the Bible had to say on Creation, but I did know that God said He created it in 6 days.  THAT was ‘His own way.’
I have seen too many Christians thinking that God did use evolution (in one way or another) and that the account in Genesis is wrong.  I cannot accept that theory.
IF God lied to us about Creation, then how can we possibly believe anything He tells us.
One of the things I realized early in my experiences as a Christian was that we either have faith in the Word or we do not.  If we try to make the Bible say things that it doesn’t say to make it easier for us to accept certain things, or makes it easier to live our life, then it is worthless as a guide to our lives.
I am not saying that my beliefs, as a Christian, on what the Bible say are 100% accurate, I have heard other ideas on some of it and it could be ‘that way.’  However, the core issues surrounding God’s Word and our interpretation of His Word must be centered on acceptance and even though we may disagree on some things, other things, like salvation, is not one of them.
I do not get in long conversations with a Christian that is convinced that we live on a billion year old planet, they are wrong, but I do believe that most truly are Christians.  But, I also think that it creates a dangerous situation when we say part of the Bible is incorrect – where do we stop?
We know many people who have undermined the salvation of others with their changes in what the Bible says.
So, I continue to believe we are a young earth; that God DID create the Universe and He did it in six days as the Bible says.  I also believe Creation Scientists who have pointed out on numerous occasions the problems with the religion of evolution and the falsification of some of the data that they use to bolster their theory.
Evolution IS not fact as so many scientists make it out to be, it is indeed an unproven theory; and just that, the fact is there had to be a Creator His proof is all around us even in the hand in front of us.
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Much cooler yesterday.  We were blessed with about a dozen new humming birds at the feeder.  Each year those passing through give us a visit for a day or two; it seems a little early this year, but it was still fun watching them.
We normally have at least four, year in and year out that stay with us, during the summer their off spring join them and eventually leave with the flock that migrate.
Some say that you must stop feeding them the first of September so they will move on, but that base we have doesn’t seem to care to do so.  I don’t know what the life span of a humming bird is, I have to believe that those we fed, up here, 12 years ago, are not the same ones we are feeding now, but it doesn’t make any difference, they stay.
The little gold finches are starting to hit the sunflowers in the garden, it is fun to listen to their happy chirps as they partake of the bounty.
The quail still have little ones as they parade through the garden or the neighbor’s yard.  You can always tell when they are about to come through as they post a ‘sentry’ down the paths to watch for danger.
Our cats don’t seem to want to bother them, and I have only seen one neighbor cat with one in its mouth.  Then nest in the black berries on the north side of the property, it gives them good protection.
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”  Abraham Lincoln
Romans 5:1-2 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

As I read this quote from Abraham Lincoln this morning I thought about my stand for Christ over the years – unfortunately sometimes that stand wasn’t as firm as it should have been.
I, like many people, first asked questions trying to get some insight into what the other person was thinking before I was ready to say something. 
Now, it didn’t happen often, but the fact it did reminds me that I must always focus on Him and never compromise my stand for Him; and sometimes those compromises were terrible.
We are seeing more and more compromises by Christians.  Part of it is to not suffer ridicule.  Some of it is so we think we can make people see we are just like them and in doing so will somehow make them more interested in Christ – when in fact it does just the opposite, they see no change in us, so why should they accept Christ?
American Christians are just now starting to endure the things that many Christians all over the world have been living with for almost 2000 years.  Living in a government that doesn’t recognize their right to say and do what Christ says to do.
They find that government regulations try and force them into denying the Word of God and even casting the Bible out of their lives.  Failure to do so can lead to loss of business, homes and even incarceration.
At least one state, HERE IN AMERICA, has formed a committee to make sure all public speeches are politically correct and are attempting to deny Preachers the right to preach the Word of God in their churches.  They claim that since the building is a public gathering place, they have the ‘right’ to demand those who lead it follow the state’s law. 
It is under litigation.
I am not as confident now, as I might have been 10 years ago that the court system would chastise the government and remind them of the first amendment – especially when it comes to churches.
When we stand for Christ, we are on solid ground.  Even though we may go through the same persecution that Paul, Peter and millions of other Christians have gone through to proclaim our redeemer’s salvation, we know that God will prevail.
And as long as we remain on that firm ground others will be saved.  It is happening all over the world.
People are hungering for the peace and joy that only Christ can give, when they see those that are being persecuted for His sake many will run away, but others will allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into the truth because they see Christ in the Christian.
And Christ’s church of believers is growing in those countries.
While the government tries to dictate what is acceptable, the only ground we need to stand on is God’s; it is ‘the right place.’
Later, Art :-)

Monday, August 22, 2016

Much cooler today, and a touch of wind to go along with it.  Still, we are in summer and will have a bit more warmer days before Fall truly sets in.
Made up some tomato sauce yesterday, canned and ready for the pantry.
We are thinking of making tomato ketchup with the next batch. 
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”  Henry Ford
Mathew 14:27-31  But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

What is our goal as Christians?
Is it to make it to heaven?
Is it to obey God?
Is it to see people healed?
Is it to see miracles?
Is it to see people saved?
Is it to see people grow in faith and closer to God?
So, why do we have so many difficulties with seeing all that?
Is it because we take our eyes off of Jesus?
Peter had faith, when he took his eyes off of Jesus, he faltered and started to sink.  He failed.  He was going to drown if Jesus didn’t help him.
HOWEVER, he did called out to Jesus and asked Him to save him.
Jesus did, he didn’t let him drown as an example to the others, He lifted Him out of the sea and reminded him and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Why indeed do we doubt? 
A question we need to have an answer to, and that only comes from having a closer relationship with God – which will help remove that doubt.
Later, Art :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Starting to feel better; change of medication, I think, has something to do with it.  I used to get up between 0500 and 0530 on a regular basis, I used the time to study, meditate and spend some private time with God.
The past few years, though, I have found myself sleeping in and not getting up until much later.  This past week I am getting up earlier, although still not at the prior time, at least for now.
The one thing I do like about getting up early in the morning is going outside and experiencing the fresh smell of the day.  It is cooler this time of year and it foretells the coming of Fall, which is my favorite time of the year.  It gets warmer in a few short hours, of course, but those early morning breathes of fresh air are great.
Hebrews 12:1-2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We have been watching the Olympics quite a bit this past couple of weeks, much cooler for us inside the house.
I observed several things in the races that were run by both men and women.  Lots of thoughts on them, but what happened last night made me think of the race every person must run, and what happens when rules are violated.
The longer races are indeed interesting.  Even though they are running fast times – faster than I would run the 100 meter race, I am afraid, most sit back and run with the group. 
They know that being the fastest out of the starting gate and trying to maintain a lead, seldom works.  While it does happen occasionally, most of the winners have run with patience and pushed themselves to the very limits of their ability towards the end of the race where, since they have paced themselves, they still have energy to finish at the top.
Shorter races, like the 100 meters, need fast running from the starting gate and fast all the way to the end.  They run full out to get the win, or they don’t succeed.
We, of course, have a lifetime to go through so we are should be like the long distance, marathon runners.  We have years to run before the end of the race and it helps to be patient and run with intelligence and focus so that we do not give up before the end comes.
But, both style races give us pause to think.  In the long distance endurance and understanding of how to contain your energy is important.  You don’t want to burn out at the very first only to find yourself unable to complete the race.
As Christians we sometimes forget that we are in God’s service for a long time.  And while it is important to be ready at all times if we push too hard at the first we lose energy, we lose that drive that was instilled in us by the Holy Spirit and far too many burn out without accomplishing what God has laid before them.  Far too many drop out of the race and therefor don’t have a hope of a successful finish.
But even the sprint races can give us reminders.  There is one race called the 4 X 100, that has four participants running 100 meters each.  The first takes off at the gun, if he starts too quickly the whole team is disqualified, they don’t even get a chance to run.
If he starts correctly he carries a baton and passes it on to the second team member, who runs and passes it on to the third, who passes it on to the last man.  Whichever team has their finisher cross the line first wins a gold medal, with the second team receiving silver and the third team wins a bronze.
The rules are fairly simple, disobey them and no matter where you finish, you can be disqualified as the USA team experienced last night.
When the baton is passed from one member to the next, it must be done in a specific area of the track.  Passing before or after that few feet disqualifies the whole team.  The USA had one pass that was done inches outside the zone and were disqualified.
It doesn’t matter that they came in third, it doesn’t matter that it was only inches, they were disqualified, it was as if they weren’t even on the track.
It is disheartening, to say the least, to make a mistake like that.  But, there is no appeal, either they obeyed the rules or they did not.  There can be an appeal in certain circumstances but there was nothing here they could do.
They ran the race.  They practiced hard and long conditioning themselves as individual athletes, getting the right food, the right amount of sleep, encouraging each other as they practiced together, passing the baton from one to another 100’s of times to get their timing right – and it was all for naught, it was if they had never existed.
Dropping the baton – which has happened with the USA team several times in the past – is just as bad. 
You have to follow the rules, or you get no recognition; you have to continue to the end, or the race, but it must be done in good order.
This morning, as I thought about that result I realized how it has its parallel in life.
We have seen many people live ‘good lives.’  They are honest and true in their dealings with others.  They have helped people in their lifetime.  Many have accomplished great things in their lifetime. 
But they never recognized God’s Son for who He is and never accepted Him as their Savior.  They just took for granted that living a ‘good life’ would get them into heaven.
As the rules of the race are very clear, so are God’s rules for man to follow.  The chief of the rules being we are all sinners and MUST come to Him through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Those that think that since they have run the race to its conclusion will find that they didn’t accept the baton of Christ; they either dropped it without considering it or didn’t accept Him when they were given every opportunity to do so.
No one can be good enough to get to heaven.  No one can earn their way, buy their way or trick their way into heaven.  The pathway and rules are clear:
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
There is no appeal.  Either we go through Christ – while right here on earth – or we lose.
The beauty of God’s rule is that no matter where we finish in the race, we win a crown and join Him forever.
Later, Art :-)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Well, I guess we know who was the sweetest, even if it was because I think it was the blouse with flowers printed on it that attracted her ‘flock.’
We were up in Appleton (WA) a couple of days ago, with Teresa, looking at a couple of things on her property.  Yellow jackets abounded on the piece.
I noticed one hovering around Teresa and let her know that it was right under her arm.  Teresa said look at Mom, who had several flying around her creating a hazardous situation for her.  She was actually stung by one of them.  We got home and she put a baking powder paste on the wound and that helped.
Me? they didn’t seem to care whether I was there or not.....
Mathew 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
As I read this this morning, I thought about Ron and Shirley Keyser, former Pastors here.  They had a vision for missions and even though they were ‘too old’ to go into the mission field their passion and devotion convinced the organization to allow them to proceed.
Family was important to them.  They had four children and I remember thinking that they would be gone for five years with little or no contact with their children, or their children’s families during that time.
While I cannot remember exactly what Shirley said when I asked her how she was going to handle that, she made it clear that they were following the path Christ had laid out for them.
They went into a violent nation and they, themselves, experienced robberies in their own home and the threat of violence, with guns being pointed at them and actually being tied up on at least one occasion.  THAT can be a bit disconcerting.  They lost many church members who were killed for their Christian activities.
We often forget the sacrifices missionaries make to serve our Lord and tell others about the love of Christ.
Thanks to the Keysers and the thousands of men and women like them, we will have many brothers and sisters joining us as we celebrate our relationship with Christ, forever.
Later, Art :-)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Not a lot happening in our neck of the woods, right now.  As in most areas of Oregon we are looking at some rising temperature tomorrow.  The garden is getting dry, but watering it is rectifying that problem and it should be fine during those days of 100 plus (sometimes up to 115) in the garden.
I have never understood why the official temperatures of an area are taken in the shade.  I can appreciate that it should be taken over a parking lot or other surface that is reflecting heat, but there is plenty of open space that have grass or other organic matter on the ground. 
When it is 115 in the garden, the shade often reads 10 to 15 degrees lower – ‘twould be nice to just stay in the shade, but reality is that when things must be done, it sometimes must be done in full sun – and that should be the official temp – as far as I am concerned.
Interesting enough, there is a ‘weather bug’ placed there by Channel Six, at Colonel Wright school, just a few blocks from here – it usually reads about the same as our shaded porch, but, if a person must work outside it isn’t much comfort.
Another thing I always get a bang out of and ask ‘why?’ is the feels like temperature given by some weather stations.  I can appreciate that in the winter, when wind can put the chill factor much lower than the actual temperature.  But, to me anyway, it looks ridiculous when I see their official temperature reading 95, but ‘feels like’ 93.....
One of the nice things about retirement is that you can ponder such things!
John 17:13-17 And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

We look around at our world and see devastation; some by ‘nature’ others because men are imperfect and they create great havoc for their own purposes.
Who would choose to live in such a world?
These types of problems have been going on since Adam disobeyed God.  We know that America is in grave danger; too many have decided that they know better than God and have caused us to lose God’s hand of grace.
At the rate of decadence we are now experiencing it will not be long before we have the same thing happen to our country that has happened to dozens of others who have gone into moral decay and considered it okay.
We feel the crunch here in America, because we have not really been faced with the rampant hatred of Christians that other Christians in other nations have, until now. 
I don’t know about you, but I have often felt it would be so much better if God would just bring us home.  Asking myself is it worth all the pain and suffering I am seeing around me, why is He waiting so long?
But the timing is not up to us.  Christ made it clear that we are not taken into heaven upon acceptance of His sacrifice, but we are meant to be here as a living example to those that do not know Him – and we are to tell them of His Saving Grace. 
Who would choose to live in such a world?
Christ did. 
We often forget what the world looked like when He was sent, by the Father, to live and reside here for those 33 years +/-.  He came that sinners may have the opportunity to be saved.  It was far from paradise.
He came here, not only for the Jews, but for all of us.  As He knew when He died He would once again have a central place in heaven, we too have been given that same promise.  We live here in this world to share His Gospel and when we leave this world we go to a far better place, residing with Him, for eternity.
We may not choose the world we are living in, but we have the obligation to remain true to God and share His Word with others.
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Another warm day, but the wind helps.  Usually when it hits triple digits like this there is NO wind.
Job 12:7-10 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:
8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?
10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

It is amazing that the brain of a bird is wiser than the brain of some people.
Maybe being called Bird-Brained should be a compliment; especially when it comes from a person who has no understanding of God.
Later, Art :-)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Well, much as Ken thought that the interview would be worthless he was proven correct, within 10 minutes it was obvious the inmate was lying.  Over two days and 20 hours of driving time used that could have been spent to better use, wasted – however, if he hadn’t gone and the real killer, who was tried and convicted – even by his own words, might have a reason to try and get an appeal.
It looks so easy on television.  The crime is committed and within an hour it is solved and everyone, except for the suspect is happy.  In reality major investigations take hundreds even thousands of hours and even after the suspect is identified the investigators must continue to check out every lead to build their case.
Then, even if the suspect is guilty and there is no doubt, if the investigators make a mistake it can all be thrown out and the suspect walks free.  It is not an easy job.
Most people have no idea what is involved in keeping their community safe and apprehending those that commit crimes against them.
I was reading a complaint of a citizen the other day; they felt that police officers should just stay in the station, like firemen, until they are called on to act on a crime.
“All the traffic stops, patrols and other duties an officer does are just to harass the public.”
He’s an idiot.
The best, the very best, - even for police officers – safety device for a driver is a patrol vehicle in their rear view mirror; and of course that makes those sharing the road safer.
I don’t know how many times, being on patrol, I have and/or participated with others, in catching criminals as they commit the crimes, or right afterwards.
There was a time I was driving down the street at o-dark-thirty and saw a pickup, lights off, coming out from behind a service station.  I stopped the driver to find out he had just stolen the pickup.
When Highway 26, the main road from the Portland Metro area to the Central Oregon area, heavily traveled by those looking to get out of the city and into ‘God’s country,’ started having multiple traffic fatalities because there were no police cars on the road to stop them from speeding, we formed a traffic team within the Sheriff’s Office.
The State Police were spread too thin and we were the ones that did most of the investigation of those accidents, so it was obvious we had to take action.
We purchased Camaros, from the state bid (Chevy was trying to get the police departments to get the Camaro instead of the Mustangs so the price was less than half what they would normally sell for with stock everything – and these were virtual race cars - and considerably lower than the standard patrol vehicles) and sent them down there to run radar.
We went from, (if I recall correctly) ten fatalities in one year down to zero within a couple years.  Speeds of over a hundred m[h on a frequent basis, went down to the speed limit.
The presence of Law Enforcement makes a difference.  What I am concerned about now, is how Law Enforcement is going to recruit candidates in this era of deliberate bating and ambushing of officers. 
The process of putting an officer on the street takes several months of testing and interviewing before they are even sworn in and then weeks of Academy and riding with a training officer before they are put into a patrol car on their own.  It takes at least 3-5 years before they have developed the skills to do all aspects of their jobs.
Very, VERY, few people make it, so what is going to happen now when those that are working for departments say, “enough, it isn’t worth my life and the welfare of my family to protect you anymore” and they can’t find anyone to replace them?
Things we used to do as a matter of course when I first started out, we used to have a vacation watch where a citizen would call in and let us know they would be gone from such in such, to such in such, would be placed on a list and we would, once a day, check on their house and when possible get out and walk around it.  That went away in the late 70’s, too many other things to do.
It used to be that all accidents were investigated; now departments are unable to spare the manpower to investigate any but the most serious.  Some departments are so overwhelmed they don’t even investigate burglaries; they send a report form to the victim by mail.
But, it is the officer’s fault, not society’s values in general, or the raising of spoiled kids – or no raising at all, just allow them to hit the streets, or the refusal to hold them accountable for their actions when they are young so when they get older they think rules don’t apply to them – and from the looks of it, they may be the ones that citizens are going to have to go to for protection. 
Isn’t that exciting?
2 Corinthians 6:2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
When you ask most people what the most important decision they have ever made was, many will list the day they asked their spouse to marry them, or decision on employment, where to live, and many other things that have made their life matter to them.
Few will even think about their soul, will not think about their relationship with God.  Their mind is on the things of this world.  Their goals, their ambitions, their enjoyments, their reason for living is centered around what the world determines is appropriate.
I have talked with hundreds of people about Christ and often get the same or similar response couched in various ways, but meaning the same thing, “I am not ready to make that decision.”
Many believe that because they have sinned so grievously they can never be saved, they are unworthy of being saved.  Not understanding that none of us are worthy.
Many believe that they must somehow clean up their own act before they can come to God and ask for forgiveness, not understanding that they will never be able to be clean enough – and God knows that, HE will do the cleaning.
Others look at accepting Christ means they can no longer truly enjoy themselves.  They feel they must feel their wild oats now, before settling down to religion.  Not understanding that there very well may not be a tomorrow for them to settle down in.
Some refuse to accept there is a God, or that God actually cares about us, and the list goes on.  There is always something satan will use to guide a person away from the decision to accept Christ.
I can remember trying to understand what accepting Christ meant.  I had to sit down numerous times with the Pastor, asking question, trying to see the differences on what he was saying God wanted and what my current church was saying.
Many of the things I believed were true, I believed in God, in His Son, in the Holy Spirit.  I believed that the things in the Bible were true – even though I didn’t and hadn’t ever read the Bible, not that I couldn’t, it just wasn’t encouraged, instead we were given catechisms and there was a pamphlet in the rack behind each pew to take and follow along with the priest during services – I was taught that when he reads scripture we should not read along, it was disrespectful, as if we didn’t trust him.
But as I questioned, as I read, I began to understand that God was not far off, that His Son was readily available to me.  That His death AND resurrection was the basis for what my relationship with God should be.
I wrestled, I listened and the night I finally knelt at the altar struggling with my fears and doubts, people coming up and trying to help me make that decision, praying for me, finally I relinquished everything, tears started flowing down my face and I knew Christ!
I knew He had forgiven me.
It began a lifelong relationship with Him that has endured over a half century even through my many transgressions against Him I knew that He was there.
He would sometimes gently remind me I had gone afield, other times He had to use force to make me understand that He was God and He IS in charge.
Now, I know some people would say, look you had over 50 years, plus how many ever more you live, to make that decision – meanwhile you have missed out on a lot of things the world gives us to our pleasure, excitement and satisfaction.
I don’t believe that, obviously, I don’t know that He would have continued to send His Holy Spirit to me, to guide and direct me to His Son.  We know that He will not always strive with man, and being such a young age He probably would have continued – but there is no guarantee that He would have, and there is no guarantee I would live the next day to make a decision for Him.
It can be very hard to get some people to understand that what they have in this moment could be gone in the next.  That as we and the Holy Spirit and how many others He sends to touch their lives that time of decision is right then. 
Granted some will be like me and take time to try and get it squared away in their minds and I believe as long as they are sincerely searching He will be there for them.  But once they reject Him, once they say ‘maybe later’ they have put themselves in a very precarious position, for them behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) is right then and may be the last time they will have a chance.
We need to have a since of urgency for those that God has laid on our hearts to witness to, to share the Gospel with – we need to not put it off, thinking there will be another day and it isn’t important right now – particularly when He tells us it is.
I have investigated and been around to many violent deaths where the person was alive, well and going about their business one minute only to be killed the next.  At that time there is no tomorrow, no later, the time was right now the last time they heard the Gospel.
We don’t want to be the ones that failed to tell them when we had the opportunity.
Later, Art :-)