Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I have to go about my day, especially in the morning, in a routine so that I get all my meds taken, animals are taken care of and other things done or I often forget.  Not a big problem, but it does throw me and my system off if I don’t do what needs to be done.
Part of our summer routine is when I first wake up in the morning I open the kitchen door so Blaze can go out when he wishes and then come back in without having to let him in.
For quite some time now, he goes about his routine and then at either 6:00 for a long while or 7:00 most recently he voices his desire to have his morning treat and if I don’t get up he continues letting me know of his desires until I do.  It isn’t 7:10 or 7:30, it is 7:00.
I figured it was one of those imbedded time things that animals go through.  The cows know they need to be milked in the morning and night, so they head to the barn.  Animals are used to being fed during certain times of the day, and despite day light savings time saying it is a certain time, they go by real time and don’t like the disruption.
However, I think I might have found a different reason for his on time barks. 
As you know we have AllClassical radio on in our house 24 hours a day.  This morning I was listening to Brandi, early morning host and she announced the time as 7:02 – immediately thereafter, Blaze barked.  I think it is AllClassical that lets him know when he should have his treat – nope not going to test it by turning the radio off, enjoy the music too much.
1 Corinthians 14:40  But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
While there are many kinds of people out there, with many kinds of skills, I find that we can place them in a couple of categories – albeit a simplification – there are those that are organized and those that are not.
While even the disorganized person may have some method to their madness, it usually is only understood by them.  When another person tries to understand their methods it is perplexing and takes a great deal of time to decipher and then place in a more orderly fashion.
You would not want a disorganized person trying to do something that was very detailed and involved where they must show their work so others can follow them.  They do not make good scientists.
One of the shows I enjoy watching is America’ Test Kitchen.  I also subscribe to their publications.  These people go at a recipe like a scientist.  They take a recipe and break it down to its basic forms.  They look at the ingredients and see if they can do a better job with something else.  They look at the time frames and try and evaluate why that particular recipe calls for those times.
Their goal is to make a particular type of food or recipes have the greatest flavor possible.  They vary ingredients and if using the same ingredient different portions, granulation and/or substitute another ingredient they feel may be better for the outcome.
They test cook ware, cooking temperatures, cooking times, resting times, anything that might have an impact on the end product is reviewed, tried and what doesn’t work discarded.  In the end they have a finished product they believe is better than the original recipe AND it is something that others can do, because they have a written process that can be duplicated.
They are organized; they can prove their work.
I, as most of you have, had many discussions with those that believe the universe evolved into what we have today.  There was no plan, there was no creation, there was something that happened and everything is by happenstance from there on.
They look at the symbiotic relationships of plants and insects or animals and they say the animal evolve in order to meet the needs of the plant.  There was no plan, there is no order.
Yet we can forecast the phases of the moon, the time that certain comets will appear in the sky, the time that meteor showers will happen.  We can determine how to plant seed and about when the crops will be ready to harvest.  We can predict the weather, we use science to cross breed plants to make them hardier and more resistance to disease, pests or drought.
We cut open a piece of fruit and we see the texture and the method that it grew.  There was a base for that, it didn’t just happen.  While in the natural order of things there is cross breeding, it is not evolution, just adaptation. 
I am told, you can’t prove creation; you can’t prove there is a God.  Yet, I look at the world around me and I see something at work here, everything is complex, even the simplest cell has a structure, there is organization to it.
We look at a house and know someone had a plan – it may have only been in his head, but he didn’t just throw some wood and nails on the ground and a house evolved – even a faulty plan has some organization – you don’t put a house together without gathering things to do it with – you may need other items that you hadn’t considered, but you obtain those and get the job done to the best of your ability.  There was a plan and a means to carry it out. 
For this universe to function in the methodical way it does there had to be a Creator.  Someone, God, knew what He wanted to do and then did it.  Giving Him credit for that, though, man has to admit that God has some right to have control over him – and man doesn’t like that obligation.
So man has created another way that the universe came about.  It too cannot be proven.  But that doesn’t sway those that proclaim the religion of evolution.  They accuse those that believe in a God who created all things as being foolish and it is but a religion; the idea of a God is just faith with no proof – yet they are no different, they have faith in their religion and while theories abound, true scientific proof does not.
This world and all the rest of the universe, to me, are physical proof of a plan, of a creation – the complexity and variety proclaims it and if that is the case than, of course, there is a creator.  God has laid claim to be that Creator and there is no evidence He is not.
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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