Sunday, August 16, 2015

Teresa brought over a portable room air conditioner; it is doing quite well for the living room and kitchen, so at least we won’t have to bear the full weight of the hotter temperatures.
For a while Blaze didn’t come into the living room where it is located.  Carla got to thinking and wondered if it was because he smelled Wanda (Teresa’s dog that was up here for a few weeks – they didn’t much care for each other.)  However, last night he did come in and seems okay with it, now.
We have the yard pretty tightly fenced – however, when Teresa came over the other night she brought Wanda and put her in the yard – she managed to find her way out.  Didn’t think much of it until yesterday morning when Carla looked out the window and saw Blaze coming up the driveway.
He came right on up and I opened the gate for him and then started checking the fence line.  Shore’nuff there was a breach in the fence.  It was located where I had put two sections of fencing together – evidently Wanda had located it and bulled her way through and Blaze located it on his daily rounds.
Got it patched up okay, it is surprising how the little guy will be afraid to go through a door way, but will push his way through a small opening.  Motivation, I guess.
Psalm 94:3-4  Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?
4 How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

How long, Lord, is the cry of many Christians at this time.  In America many of us are distressed over the overt attacks on the Word of God and His people.  We feel the oppression, we see the results of a nation who has turned from God and the result is the rotting away of our very foundation.
For years I have heard that Jesus is coming soon, how could He wait any longer?  But we have not even begun the persecution that is rampant in other parts of the world.
Many would be quite comfortable and thankful for the degree of persecution we are now feeling.  However, while it is just beginning here, it is only the beginning.  Satan believes he now has the upper hand and is going all out to win.
It is bad enough that people sin, openly, but now they have declared their sins to be righteous behavior and anyone opposed to their antics are evil.  How quickly they have turned the righteousness of God’s people and their own evil ways to just the opposite – now their ways are righteous and those that trust in the Lord are evil.
We do not know how much longer it will be before Christ comes, but until He does we have the obligation to Him to stand fast and maintain our relationship with Him and through it help others find Christ.
Even though society is refuting the words of God, it doesn’t make it ineffective.  People are searching for something beyond themselves.  Even in this heightened desire to scour the Word of God from all public mention, from both our history and our future, God’s Word is still potent and powerful.  There is a recognition from the masses that they need something more than they personally have.
They feel their spiritual needs and are trying to fulfill that need with their debauchery, but many are still being let by the Holy Spirit to search and find what we have as Christians – assurance of salvation and the peace of God.
We cannot allow society to shape our relationship with God – we must stand firm that we will not waiver and that God is the supreme authority of all He has created and not man.
How long God waits is up to God and only He knows His time line.  We may wish that He comes NOW, the world has degenerated past the time of Sodom and Gomorrah - and for the past 50 years I have heard that cry, yet He has not deemed to come.
The thing is, Christ can come for anyone of us at any time.  We could succumb to illness, we could be involved in a fatal accident of some kind or the victim of a violent crime. 
Personally I am not overly concerned about the Second Coming of Christ.  I am more concerned that there are millions of people who die, each year, without Christ.  Dooms day is coming where all will face Christ at the same time, but until that time comes we need to proclaim Christ and help others find Him before the die and eternal death.  One person at a time.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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