Thursday, August 13, 2015

I am so hoping the upcoming surgery(s) help with my A-fib.  I am drained and popping in and out with the accompanying chest pressure and dizziness.  I have to move carefully.
I had been invited to meet with the new volunteers for the Ombudsman program.  I knew that if I did that I had to do it early in the day, before heat and activity drained me.  After the short talk and a couple of errands, I came home in A-fib.
It was so good to see those five fresh faces who will be taking on the advocacy of our people in long term care facilities.  One other was going to attend, but unfortunately broke her shoulder of the weekend and that limited her involvement at this time.
I was able to relate some of my experiences and I could see how they were using those things through their eyes and life skills they have attained through the years and applying what they would do under the circumstances.  Each of them will handle things differently, and that is okay as reinforced by the Deputy.
I gave them some report writing thoughts – using the basic format of Police reports, a brief summary, names of those involved and the narration.  AND yes, I also told them to be detailed – the designer of the on-line report form had added additional space for reports since I always had to do addendums, so they could write as much as they needed to.
It appears to be a good group and they will be a real asset to our communities.
Arrived home to find that Carla had picked a bunch of beans.  She laughed at me the other day when I told her I was ready for some. 
I don’t particularly care for green beans. 
When I was dating her I learned that her family cooked them in a covered cast iron pan with bacon on top of the beans – in effect steaming with some frying of them they are blackened – kinda, when they come out.  I told her I had no interest in trying that.
Over a half century later that is about the only way I eat them now, and I only have them a couple of times during the season.
We are going to have to process tomatoes the next couple of days, but not today.  I was also going to try a new recipe that required the oven, again, not today.  Heat pump isn’t giving us cool air anymore and with a 95 degree outside and 85 inside, I will pass on a 400 degree oven.  Service tech supposed to be here in the morning.
By the way a friend of ours and his family are trying to raise funds so they can bring a couple of children into their home.  They are having a 20 family yard sale.
If you are anywhere around their please stop by – buy something and give them a hug for me. 
‘Earlier this spring, we had a huge yard sale, so it is the same family, but with all new donations for this huge yard sale! Join us again if you can. We'll have bagels, coffee, hot dogs, and cookies for good eats!
150 Manor Church Road, Columbia, PA 17512.
We are near Manor Church just south of Mountville even though we have a Columbia address.
Friday and Saturday 8 am to 4 pm.’ 
Romans 13:12-14 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Only those closest to me know that I am an introvert.  Most people have a hard time believing that, but I am.  We look at things differently than extroverts and for a long while I didn’t understand the difference.
Briefly, introverts are more introspective; people draw down our energy and we need time to ourselves to regroup – it used to bother me that I would go to meetings or training away from home where I had to have a motel room.  Those meetings would last all day and if there was a social function I would attend, but I would be much more drained than many and I would usually go back to my room while others ‘partied’ through the night.  I didn’t understand it and would ask myself why I couldn’t be more like them.
The next day they were in the meeting all refreshed, even if they hadn’t gone to bed until early morning hours.  They were the extroverts; they fed on the energy of others, the more activity the better they did.  Once I realized why I responded the way I did, I became a little more understanding of myself and quit beating myself up.
I was Sheriff and had been for a while at the time.  So, how did I get to that position as an introvert?  There are many people who are introverts that would surprise you.
What I did was put on the uniform, the persona of the position.  I had learned to do that early in life, although I didn’t understand until later why and how that worked for me.
Of course in Law Enforcement we HAVE a uniform, when we wear it the uniform speaks for us and we understand the role we must play to effectively serve our citizens.  Even when we go into plain clothes assignments our mind set is the role we need to play; we take on the character of the position we ARE the Police.
Most introverts, I have found, do the same thing with whatever their profession is – people have an expectation of what the position is supposed to do and that guides them in their actions with others.
For most of us it is like an actor going on the stage.  He wears the appropriate costume, he focuses his mind on the character and how he should act and respond to others in the play and he goes about his job.  Once the act is finished, he reverts back to who he is as a person.
For us introverts, while in that role we are fine, but when we are done we tend to need rest and quiet time away from people so we can recharge our energy cells.  Depending on what the drain is, or how long we had to go, it may take but a few minutes or several hours.
There is a lot more differences, of course, but this is what I was thinking about as I read these verses.
Once I lived and worked as a Police Officer I became a Police Officer – and I didn’t act like one, I WAS one.  That didn’t happen overnight, it came with training, practice and experience – to this day my mind set is geared to law enforcement and though I have been out of the profession for almost 20 years, it has been so ingrained that I still do many of the things I did when I was working.
I never sit with my back to the door unless I have no choice; I always scan a room - particularly in a public area - to see if there is something or someone I should be aware of; my questions and my comments are born from my training and experience as an officer; just to name a few.
As Christians we do the same thing: 
let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ

When we accept Christ we put off the old man and put on the new.   As we learn about what God wants of us, as we study His Word and understand how Christ lived on earth and how He expects us to emulate Him, we start putting on that persona.  We put on the clothing of God and go about our day. 
The longer we have been a Christian the more elaborate that new man’s cloak should be.
Now, it is important to understand that we do not imitate Christ.  To do so implies we are acting like Him, that we are just actors, and our service has no meaning other than appearances – it does not recognize that when we put Christ on, we change – we are His servant totally committed to doing the work that He has demanded of us.
Instead of imitating Christ, we allow Christ to inhabit our thoughts and heart and allow Him to work through us to reach and teach others about His Saving Grace.  It is not something we wear one day and place in the closet the rest of the time.  We must become Christ; we must do that 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Being a Christian requires us to have Christ so engrained in our life, that whatever we do reflects on His glory.  It is a total representation, a total commitment that lasts our lifetime - for eternity.
We will grow, we will become more effective Ambassadors for Him as we delve into His Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, but it comes only when we put the body of Christ on in not only our hearts, but our lives.  We become a reflection of Him that people see when they meet with us.
This DOES NOT mean we become God.  But it does mean that we have such a strong relationship with God that we act as He would act if He was standing right here.
I do not want to be an imitation of you, Lord, I want to be that perfect reflection of who you are so you can be glorified.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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