Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Not as warm today, and windy, but still 90 degrees is a bit more that we can handle any more for a very long period of time.
We had three bucks come into our garden this morning, nice racks which are still in velvet.  So far we have also identified two doe traveling together and a couple of bucks with spikes.
I told the does yesterday to move along, they were finding the roses a delectable menu.  They looked back at me and then went farther in the garden and looked back at me – I told them they were to go all the way out, and they turned looked around the garden for a moment and then headed down the driveway.  They mind better than some people’s kids.
The bucks, this morning, fed a bit on the alfalfa and then headed into the neighbor’s yard.
Had a few more tomatoes.  Cherries are doing well this year, one of Teresa’s friends at work has a small orchard and let her and Carla go down and pick all they wanted.  We had plenty of fresh fruit and canned four canners of quarts.
One of Carla’s coworkers has a tree and she gave Carla a few gallons, so we are doing well.
Proverbs 3:30  Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.
There is a professional football player who is out of control.  He has an addiction – not sure what of but he is absolutely self-destructing.
He put himself in rehab, came out, said all the right things but he went back to his outrageous behavior and eventually lost his job.  He has little chance of playing in the NFL again.  To do so would require a visible turning around and live his life in such away that he can be trusted.
From the accounts I have read and listened to in the past couple of years he was one of those golden boys in high school and college that could get away with anything.
He learned how to look humble, apologize and then shortly after went back to his old form.
He is a gifted player, but he doesn’t want to work at his craft he wants to rely on his natural abilities.  From his actions he seems to think that he should be held to a different standard than anyone else, and unfortunately, from the sounds of it, he has been held to any standards until his professional football coach benched him and told him to straighten up.
He was given several chances but continued in his spiral down into the depths of addiction and apparently has hit bottom yet.
Yesterday his father, afraid for his son and what is happening in his life, blamed the ‘system’ for failing his son.  He accused the doctors of not doing their job, when he went into rehab but only lasted a few days and then left, they should have held him there.  It is THEIR fault he continues to destroy himself.
The father, is like a lot of parents these days.  They enable their children to do things that everyone agrees is detrimental.
If the child commits a crime, or doesn’t do well in school or any number of things where he is creating havoc in his own life and the lives of others the parent doesn’t accept any responsibility for the actions and blames it on others, they don’t even hold their child responsible.
The officers are picking on him, the teachers don’t like him and therefore they are taking actions against him that are unwarranted and unfair.
It is not my fault, it is someone else’s.  In effect blaming others falsely, many have tried but haven’t had the support of the parents and the child is unwilling to accept his role as being in trouble, so it is all the fault of the professional that must deal with the aftermath of poor parenting.
Not always is the parent to blame when a child does things that are illegal or against society, the one thing that can change even the best child from a caring home and family is the use of drugs.  Once they are addicted they will do all manner of things that they would never have done before they started using.
But a big part of the mess we are dealing with in this world is parents that refuse to be parents.  None of us is perfect; none of us have made every decision, in raising our children, correctly.  But we must try and do our best and not allow society to raise them and then when they go wrong cover for them and blame society for the failure.
I can remember growing up and knowing that if I got into trouble my folks would hear about it – often before I got home – and discipline me – mom had a special frying pan she used as a paddle – making me aware what I did was unacceptable and it would do no good to blame a friend for leading me astray.
We tried to raise our children the same way – and they are doing the same with their children – no not beating them with a frying pan, a good way to have children’s services at your door – but holding them accountable for their actions and reminding them it is unacceptable by administering some form of punishment to drive home the point.
Unfortunately, more and more we see just the opposite happening in our society.  The parents are not teaching their children to be respectful of others, to stand up for themselves, but to also accept the consequences of what they have done.
While, to some degree, it has always been that way, it has become an epidemic of ruthlessness and not taking responsibility for their own actions.  And our nation is going under because of it, among many other reasons, of course, but this is one of the major blockages to a child becoming a responsible adult.
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bit warm, again, will be the whole week.  There is some wind, which helps reduce its affect, but dries out the garden more.
Barbecued one of the steaks from Rose’s beef day before yesterday, she is learning well from her father and mother – well turned out – having another tonight.  (We have it cut for two, now there was a time where it would have been just right, now we always have leftovers, that is okay, but we can tell our meals are smaller now.)
Quite a few hummingbirds are visiting, going through a quart or more fluid a day.  I have seen lots of videos where there are several hummingbirds all waiting their time to share in the food.  Not here, they continually chase each other around and try to protect the feeders as their own domain – lots of unnecessary energy wasted as when they start after each other, another sneaks up to feed, none of them are going hungry.
John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

I have always read this with the idea that Jesus was just comforting his disciples.  He wanted them to believe and understand that though He would be leaving this world, He would have a place for them in heaven.
However, I think there was a bit more to it.  One of the leading Sects of the Jewish religion were the Sadducees, they denied that there is a resurrection, a life after death.  They of course had their followers.
We don’t know which sect each person following Christ listened to and believed.  Undoubtedly there were men and women of that sect as well as the Pharisees who did believe in the resurrection.
Christ was reaffirming that there indeed was a resurrection and a life after death as a voice against what the Sadducees were teaching and thus reaching out to those that followed that sect.
If we believe that there is no life after death, as the atheist proclaim, then what is the point of following any rules, other than avoiding the pain of consequences?
The way to make those consequences even less is to declare that crimes are not really crimes, changing the legal system or at least crimes that were once considered major are made to be minor with fewer punishments – eventually those too, will be changed.
A good/bad example is the incarceration of mentally ill people.  They were often charged with crimes so they could be taken off the street and placed in secure facilities.
Modern medicine developed a better understanding of the reasons behind many of the problems the mentally ill faced and with it came medications that would help the patient control their problems and lead productive lives, or at least help them reduce the conflicts within their brains.
As a result most mental institutions were closed, while there were still places that those struggling with mental illness could go so they could be watched over and helped, these places are less confining and actually more ‘homey’ in their feel.
Then the problem arose as those with these problems didn’t like the way the medication made them feel.  While under the medication they might be more passive and less aggressive to the rest of the population, many lived in a fog like state, not quite comfortable. 
Since many feel better without the medication they refuse to take it, and unfortunately, many become more violent and conduct is often illegal.
Originally these patients could be forced to take this medication, not only as a benefit to them to keep them from becoming dangerous, but to the public in general to keep them safe and or free from the harassing acts of the unmedicated patient.  
Then the courts ruled that they could not be forced to take the medication against their will, so if they went off the drugs then it was their choice and there is nothing that could be done about it.
Most of these patients are well aware of what going off the medication will do to them, they know that they become violent, aggressive or some other form of anti-social behavior that imperils the life of other citizens.  So they know when they go off the potential of that happening is almost guaranteed.
Yet, when they go off their medication and commit crimes that most citizens would be arrest for, they are not held accountable because after all they are mentally ill and off their medications.
The illness is not their fault in most instances, but refusing to accept medication to remedy it and keep them from dangerous activity should not be just overlooked.  They made a choice, they decided to go off the medicine knowing what they were capable of doing.
Society has argued it is their choice to go off medication, but when they go off there is to be no repercussions.
As I said, good and bad example, but the process of humanitarianism has gone farther than is reasonable.  It is almost like giving most of these people a free ride while interfering with the lives and rights of others.
Because we do it with our laws, we think God will do it with HIS, He does not. 
The same with teachings of His Word, if it says He will do such and such in His Word, He will do it and anyone who twists it to their viewpoint in conflict with His Word will be held accountable.
It is just another example of how we need to read our Bible with the Holy Spirit guiding us.  How, when we read commentaries and see doctrines that we question them and make sure they are correctly interpret God’s Word.
Far too many times good Christians have been led astray by glib tongues and personalities of the preacher and do not bother to research those statements.
As no one can be saved for us, it is an individual relationship with Christ, so too are we responsible for the teachings we choose to believe and follow. 
We want to be sure we are following Christ and not someone else’s ideas.
Later, Art :-)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Woke up this morning for the first time in a long time that I had no pain.  I feel better today than I have in months.
Trusting that I really am on the road to as full recovery – at least as much as I can be.
HOT the past couple days and will be for at least the rest of the week.  Carla’s garden is doing okay, just demanding more water, which we expect.  She brought in the first of the blackberries this morning, most were ready, a couple were still a bit green and tart.  But the handful was nice to have.
Deer are doing a lot more visiting.  A couple have even chosen to bed down on the north part of the property.  Young bucks probably trying to escape all the activity in the orchards during the harvest.  Thus far they are sticking to the wild alfalfa she lets grow for them and leaving everything else alone.
Philippians 1:20-21 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
As I meditated on God’s Word today, the overwhelming desire is to be like Him. 
It is indeed a lofty goal, one that doesn’t come naturally.  We must first KNOW who Christ is, we must understand not only is He our Savior, but He expects us to mirror what He did on earth.
To help us we have the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and direct us.  When we study His Word under the influence of the Holy Spirit we find that these are more than just words, they breathe life, they establish a boundary for us to live in and a guide for us to serve Him.
But, we look at our life and we see so many times we have failed God.  We know how history, we know how weak we are and we know that even though He is there to help we have turned our back on Him.
How can I possibly say that my life is a direct reflection of Him and when people see me they know that He dwells within and my actions and my words are the voice of Christ.
Yet, we know, as AW Tozer points out that “There are rare Christians whose very presence incites others to be better Christians.  I want to be that rare Christian.”
Rarely have these people had little sin in their lives.  When we meet them we are often meeting the person they have become over a lifetime and it isn’t a coincidence that they are men and women of more advanced age.  It took time for them to attain that level of trust and peace in Christ.
While I have met many outstanding Christians in my life, I have met very few who meet that criteria of their very presence making a difference in another Christian’s life.  It is the way they hold themselves, their confidence, speech and face adversity; they are even in their emotions and solid on a foundation of understanding who God is and who they are in Him.
They are very humble and really don’t need to speak, they just ‘are in Christ’ and we just feel their in depth relationship with Christ, like an energy wave emitting from them and we want to be like them.
We often have not seen the struggles they have had in life, the things that they have endured and the hours the daily spend in prayer and communication with God.  But we see the end results and we want to be like them, strong in Christ.
Will I ever be able to give that kind of impression on people?  I do not know, truth be told I really don’t think I am capable of it.  But, that doesn’t excuse me for striving to, at all times, have Christ and His Life shine through me.
It takes work and determination, no halfhearted attempt but a full dedication to Christ and that only comes from paying the price of prayer, studying His Word, following the Holy Spirit and displaying Christ’s love and practicing until it becomes a sincere part of who we are in Him.
Later, Art :-)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Had some fresh tomatoes from Carla’s garden a while back, mid-June, earliest we have had any ripe enough to pick.  They were the smaller ones, like cherry tomatoes, but they were delicious and a promise of things to come.
Can’t wait to pair some up with bacon and Swiss cheese on sour dough bread!
Wrestling with eyes this today.  Never know when they will be a problem.  They can start bothering me at any time and make it difficult for me to see – and read and write – as well as use power tools, have to be extra careful.
Since I have been on the medication that exacerbates the condition I haven’t driven.   I have investigated far too many accidents by impaired drivers using prescription drugs to put anyone else at risk.
The medication is necessary so that when my heart goes into A-fib it is ‘contained’ so it doesn’t go into the 180’s and when my heart settles down it doesn’t go into the low 40’s heart rates.
The ablation surgery I had earlier is supposed to remedy my A-fib and the medication was continued as a precaution until they are sure it worked.  I haven’t felt like I have gone into a-fib for the past months and hope when I see the cardiologist next month we can get off it.
Definitely limits what I can do.
Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
It is a good warning for us.  Nothing we do is hidden from the Lord, whether good or evil, God sees us wherever we are and whatever we do.
We may try to make excuses for our behavior, like, “God isn’t finished with me yet,” or, “it was just a little thing and I needed it to calm down or make myself happy.” 
We try and live for Christ when people see us.  We try to be careful in our activities and the way we respond to challenges we want people to see Christ within us.  Not always are we successful, but we try and when we fail we do what we can to remedy the situation and apologize to God asking forgiveness.
It usually isn’t the public things we do that get us into the most problems, it is the things we do in private when we don’t think anyone is looking.
But God is always aware, with the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we can’t possible hide what we are doing, our lives, minds and hearts are always open to God. 
While those that refuse Him may believe in doing so He doesn’t care, but they are wrong.  Just because they refuse to acknowledge Him, His dominion over them, or His laws doesn’t mean He doesn’t still see what they are doing.
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
On the other side of that ‘coin’ is the fact that no matter where we are, no matter what we are going through, while we may feel lost and afraid God can still see us.  He can still see our hearts and concerns.
While others may try to keep us from Him, may try to hide us in their corrupted webs, He still sees us and is with us.
Mathew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Amen, in deed!
Later, Art :-)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The past few weeks have been ‘interesting.’  Problems with operations, use of medications to battle one area in my health (following doctor’s orders) complicating some other one.
Doing better, more able to concentrate, read and write.  My devotions continued even though I had to step back for a bit in my writings, just couldn’t organize my thoughts well enough.
‘nuff of that.
Had an interesting experience a few weeks ago.  I got on the computer in the morning to find that I was now on Windows 10 – even though I had not requested it.
Since it was there I thought I might as well see what I can do with it.  However, it slowed down my computer, froze up all the time, downloading all ads and automatically playing those that were videos. 
After a few days I got tired of it and called Tech support, Century Link has a good staff and can help on most things so I don’t have to take the computer downtown and be without a computer for at least two weeks.
They cleaned up a lot of ‘junk.’ The computer was back to normal speed for all of about four days.  And then back to the freezing not even letting me close the pages without shutting down and restarting the computer.
So, I called them back and asked they try once again, also thinking we just might go back to Windows 7, where problems were minimal.
I was transferred from the call taker to the technician that would help me. 
Somehow, and to this day I STILL am not sure how it came about, I started talking on the phone to a technician who I thought was Century Link but wasn’t affiliated with them.
We talked at length about my situation; he advised me to install a different virus protector along with a couple other programs that would help resolve the problems.  I had heard of one of them but not the other, but the one I had heard of is a good product, so I said go ahead and do it – STILL thinking I was on the line to Century Link.
I had opened up access to the tech guy and he was in my computer working and checking the disc. 
I asked him if the cost of the software was to be charged to my phone bill or did I need to give a credit card – he needed a credit card.  I still thought I was talking with Century Link so gave it to him.
We were well into the process when he gave the name of his company and code word to use when dealing with them.
I asked, ‘isn’t this Century Link.’  ‘No,’ was the reply. 
I asked, ‘how did I get you?’  He wasn’t sure, but he said his firm did work for a number of different companies.
The bottom line was I hung up, shut down the computer and called tech support at Century Link, to find that was not a company they use – that they did their own work.
I went through the process of having them remove anything the other firm had done and asked them to remove Windows 10 and put Windows 7 back on.
If you have ever canceled a credit card transaction you know how difficult it can be. 
I explained to the credit card rep what happened and I thought I had been scammed.  She checked my account to find that while not posted yet, the card had been tied up for the amount of money I had agreed to pay.  She could not stop the payment.
So, over the next couple of hours I wrote down exactly what happened so when I challenged the charge I could complete the forms I had to fill out at the credit union saying why I canceled it.
From past experience I knew one of the things they ask us to do is to ‘work’ with the company we had originally charged the card to – so the next morning I called them. 
I do believe they are a legitimate firm so my computer is not at risk.  They listened to the tape of the call with their employee and they could hear I thought I was dealing with Century Link and not another firm.
They tried to get me to continue with them, even offering to reduce the costs.  I told them I just didn’t trust them. 
I had not been told at the start of the card who I was dealing with and none of us could figure out how it all happened.  The ‘only’ thing I can think of – and I really don’t recall if this is what happened – the call taker from Century Link told me he was putting me through to tech support and then hung up.  At that very moment the other firm called me.
The other firm DOES do work for different firms and the reason the caller had called me was I was somehow on a list of those that had used another software provider that was no longer in business.  Don’ know how I got on THAT list, but after talking to the ‘boss’ I was satisfied nothing nefarious was going on.
They refunded the money immediately so I didn’t have to go to the office and file all the paper work.
We get calls all the time of someone from India, claiming to be Jim or George or Mary, etc. was responding to our computer telling them there is a problem.  It is so obvious a scam I can’t believe people actually fall for it – but, obviously they do or the scammers would stop.
I thought for a bit, that they had become more sophisticated and were now using Americans to do the scam.  Fortunately, once Century Link worked over my computer – eight hours later, after I asked Century Link to take care of the problem, I was back on line, limited though my use was for a while.
Nahum 1:3-7  The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.
5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
6 Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.
7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

The world is becoming more and more of a scary place.  We have gone away from God and do whatever pleases us, without regards to His Words AND His warnings.
We see deep seated hatred all around us, people are no longer caring what they say, how they say it nor who it might hurt.
What God has always declared as sin, we revel in it and changed the definition from sin, to freedom of choice. 
Anger is welling up, calm voices do not seem to have any power any longer.  No one is truly listening, intent on spewing their hatred onto others, and many are resorting to violence against those that they disagree with.
We are seeing more and more violence from ‘nature’ as fires and floods consume millions of acres and thousands of homes, people are losing their livelihoods and property and, what is even worse, people are dying as the result.
We send our young men to war and then forget them when they come back broken and in need of understanding and healing; yet, those that refuse to contribute to the rest of society are being well fed and cared for by the government.
Are values of become disjointed and undefined.  We have demanded that God be removed from all parts of our world and strike out at whoever may disagree.
We know that the destruction of minds, the hatred spewing out, and the anger is a direct result of our actions against God, our denial of not only His authority but even His existence.
We read that God is slow to anger – yet once He does He uses all areas of this world to discipline those that defy Him.  Not just as retribution and punishment, but from a sincere desire to get our attention so that we turn back to Him.
How much of the ‘natural’ disasters are actually allowed by God to get our attention?
Is He fulfilling the words of Nahum and other prophets, as well as the actions He had to take against His chosen people to get their attention?
If the world and particularly America turned back to Him would He calm the seas, bring forth water to our drying land and make country that was once fertile and productive but has turned to desert and wilderness these past few years be once again providing food for the people?
I don’t know.  I do know that the problems besetting this world are directly derived from the world’s insistence that they no longer need to consider God – and His patience is and has been wearing thin.
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that TRUST in him.

As Christians we have the ability and duty to stand firm for God in Christ.  We have the ability and duty to continue to share His Word and love to others.  We have the ability and duty to pray for our country and world that people would turn from their sins and come to God.
We have the ability and duty to lovingly lead the way to salvation and correct the problems in this world.
Later, Art :-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Third doctor’s appointment this week.  Doing okay, but I have some health issues to deal with, but it looks like they will and are going to be okay – eventually.
Much cooler today, and Carla’s plants are much appreciative.  Wind is blowing, which also dehydrates plants, but they are doing well.
Now, it is just a matter of continuing to keep them watered and feed them on a regular basis so they will be strong and resistant to the heat.
2 Chronicles 32:6-8 And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,
7 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:
8 With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

How many times do we face trials and obstacles in our life?  We make bold statements to others about how God will protect us; how He will intervene in our situation.
We are sincere when we make that proclamation – and then time starts going against us.  We expect a miracle right now; we expect relief and guidance on our terms in our time frames.
There are times that it is necessary that something happen immediately – or so we think – but, God knows the true timing for His involvement or support of us.
The enemy has amassed an army against us, we look around and see the hopelessness of our cause, even though we know but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles!
But satan isn’t through with us yet.  Just as Sennacherib king of Assyria tried to beat down the will of the people, just as he tried to make King Hezekiah look foolish and turn the people against him, just as he tried to wage a war of words, satan uses those same tactics against us. 
Satan downplays God’s ability to take care of us; he belittles Him and tries to make us mistrust Him.
Verses 13-14 Know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of other lands? were the gods of the nations of those lands any ways able to deliver their lands out of mine hand?
14 Who was there among all the gods of those nations that my fathers utterly destroyed, that could deliver his people out of mine hand, that your God should be able to deliver you out of mine hand?

We start questioning what we know and our faith because we don’t see immediate relief and satan keeps whispering in our ear those things that make us, personally, feel we are unworthy, that God couldn’t possible concern Himself with us.
We can become demoralized and distraught.
But Hezekiah shows us how to deal with those lies.
Verses 20-22 And for this cause Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven.
21 And the Lord sent an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him there with the sword.
22 Thus the Lord saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side.

We need to communicate both our faith and our fears to God.  We need to be honest with Him and seek His peace and direction even though it would ‘appear’ we are without hope.
The people of Jerusalem trusted God; they listened to Hezekiah and refused to give up. 
God honored their faith.
No matter how bleak it looks, God knows what He is doing and will stand by us in every situation.
We may not get the results we thought we were going to receive but God really does know best and will take care of any and all situations in His time and for His Glory that others will see and come to Him.
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

104 degrees, officially, 114 degrees in our garden, yesterday.  It is about 10 degrees cooler, as of this writing than it was at the same time yesterday – we are supposed to cool down over the next few days.
That will be good, Saturday Ian graduates – the ceremony is held outdoors.  The temp is supposed to be 72 degrees, with a possibility of rain.  I will bring my own chair and try and get into the small grove of trees above the field – so I am out of the sun, have four meds that say cover up when outside in the sun – don’t get too hot and don’t sweat heavily. 
I appreciate the cooler weather.
Not too sure just how I am going to handle it if the ceremony last too long, we will have to see.
2 Chronicles 25:1-2 Amaziah was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.
2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.

And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.
This, of course is not the first time God tells us that regardless of what we are doing in His Name, if our heart is not right it is meaningless.
We can go through the actions, and they may indeed help someone, but if we claim to be doing it for God and our heart is telling HIM something else, He doesn’t honor our work.
I can remember a Sergeant I worked with who knew what a good Sergeant should do to lead his men – but it was all form.  His heart was not in it and the officers knew it. 
Even though he was going by the book, it was obvious he just didn’t have the understanding of how to reach the crew.  They were professionals and continued to do their job, regardless, but he wasn’t as effective as other Sergeants in motivating his men.
We know the form, we know the format in worship and prayer, but does it come from the heart.  Do we honor God at all times with our heart – or just our words?
If we are not careful it is easy to forget who we owe our success to – even if we say otherwise - and we find we are going through the motions and not doing them with a perfect heart.
Later as God gave Him victory over his enemies, Amazian chose not to recognize or honor God:
Verse3 14-15  Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up to be his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense unto them.
15 Wherefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against Amaziah, and he sent unto him a prophet, which said unto him, Why hast thou sought after the gods of the people, which could not deliver their own people out of thine hand?

Why hast thou sought after the gods of the people, which could not deliver their own people out of thine hand?
Indeed why?
Why would he honor idols, when God is the one who gave him the victory?
Why would he turn from God to worship idols?
Yet, we also have to be careful, because we could end up doing the same thing.  It is important to be in constant communications with our Lord. 
The world besets us with satan’s temptations every day, it is dangerous to rely on past experiences, only, we must renew our heart before God, daily, and sometimes several times a day as satan throws sin our way.
Only God has the power and authority to deliver us from evil, and He expects us to have a heart molded by Him, to forget that could be fatal.
Later, Art :-)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Been a rather difficult week.  Had a problem earlier in the week, I let it go a bit thinking it would take care of itself.  It didn’t.  It got a lot worse.
Called the doctor’s office here in The Dalles and talked to the triage nurse.  She didn’t like the sounds of it, so told me she would contact the doc, who was in Hood River on Fridays.
She then made an appointment for me for that afternoon at 1300.  He called back and told me that he was going to order some anti-biotics as he thought it stemmed from an infection.  Then we set up a meeting for Tuesday when he is back in town.
One of his associates would be on call and could help me if the problem worsened over the weekend.
Thus far it is static, although still sore – I took some ibuprofen which helped with both the pain AND the swelling, so thus far we are managing.
It was a good thing we didn’t go to Hood River.  At the time of our appointment there was a train wreck in Mosier – a small community between The Dalles and Hood River.
Tanker cars of crude oil derailed and caught fire.  It was close to the freeway so they shut down the freeway between The Dalles and Hood River. 
The alternative route that people were sent on was to go over the Hood River bridge or The Dalles bridge – depending on direction of travel, hit Washington’s Highway 14 – a two lane road – so they could continue on.
HOWEVER the road became so compacted, both ways, it took hours just to cross the bridge not to mention traveling that short 22+/- miles.  EVERYTHING was backed up, trucks part alongside the road and since there was narrow shoulders they had part of their vehicle on the traveled part of the highway.
Deed left work at 1800 hours going west bound on the freeway and then went through some other roads to get around most of the stuck traffic (helps when you know the area.)  STILL it took her over 4 hours where she normally would be on the road for about one and a half hours.
On top of that she almost ran over an idiot that had set up his tripod in the middle of one of the roads – at night – black clothes.  She yelled at him to get off the road, he shrugged it off.  She said at least put some flares on the road to give warning to drivers since he was way too hard to see.  He couldn’t do that – it would ruin his picture!
Carla looked out our kitchen window about 2200.  From there we can see across the river and highway 14.  She noticed red lights flashing; it looked like the rope type of Christmas tree lights.  It took her a couple of minutes, but she realized that was the traffic on Highway 14 bumper to bumper.
IF we had gone to Hood River, and IF we found out about the traffic before getting in the middle of it, we would have gone south on highway 35 and taken the cut-off to Dufur and then back up 197 to The Dalles.  It would take a bit, but probably far less time than just getting across the bridge in Hood River – it was a mess.
One of the reasons why you don’t leave town without a full – or almost full tank of gas, no matter how far you plan on driving – who knows how many vehicles ran out of gas as they sat there idling for hours.
Psalms 145:3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.
Science is amazing.  Everyday scientist are learning more and more about the earth, people, space, animals, things in general.
With each new discovery they find how complicated all of this is, how so much is undecipherable because the deeper they go the more complicated things are.
Originally we were told a simple, single cell was just that a single cell.  But as technicians developed stronger and stronger microscopes we learn that even the simplest of cells is complicated, it is like a miniature factory with many facets.
So why do so many scientist proclaim that everything evolved from a rock, or an indescribable piece of matter smaller than a period on this paper all of the sudden exploded and the universe is the result?
We look at man’s invention and we marvel.  The ingenuity of mankind is attributed to random and unforeseen forces that somehow come together.  The universe is magnificent, but it just came about of its own accord.
We are told that it took billions of years to be where we are right now – course if you place a piece of anything on the ground, it doesn’t become something else – other than rust if medal or dust if bio-degradable – it doesn’t create a superior life form. 
Even billions of years wouldn’t make any difference.
We look at a statue or a painting, we look at a house and we admire the results, how beautiful how well done and put together.
No one even thinks of saying that these items were self-created, we know better.  They developed from the fertile mind of a person who had the skill and ability to produce them, either by themselves or in tandem with others.
We don’t praise the art for being the art, but the artist for their creation.
Yet, man denies that there was a Creator.  Man denies that there is a God who created it all, who composed the universe and all that is in it with His mind and spoke it into being with His voice.   
Hard as it may be for us to get our minds wrapped around the concept, the evidence is there, in plain view.  Every plant, every animal, and every human has the same characteristics – they are unique and complicated.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.
Man’s ability and ingenuity to design instruments to look into these incredible things on earth only prove that God’s work is so great we will never fully discover His depth.
The more we learn the more we realize He is God and He deserves our praise, not just our thanks, not just our prayers for His intervention, but for WHO and WHAT He is – He is God, He is the Creator.
Later, Art :-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hot and windy today, clouds covering us which creates a higher humidity that we normally get – it felt like the skies might open up, but thus far they haven’t.
One of the side effects of a couple of my meds is dehydration and I have been warned to be careful and not only have plenty of fluids but watch my activities.  In addition one of them, if I am exposed to too much sun, will cause my skin to be grey and even a possibility of blue.
Would like to get off them, and there is potential when I meet with my Cardiologist next month that I can, just have to wait and see.
2 Corinthian 11:14-15 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Con artists want people to think the best of them, so they work hard at giving the appearance of strong and reliable people, so they can take their money, sometimes their homes and other possessions and when the victim finds out, the con artist has even stolen their dignity and self-worth.
The con artist has learned how to ‘read’ people looking for cues from the victim that he can use to make them believe in him.
He is wearing a ‘mask.’  He is hiding his true identity so that he gains his ‘marks’ confidence and trust.
He appears to be an upstanding person, but in reality he is a crook.
But the con artist isn’t the only one that wears a mask; to a degree we all wear masks. 
We often want to appear different than we are, so we become actors – of a sort.  Inside we are nervous and afraid so we try to appear brave and strong.
Sometimes it fools people other times people see right through us.
Police Officers have a long probationary period.  Some departments have 12 months others 18 and even 24 months.
One of the reasons for that is people can hide behind a façade for only so long before they show what is deeper inside them.  The real person often comes out in times of stress – we watch how new police officers handle it, early in their training we put them through scenarios to gauge their ability to handle something while at the same time exposing them to things that might happen on the street.
One of the things I learned early on as a Police Officer is that when I put the uniform on my boss, my fellow officers and the citizens have a certain conduct they expect of me.
I learned that the uniform is kind of a disguise of sorts.  Things that I may have difficulty doing or saying off-duty are easier because of the expectations and the uniform.
With it comes respect and the honest citizens feel more secure knowing we are there to help them. 
We learn how to speak to someone, whether a citizens or suspect, in a way that we get compliance from the person.
It doesn’t work all the time and right now, especially in the larger departments, there is a lack of respect by citizens – where before they might have stood up for the police, now they have questions.
Fair or unfair it is going to take time to garner people’s trust.  It has happened before and it will happen again, the officers just have to do the best they can to overcome bad elements that have infiltrated the agencies – or the perception they have.
Satan uses con artists.  He strives to gain our confidence and get into our head so he can put a wall up between God and us.
He is very clever, and, unfortunately, he works through people who we have trusted with our spiritual education.  He appears to have a good message, but when we compare what he is saying to what the Bible says, we can expose him.
As Christians we take people at face value.  As a people we tend to be trussing and we do not take the necessary care in making decision to believe or follow someone.
It is a good thing, but it can be used and abused by people who have wormed their way into pulpits and teaching positions where their goal is to make us question what we know to be true.
Before we go ‘whole hog’ in support of a leader we want to make sure he is following God, that he is not trying to teach ‘doctrines’ that are contrary to the Bible.
Far too many cults and heretics are able to ‘convert’ others to their way of thinking because the charismatic leader is charming and intelligent.  He tells people what they want to hear and doesn’t give them a lot of time to investigate his teachings.
We have also seen Preachers, Evangelists and other ‘men of God’ start out correctly.  But somewhere along the way they lost their way.  They started teaching and preaching half-truths, and because they weren’t challenged, they continued on the wrong path.
We are responsible for our salvation.  We are responsible for our relationship with God.  The vast majority of our church leaders are sincere and trustworthy, we can depend on them, they preach God’s Word.
Unfortunately, like a few bad cops make it hard for the rest of them, a few bad Christians makes it harder on the rest of us.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
That verse isn’t just for teachers and preachers, it is for all of us.
Later, Art :-)