Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Today is my second birthday.
John 3:3  KJV  “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
It was a small Foursquare Church in Redmond, Ore. 
I had been used to elaborate churches, this was not one of them.
I noted that it had a water spot, where the roof had once leaked directly above the pulpit. 
The platform was small with low benches for an altar. 
But it wasn’t the building that brought me there, it was the relationships I had formed with Carla, her family and her friends.
I first attended an evening service when the youth group had returned from a Spring Break tour of several churches where they sang and gave their testimonies. 
One young lady had come forward and accept Christ as her Savior.
It was as if they had come down from a mountain top, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and their demeanor, singing and testimonies reflected that.
The service started out with congregational singing, my church only had choirs from balcony, no congregational singing.
Over the next few weeks I had several questions I needed answered and the Pastor, Cook, was very helpful.
The fourth week, April 25th, I attended the Youth meeting.  Pud Earp was finishing a series of lessons on the Book of Revelation.  His last comment was, I used to attend services and listen to the message, then go home at night and tremble in my bed because I was afraid of what would happen to me without Jesus as my Savior.
Finally, I submitted and have had the reassurance ever since.
I don’t recall the sermon that night, only that I knew that I needed Jesus as my Savior.
It wasn’t that easy, I spent many minutes – I have no idea how many – kneeling and praying and trying to figure it all out at the altar.
Pud came up and talked with me, prayed with me, others did the same.
Finally the weight of my sin was lifted as I finally understood that all I had to do was admit I was a sinner and ask God’s forgiveness through the sacrifice and blood of His Son, Jesus.
That was 53 years ago tonight; about the time that I am now finishing this text. 
While I wish I could say I never let Him down; I can’t.
But, I can say, He has never let me down.
Today is may born again birthday, my 53rd!
And I still thank Him for that blessing 53 years ago.
Later, Art (-:

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Got a bug running around in our neck of the woods, been wrestling with something the past couple of days and Steven is sick and down today.  Rarely does he get ill, but he is and it caused him to miss church this morning which is even rarer.
We will be fine, it just isn’t fun.
Fixin’ some chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed corn, and biscuits for lunch with a cherry cobbler for desert.  I should be able to eat, Steven is still down – but there are always leftovers.
Getting’ hungry.  But, Carla is just now getting off and I promised her that it would be about 1400 for lunch.
Hebrews 9:26-28  KJV  “ For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
In today’s age I am finding more and more people who do not ‘need’ to accept God as the Creator, the All Knowing, the Savior.
There has always been a resistance by humanity to acknowledge their need of a Savior.
“I am a good person, I do XYZ, if I make mistakes and I am sorry, that should be enough – if God is as loving as you claim then He will forgive me and if there is a heaven, let me in.”
“Why should I burden myself with the travails of a ‘religious life?’  The self-proclaimed Christians I know are always miserable, afraid they will offend God by committing a sin, rather than enjoying life.”
Then of course now the current sentiments are that to discuss Christ is being offensive to everyone who doesn’t believe in Him – or don’t want to be called out for their sins.
The Christian is being figuratively clapped into irons with a band on their mouth by laws and accusations of hatred that continued to be drawn tighter for those that want to share His love and Word with others.
Some governments within the United States are trying to get power over even the preacher in his pulpit proclaiming God’s Word to those that believe in a like manner.
Trying to explain that all will go before the judgment seat of God to someone that doesn’t want to listen has become more difficult – but it has always been that way from one degree to another.
We know that Christians have been persecuted, incarcerated, tortured and killed because of their proclamations for centuries.  And, of course, we know that in many countries throughout our world today Christians are still undergoing these conditions created by their government.
It would appear that America may not be far behind.  The laws that have been passed by man that make sins legal and proclaiming God’s Word offensive makes it difficult to help the sinner understand that just because something is lawful doesn’t mean it is not sinful.
But it falls on deaf ears. 
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
   Still, we have an obligation to God to share His Gospel.  Because it may be difficult doesn’t relieve us of that responsibility. 
    Christ’s churches are growing and thriving in some of the most oppressive countries in the world.  God moves because Christians pray, know the Word and share it with others.
    It is amazing, when you allow the Holy Spirit to direct your path, how many opportunities we have of sharing God’s love with others; allowing the Holy Spirit to use us in reaching even the most difficult people.
    It can be difficult to testify, and even discouraging when in doing so it seems to be on deaf ears, but we never know how those words and actions are going to affect the person down the road – nor how the Holy Spirit is reaching them.
    We may be the first person that shares Jesus’ love with them, we may be somewhere in the middle, or we may be the last – where we are is not as important as obeying God as He directs us.
    We are not responsible for the results, only the obedience to God.   He will do the rest.
    We just have to remember, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
    And show our genuine concern and love.
Later, Art (-:

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Just found out that people were unable to purchase my book “Elected Through Terror.” 
For those who have watched “Wild, Wild Country” it is a bit of the ‘rest of the story’ as Paul Harvey used to say.
Even Klindt’s couldn’t get it.  Steven got it fixed.  I had a few books at home so took them down to Klindt’s (signed.)  We do have more coming and I am sure Klindt’s should be able to handle your needs shortly.
You can get it on Amazon, but I like to promote local businesses whenever possible so please use Klindt’s if you are in our area.
In our neck of the woods we are seeing some sunshine, between rain.  I am not complaining.  We need the moisture and I am told that Mt. Hood will be getting a couple of feet of snow, while it doesn’t translate to 24 inches of water, it does make a difference.
What I do not care for is the wind that is accompanying the sunshine, it really stirs up the allergens and I am under attack.
24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
Far too many people think that going to church once a week satisfies their commitment to God.
How many times have we heard that religion and business do not mix (of course you could also add schools, politics, or other situations.)
But there is more to being a Christian than ‘religion.’  It is a relationship with and a commitment to follow Christ.  Not part-time, when I feel like it, when it suits me or any other lame excuse for not being responsible to Him.
If we are working somewhere that forbids us to talk about ‘religion’ whatever that is, it doesn’t mean we don’t live for Christ.
We can be Christ like without having to preach to others – while I realize it is more difficult today than in my days of employment, it is still possible to show our faith and eventually have people come to us wanting to know how we have that peace.
They will be drawn by the Holy Spirit.
Can’t talk on duty, fine, meet afterwards.
As a Christian our light – His light shining through us – should always be visible and attractive.
Mathew 5:16  KJV  “  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
We need to charge it up DAILY.  We need to recommit ourselves, DAILY.  Not that He can’t work through us if we miss a day or two, or even longer, but we become less in tune with His Spirit and miss opportunities to show His love and understanding through us.
That doesn’t mean He doesn’t care we that we have a family to support, or a responsibility to our employers or customers/clients/patients.  It means that as we live our life, we should be sure that HE is in our life. 
That we are living for Him, that we are His Ambassador, His child that wants to share Him with others.  Every day, wherever we are and whatever the circumstances.
We take up our Cross, not someone else’s, OURS.  While some of us may have similar responsibilities in our service to Him, each person has a separate relationship with Him, a separate mission that He wants us to full-fill.
“let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
I want to be in tune with God.  I want to be able to so see into His mission for me so well that it is automatic.
I am mindful of people who know exactly what is on others minds and can work in unison automatically.
I remember talking to a suspect.  I made the decision to arrest him.  My back up pulled out his cuffs and started to cuff him as I placed him under arrest.
I asked the officer how he knew I was going to place him under arrest, “you always rub your hands together just before you tell them” was the reply.
It was a tell.  When we are around people enough we can see it and actually know what they are thinking or going to do – usually. 
I want to be that close to God, so when He wants me to do something I know exactly what do to and when; I will see His tell.
To do that, the first thing I have to do his make that daily commitment to Him.
Later, Art (-: 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hey, Carla was elated!  We had sunshine and just a bit of wind in our neck of the woods and she got to play in the dirt most of the day before going to work. 
I have been trying to concentrate on condensing my thoughts on the Rajneesh era to about 20 minutes.  It is hard.
Not only because I tend to talk too much, but because there are so many important points of discussion that I would like to cover; nay, need to cover in order to help people understand.
I have been trying to get back into my frame of mind when I was a member of Toastmasters and had to give my speeches in a three and a half to seven-minute time frame – but those speeches were about only one, maybe two subjects.
Steven and I were discussing my struggles.  He reminded me that I should prioritize and hit the key points first, then filling them in with more detail as time permitted.
I will have a test run tomorrow at Rotary and be giving the same information over the next few months to other organizations.
If you are interested I would be more than happy to talk to your group also – and given enough time I can schedule to go out of town within reason of course, across country will probably not work.  (-:
As I give those talks it will be interesting to see how many have watched the Netflix series “Wild, Wild West.” 
I wasn’t going to watch it, I don’t have Netflix and from what others had been telling me I didn’t think it would be all that pertinent – however, saw Ed Goodman – retired Captain/Asst. Chief of The Dalles PD, - in the store and he encouraged me to watch it. He said it had some good information but left out some really key parts.
As those of you know that have been following me, I did watch it and have made comments on it. 
However, for those that have seen it I can shorten a lot of my basic general comments and get down to more detail – the problem is going to be, I am sure, that not everyone has watched it, but we can work with that.
I will be giving a talk with an organization in Levingston, Washington later this summer.  I was requested to come and talk by a former The Dalles(ian).  She was here for part of it, but her knowledge, at this time, was mostly hear-say and you know how that can be.
Four years is a lot of time to condense to 20 minutes, but we will do it.  While most people will have to go back to work or wherever they need to go, I will remain at these meeting sites answering as many questions as they want to ask.  I have plenty of time!
“Among the enemies to devotion none is so harmful as distractions. Whatever excites the curiosity, scatters the thoughts, disquiets the heart, absorbs the interests or shifts our life focus from the kingdom of God within us to the world around us—that is a distraction; and the world is full of them. Our science-based civilization has given us many benefits but it has multiplied our distractions and so taken away far more than it has given....”  Tozer
Mathew 6:6  KJV  “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Our busy world takes up so much of our space and time it is difficult to spend meaningful time with God.
I find that often when I strive to go to that quiet place and am successful I still have difficulty.
I will be praying for certain things, first my wife, children and their children and spouses, then family and friends and special needs and the next thing I know I am thinking about how we did something together, which then takes me to an even farther place that has nothing to do with my prayers.
Or, I am praising and thanking God to find myself thinking about something else entirely.
I don’t know if you have that problem, but it is very real and frustrating to me. 
Concentration, in prayer, trying to avoid any distraction is hard, HARD work for me!  Satan seems to get my thoughts moving in a different direction and before I know it I am not praising God; my mind is somewhere else and I don’t remember when it veered off.
One of the things that seems to help me refocus is remembering the many names of God.  Reminding myself and thanking Him for the blessings from Him concerning the reasons for that name.
While I can do it for a few minutes I start to struggle when it gets to 15 or 20.
I recently went to a site with all the names of God.  One of the most significant, to me, is:
Exodus 3:15  KJV   “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.”
And that name is applied to Jesus, by Jesus Himself:
John 8:58  KJV  “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
And the Jewish leaders knew exactly what He meant and were upset because He called Himself God.
John 8:59  KJV  “Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.” 
Calling Him by some of His other names, thanking Him for His blessings that stem from that name or event, seems to help me regain my focus on Him – asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in doing so I am sure doesn’t hurt.
He has done so much for me and those I love that I don’t want to have Him think I am too weak or ungrateful to remember who He is – but, it really is hard work. 
But like anything else, when we continue to work at something, perfecting a skill, we become more proficient and do a much better job.  I can only hope that some day I will have that skill of total concentration on Him, shutting out all the distractions, all of them. 
Meanwhile, I will continue asking Him for His help and continue to work at it, I mean it has only been 53 years this month.
Later, Art (-:

The dissertation I sent out yesterday did not include the following, and really needs to be shared:
One of the things that is rarely mentioned in discussing the Rajneesh situation is the costs incurred by the citizens of Wasco County and eventually the State of Oregon AND the Federal Government.
Thousands of hours were tied up by the Planning office enforcing laws, inspecting illegal buildings, time spend in court both for the citations and then the appeals.  Hiring an attorney to represent the county. 
Thousands of hours by the Sheriff’s Office as they had to deliver papers to the different corporations.  Remember it took a minimum of 4 hours just to get to the ranch, then time spent trying to locate the individuals who were named in the paper work the wear and tear on the patrol cars and the loss of that deputy until he got back into the rest of the county.
The investigation took thousands of hours and costs to the taxpayers was enormous – by the time it was completed it had to run into the millions.
As an example, when the prisoners were brought back from Germany all but two of them were housed at Federal expense until trial.
The other two were charged with state crimes only and Wasco County had to bear the burden of the costs.  Because we were no longer a jail but a holding facility – and we didn’t have space for females we had to use other County Jails to hold them. 
The cost of the jail time alone was just over $25,000, which does not include the costs of transportation, etc.
The harassment of the county court by the staged disruptions by Rajneesh caused more time to be taken in dealing with regular business.
The harassment of citizens and the mental and emotional anguish it caused cannot be measured, but it was a factor.
And then there was the poisoning.  Businesses had to close, employees lost their jobs, people couldn’t go to work because they were too sick, over 750 people sought medical care.
The costs of that one act alone had to run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It was an unbelievably expense laid on the citizens, because the leaders lied.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

In our neck of the woods we have wind, rain coming down pretty well, more wind and more clouds coming in – like so many others we are wondering when Spring will arrive.
Had a good, ‘late’ Easter dinner with some of the kids yesterday.  We always cook for left overs and just let them divide up the leftovers for each family.  We will all be eating left overs for the next couple of days.
It was good seeing everyone – difficult getting more than two together at one time with so many variations in schedules, days off, etc.
We share the menu so everyone brings something, much easier for Carla and me; and we all enjoy the feast.
FYI:  This is a long dissertation, but, I felt I had to say something.
For those that have read my book, you have basically read this most of this before.
I just finished watching the six part series, “Wild, Wild West” which is about the Rajneesh era in the County of Wasco, Oregon.
It is a good propaganda piece for the Rajneesh Religion, but errors in ways that I can only begin to discuss.
Sheila purchased the Big Muddy Ranch in Southeast Wasco County on behalf of the Rajneesh and his religion.
Her stated purpose to the people in Wasco County and eventually to the rest of Oregon, was that they wanted to have a place for him to reside, be with him and for them to practice state of the art agriculture techniques.
I am pretty sure that is also what she told the Realtor that showed her the 100 square miles, 64,000-acre ranch.
If she had told the Realtor that she wanted to build a community capable of dealing with 10,000 people or 100,000 people, depending on the day, she would have been told that this is zoned for agriculture only, and structures supporting that many people would not be allowed.
In addition to housing was the need for the things that would be needed to support such a population, starting with available water.  (Yes, I know they dammed up the creek and made a nice lake, which would help, but couldn’t begin to cover the needs of a large community and keep it sustainable.)
This was a cattle ranch.  While some farming could be done on the lower parts, (just a few very acres)  the rest of the property is many made up of sage brush, junipers, very little top soil, rocks and land that is usable only for the raising of cattle.  It took several acres to raise one cow due to the sparseness of vegetation.
There have been several stated (or speculated) reasons why she chose this ranch over places she had visited.  First, it met the criteria of isolation, they could go about their life without outside observations.
Also she felt this would be the ideal place for where her husband could be reincarnated and come back to her.
She fell in love with the ranch as she drove down the narrow road and just had to have it.
For those that have never visited the ranch, going over a small knoll looking out over the property you see purple hills and a feeling of serenity as you drive down the long narrow road to the bottom of the ranch where the original house still sits. 
You are away from the world, isolated and unencumbered by cell phones and other wireless technologies along with noise, pollution, and other things that encroach into your life that disturb you in the rest of the creation.  It is beautiful.
Her stated purpose was farming and that there would only be about 150 people living and working there.
When KD and others met with the Wasco County Planner, Dan Durrow, that was what they told him.  When they went around to the different service organizations assuring everyone that they would be good neighbors and good farmers they continued to state there would be very few people on the ranch.
The whole movement in Wasco County, the whole precept was built upon a lie that was soon shown to be a lie; as hundreds of people started moving onto the ranch and non-agriculture buildings started being erected it raised everyone’s concerns.
What were they really doing?
To be sure there were those that were opposed to the Rajneesh religion itself and therefore the followers – especially after the tax and other problems they had in India and many had watched the film “Ashram” which was filmed at the Rajneesh Ashram in India and depicted a very violent culture.
The illegal building heightened their concerns about the followers and what they thought they were capable of doing.
But Planning Director Dan Durrow, the Wasco County Planning Commission, the Wasco County Court as well as the other officials, elected and appointed, couldn’t care less about the religion, they were charged with the responsibility of upholding existing laws.
And the first and most prominent laws the Rajneesh were breaking was the Land Use Laws of the State of Oregon.  They were cited, went to court fighting the citations, and when they lost they appealed – continually building the buildings that were not agriculture related.
As an example, they wanted to build a large building to hold their meetings, it amounted to over 88,000 square feet.  They were told, no.  It was not compatible with farming.
So, they decided to build a greenhouse in the same location with the same dimensions, but, low and behold, after building it they found it couldn’t be used as a greenhouse – so it became their meeting area.
I have a friend who managed a propane company in Madras.  They supplied the tanks and propane to the commune.  One day a couple of them came in and asked him what it would take to heat such a building.
When he asked the size, they told him 2 acres.  He looked at them and said, “I don’t know, I have never figured heating by the acreage before.”  He figured it out and that was how they heated the greenhouse/meeting area.
They treated the laws of Oregon like a strong-willed child tries to treat the rules of the parents.  “You tell me I can’t, well, I am going to do it anyway.”  If they are not held accountable they continue the behavior and it becomes worse over time.
Because the Appeal process takes so long, there were no immediate repercussions for the Rajneesh actions, so they continued, even though the judge knew they were continuing to disobey the law and warned them that they might end up having to tear down all those buildings.
In the United States one of the worst claims you can make against an official (or anyone else for that manner) is unfair bias and treatment for a religious reason – and the Rajneesh worked that to a fine-tuned machine.
They made the whole issue about being told no because of their religion.  They milked the sentiments for all they were worth.
In the series there are segments of news casts of local residents who were opposed to the Rajneesh.  Frankly, it showed many as being the prejudiced people they were accused of being and gave the perception that these news segments were taken right after the Rajneesh started in.
Those segments are not dated.  But as you look at some of the background you can see several children dressed in the Rajneesh style clothing as well as several Rajneesh standing around – these people were part of the responses to what was happening when it became obvious the Rajneesh were breaking the law.
The Rajneesh were intelligent and were more ‘sophisticated’ than their ‘country cousins.’  They used intimidation and aggressiveness like an ax as they cut through any opposition and the residents were getting the brunt of those tactics.
Early on the residents of the county felt that they were ignored by the State Officials as they tried to get them to look into their situation.  Many of those officials just called them bigoted rednecks, refusing to listen or help.
Since the Rajneesh were having difficulty with the county permitting system they decided to have their own city at the Ranch.
Any incorporated city in Oregon not only can issue its own permits, but they can establish ordinances, create a police department, create their own court system, obtain access to the National Crime Information System, the DMV data for Oregon among other things.  They can pass taxes, they can receive proportional support for the gas and tobacco taxes.
In short, they can become autonomous, free from the County’s rules and decisions on planning.
Eventually Wasco County allowed the creation of a City at the Ranch, but in the meantime the citizens of the City of Antelope, knowing how a city operates, were very concerned that the Rajneesh had targeted them for a takeover.
They decided to disincorporate the city charter and just be a community dependent entirely on the services of the county.
As the election date neared more and more Rajneesh came into the community.  Under Oregon law, at the time, they could declare residency and sign up to vote on the same day as the election and several did just that.
City of Antelope became City of Rajneesh.  A police department was created.  They went from having very little (and needing very little) law enforcement presence; the citizens now had 24 hour a day coverage with at least two officers on duty if not all the time, most of it.
They made their presence known.  I was told they were constantly shining lights into residents’ homes, closely watching the less than 40 residents and all their movements.
The closest law enforcement agency to the city was actually in Jefferson County, the county seat is Madras, about a half hour away – the Sheriff’s Office was small, which didn’t matter, because they didn’t deal with Antelope, that was the responsibility of Wasco County, and we were stationed in The Dalles at least two hours (in good weather) away.  To be sure the Oregon State Police also could respond to any emergency, but they too were a long way off and understaffed.
With Law Enforcement being hours away when called upon, the longtime citizens actually felt they were in occupied territory from a foreign invader and the Rajneesh did nothing to relieve that feeling. 
The one State Official that took action as soon as he could was Dave Frohnmeyer, Oregon Attorney General.  His allegations that the cities of Rajneesh were operating illegally, being controlled by the religious needs of Rajneesh, were eventually proven out.
He advised the Police Academy to stop allowing the Rajneesh officers to come to the academy and not to certify them as officers – among other things.
He was vocal, and more importantly visible, in his efforts to curtail the lawless behavior of the leaders.
Tension between the residents in the area, Wasco County in general and the Rajneesh continued to escalate.  Each fearful of the other. 
There was prejudice on both sides; neither trusting the other.
In addition to continuing to build – even after they became a city at the ranch they would build in the area outside the city and refuse to obey the rulings handed down on those areas – they started plotting ways to take over county government.
They brought in homeless people from major cities all over the country.  It didn’t take long to figure out why, they would use these people to vote and take over the county; making sure that elected officials they deemed more moderate to them were elected – with the eventuality of electing their own people to the County Commission and they could then appoint someone they could control as the Planning Director among other things.
The series briefly touches on what happened in the court house when a bus load of the people was brought in to register to vote.  However, it isn’t a fair depiction.
Then County Clerk, Sue Profit, read a statement to everyone in the hallway, she was accompanied by her chief deputy, Karen LeBreton and another clerk Linda Brown.  While she did say that all registration from that point on would be rejected – and that is where the series stops – she also said that they would have a means for everyone to come forward and prove they had been in the county for the required 20 days (state election law had been changed due to the take over of Antelope) and were citizens.  The exclusion of this information badly skews the truth.
AND it wasn’t just the Rajneesh’s homeless, it was EVERYONE.  Some citizens’ registrations had been ‘mysteriously’ changed to another residence and had to re-register – they too had to go through the process.
Among the many other crimes that were committed by the Rajneesh, that I felt the series didn’t give enough information on, was the poisoning of the salad bars of several restaurants of The Dalles with salmonella bacteria.  This was a test run to see if they could get enough people sick that they would not go to vote and thus lower the votes where they would have a better chance of it going their way.
This had a profound effect on everyone in the County.
Over 750 people sought medical attention, flooding the hospitals in The Dalles, Hood River and Goldendale.  Many others just toughed it out or saw their doctors later.  In the series, I believe, it is glossed over.
Some restaurants had to close their doors almost immediately, as they lost business and their reputations, others struggled for years before they had to close their doors.  Hundreds of citizens suffered for several days, many several weeks and a large number are still suffering from that attack more than 34 years ago.
The bacteria seem to be their basic weapon of choice as they assaulted and almost killed county commissioners and the Jefferson County District Attorney and some of their own people.
During the investigation in September of 1985, Oregon State Police Lieutenant Dean Renfro led the investigations on everything except the Immigration issues and wire tapping.
In addition to the State Police investigators, the Attorney General had several investigators, our office and other agencies did what we could to support them.
While I have heard many comments that the Rajneesh were completely open to the officers giving them all needed information and help they could; they did not.  They screened calls, among other things, only giving a small amount of useable information. 
They tried to control the investigation – criminal investigators don’t answer to victims, witnesses or possible suspects, they have to follow the investigation wherever it leads even if those they are investigating don’t like it.
OSP lead investigators were in constant contact with two Assistant Attorney Generals.  On the day of the search warrant both attorneys were on site in a command vehicle in case they were needed.  Personally, I had a daily conversation with Frohnmeyer.
While I understand the devotion to Rajneesh by his followers.  While I appreciate their frustration on what they felt was unfair treatment of him and consequently, their religion, they are blaming the wrong people.
Many of the followers worked hard, they loved Rajneesh, they had a feeling of accomplishment; but they had very little idea that their paradise was built on lies and a complete disregard for the laws that governed land use in Oregon.
While they are proud of their accomplishments at the ranch, it was all built on sand.  It was doomed from the start when Sheila lied about why she was buying the property and then instigated the many violations, harassment, and crimes to make it happen.
In the series she states she served her time and is now free.  She once again lies.  She served her federal time, but not her state crime. 
The federal authorities were to call the Oregon Corrections Dept the day she finished her sentence so the department could pick her up and bring her back to Oregon.
They didn’t do it (we can speculate on that).  They didn’t call until later the next day allowing her over 24 hours to get out of the country and go to Switzerland where we do not have an extradition treaty with the U.S.
The series tries to consolidate the four years the Rajneesh were in Wasco County into 6 hours less the credits time.  That was a daunting task and some things had to be left out of the series.
It is understandable how they could not possibly cover it all, but I feel they downplayed the crimes, the ‘torture’ the local citizens underwent and how much of it was based on the Rajneesh leaders’ arrogance, disrespect of county citizens and their elected and appointed officials, willful wrong doing – thumbing their noses at all of them.
The leaders were criminally culpable for their actions.  Those actions, beginning at the signing of the papers awarding them the ranch, to the attempted murders, arson and multiple other crimes, is what caused the downfall of the ranch.
They never should have purchased and built on that property, Sheila duped the followers – she should have purchased property where they could legally build on and accomplish their dream.  That property was available throughout the United States including Oregon.
She did not.
That is the reason Rancho Rajneesh is no longer in existence.
In my opinion the last hour, in particular, plays on the emotions of the followers, way more than it should – thus downplaying the emotions of the other victims, the citizens of Wasco County.
Later, Art (-:

Friday, April 6, 2018

We are in between raindrops in our neck of the woods and Carla is taking advantage of both that and her day off to spend time in her garden.  Currently she is working on the roses in preparation for the feeding and the adding of the bark dust.
We had a neighbor who lived just across the street from us.  He could never understand how she grew such beautiful roses with a bunch of kids playing in the yard and her feeding the roses with eggshells and banana peels. 
Every year he would buy his wife roses for their anniversary, one for every year.  One year they were very expensive – looking across the street he wondered ‘will she share?’  She did.  So he still had a rose for every year and they were beautiful, despite the kids, egg shells and banana peels!
Going to the gym the other day I decided to take some back roads to get there – every cop knows his town like the back of his hand and knows how to get around without using the normal routes, using some shortcuts that most citizens never have seen.
I hadn’t gone this way in a while, but as I passed a house I couldn’t help but chuckle.  There were three of us on, a PFC who was training a new officer and me.
We received word that there was a runaway girl in the house so the PFC went to see if it was true.  The house sits on a large piece of property and the family had some geese – more pets than food, but good guard animals.
The officers arrived.  I got a call that they needed some assistance, they couldn’t get out of the patrol car.
When I arrived, I saw a few geese on both sides of the car pecking at the wheels and when the officers tried to exit the car they were attacked by the geese.
If it had been a serious crime they would have done what was needed – but they didn’t want to hurt the geese and hoped that the arrival of another car would help divert them so the officers could get out.
It worked but I had a good laugh, at their expense.  No runaway was found.
Corinthians 5:15-18  KJV  And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
We sometimes forget that Jesus died for everyone, because everyone needs to be saved through His sacrifice.
We look at people and see only the outside.  It could be the drunk passed out in the alley or some doorway.  It could be the prostitute on the street corner.
It could be the thief that was just arrested, or the murderer, or rapist, or some other serious felon – and we probably look with aversion instead of with the love that God STILL has for this person, who is in need of a savior.
We look at the person that is successful in his chosen profession, or the rich person down the street and see someone with power and the ability to get what he wants and seems to have a very good living but denies that God has any involvement in his life – and forget to see him as God sees him, in God’s love, needing a savior.
Or it could be the neighbor or the co-worker or fellow hobbyist that we like to be around and spend time with them – and forget to see him as God sees him, in God’s love, needing a savior.
And that he died for all, is something I need to remember.  Because, I at one time, needed that salvation and person willing to share God’s grace with me; and because of that I am a new creature in Christ!
Later, Art (-: