Sunday, January 31, 2016

‘tis a beautiful day, today.  Sun is bright, sky is blue, no wind. Or, at least started out that way, garden is now under the shadow of the clouds coming in. 
Not feeling real well today, so just taking it easy – won’t be able to take full advantage of the nice weather – or much else.
Luke 12:6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

A friend sent a video of the cold regions of our world, including the Antarctic.  As I watched the hundreds of penguins in their tuxedo outfits I once again wondered how they can tell each other apart.  Of course closer examinations show some variances in each bird – but it is hard to distinguish.
It got me to thinking about the birds that nest on rocky cliffs, hundreds of them.  Each looks like the other.
Yet, they are different.  Each bird has its own nest.  Each bird has its own spouse, its own chicks.  When the parents leave the nest to gather food, they go back to their own chicks. 
Not the ones next to it, or over on the other side.  Not the most convenient nest, but their own.
Their chicks know their parents, and can find them among all the other birds, they don’t go to another female and say ‘mom’ they go to their own mother.
No two birds are exactly alike.  The same can be said of any animal family, there is something that distinguishes one from another.   
I often wonder about the statement that no two snowflakes are exactly alike – I mean, come on, there are trillions of snowflakes that come down all over the world each year and none are alike?  How do they know?
Okay, some scientist viewed hundreds, maybe even thousands under a microscope, he saw none of them alike – so no two snowflakes are alike.  Only the creator knows if that is actually true.
People, no two people are exactly alike, even identical twins have some differences – we may not be able to see it at first, but eventually, especially if we are around them enough, we can see the differences and tell them apart.
Billions of people currently inhabit the earth – no two fingerprints are the same, no eyes are the same, and now we learn even the tongue has a different print from anyone else.
One time an officer was taking a description from an Asian person.  During the course of the interview the witness said, that’s all I know – you all look alike.
The officer, a white person, gave him a quizzical look, and asked, we all look alike?  Yes, was the answer. 
But we have different colored hair, we are different in size and age and you can’t tell us apart?  You all look the same to me, was the reply.  He was serious.
Why?  Mainly because the Asian didn’t have much contact with whites and had not paid attention to the differences.
The same is true of most of us, we have difficulty telling Chinese from Japanese, from Koreans, etc.  For whites, black people often look alike until we get around them more and see the differences.  The same can probably be said of every race – at first it is difficult to determine who is who and where they are from (genetically as well as geographically.)
They all look alike until we get to know them.
It is true that many people have very similar characteristics of another, similar enough that sometimes one person can be confused for another. 
When police do a lineup they must match that suspect’s features as much as humanly possible – and when they get them all together it can be very difficult for a normal person to tell which is which – one of the reasons that lineups are only part of the evidence and not the most conclusive.
When I was a Realtor I remember meeting with the daughter of a client – she did a double take, without hearing anything from me, she said, “Now, I know why Dad likes you so well.”  If we stood next to each other the difference was obvious – he was taller, but if we weren’t one could be confused for the other.
There were many other differences, of course, but you had to be around us a bit to tell.  Both of us were Christians, both of larger proportions, we used many of the same phrases, but it would not belong before you could tell us apart.
As the old saw goes, you are unique, just like everyone else.
Billions of people have lived on this earth since Adam and Eve.
Billions have lived since Noah took his wife and sons and their wives on the Ark.
Not one is the same.
We are not clones.  We have many things in common – blood, skin, heart, lungs, etc. but we are different from everybody else.
Each of us is different from everyone, else, no matter how much we may seem to be the same.
It may take time, but we can usually tell the difference – God has no difficulty, He knows who is who from the time we are conceived.   
While we are unique, we share certain traits: desires, work, hobbies, goals, etc.  We embrace our differences and use them to provide food for our families, roofs over their heads and clothing on their backs.
We have different skill sets, that, when used, contribute to the common good of others.  Doctors are different from carpenters, they share certain skills, but they have different livelihoods and use those skills that are similar to accomplish something different.
God isn’t concerned about our differences, as we often are, but He does use our differences to reach others for Him.
A minister, while used of God, can contact or ‘get through’ to only so many people.  Others must have someone they can relate to and another Christian, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, can better present the gospel.  One is not better than the other (necessarily,) we just have different roles in our work.
We think that a minister should be a man of God – but, God expects the same of every Christian.
When we are asked to classify people we do it by age, color of skin, sex, hobbies, married or not, have children or not, and the classification can go on much further, color of eyes, color of hair, height, weight, country of origin – region within that country, etc.
But God doesn’t care about any of that; His classification is simple, just one of two:
Ecclesiastes 9:2 All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
John 15:4-6 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

Billions upon Billions of people on this earth.  People of every conceivable shape, size nationality; male, female; old, young; rich, poor and the list goes on.
But God classifies everyone into just two categories, either we abide in Him through Christ or we do not.
Those that do not abide in Him will be cast off into the burning fires of hell.  Period.
There are billions of people without Christ.  We work, play and live with many of them.
We have the ability to tell them about the saving grace of Christ.
Are we?
Later, Art :-)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

There are times I wonder if I have just lived a life, and made no difference.  Then, I receive a call or e-mails that lift my spirit, just as I seem to need them.
For instance, about the time I wonder if I should continue to send these out, someone, who I may not have heard from in quite a while tells me how much my struggles have helped them, or have given them some new insights into God’s Word.  AND I am given new insights from them (and sometimes correction!)
Yesterday, I received an e-mail from Cliff Hill.  He retired from Law Enforcement, effective the 28th.  It was good to hear from him and how well he is doing.
Cliff was one of our Resident Deputies.  He was a dedicated law enforcement officer who garnered great respect from the residents and the rest of us.  We could always count on Cliff to do the right thing.
Two things came to mind as I remembered this young man; the first was relayed by a citizen: 
Highway 26 goes through the western part of Wasco County.  One of his responsibilities was to patrol that area and stop speeders.
For those of you not familiar with the road, it is wide, much of it high desert and there is almost nothing for miles – one time I was with my brother-in-law and we traveled for over an hour at 55 miles an hour and never left the county – and once leaving the city of Warm Springs didn’t get to another populated area for half again that long.  Not an unusual tale here in Oregon where we have wide open spaces.
It is the main road between Portland and the Central Oregon area of the state, a major recreation area – and consequently almost as heavily traveled as an interstate highway.  We had a number of fatalities on this road because people were going way too fast.
We formed a traffic safety team to rectify that, and they did.  When they weren’t on, and they had time to work the highway, the Resident Deputies patrolled it – we went from about 10 fatalities in one year (can’t remember the exact number) to zero within a couple of years.
People would get on that highway and just let the car fly – one such person was from New Jersey.  He was driving well above the posted limit.  Cliff stopped him.
The man begged for clemency – he was from New Jersey, in a rented vehicle, and wasn’t used to such wide open spaces. 
As he continued writing his ticket Cliff said, Yep, that is why we have speedometers here.
Through the years I honestly can’t remember of a complaint against Cliff from a citizen.  I do know we got some compliments, but the one that stands out involved a retired Sheriff.
Cliff stopped him, giving him a warning.
Later that weekend I was at a function where the Sheriff was also invited.  We were talking and he couldn’t say enough about his impression of Cliff.  His professionalism and his demeanor were outstanding, according to the Sheriff, he predicted good things from this man – and he was correct.
He has earned his retirement and I wish him well.
AND, I will continue sending out these tomes.  The decision to read them is yours – and as always – comments are appreciated.
Exodus 12:15  Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.
I was reading a verse that referred to this one, this morning.  The number seven is used often in the Bible, 7 day week (6 days of work, one day of Sabbath) but what struck me this morning was the Hebrews had to cast out all leavening from their house prior to the first of the seven days.
Then they had to eat unleavened bread for seven days.  We know that unleavened bread – at least what I have eaten – doesn’t have a lot of flavor, part of which is because there is no yeast.
So, it is a bland bread, nothing most of us would want to eat as part of a regular diet.
Regardless, that was the command.  Those that believed Moses was telling them what God wanted, obeyed, those that did not, didn’t.
What if they snuck out and ate a slice of bread from the market place?  What if they got halfway through and decided that this was foolishness, what does their having to eat unleavened bread have to do with their freedom?
The answer, of course is clear, they would have been cut off from God and would have suffered the same fate as the Egyptians.
God would have not accepted ANY excuses. 
Then I thought about Noah, Genesis 7:4  For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
Noah spent, from what I understand, over a hundred years building the ark to the exact specifications God had given him.  I have heard that there was no rain before that time; the mist surrounding the earth and the water from below the earth was sufficient to grow crops and meet the people’s needs – I have also heard that that may or may not be accurate, nothing really clarifies that one way or the other.
What is obvious, though, is that man had never seen such a flood as was to come.
Noah did all he was told, he built the ark, he gathered the animals into the ark and the door was shut, by God.  He then sat there in the ark, for seven days.  What was he thinking?  Did he become nervous and wonder if all those years were wasted, that the derision he endured from his neighbors was accurate?
Seven days.
They waited seven days, before they saw God’s promises being fulfilled.
I am one of those that is a ‘bit’ impatient.  I want, what I want, now.  If it doesn’t come when I think it should I go looking for it or figure I probably shouldn’t have it.
All too frequently I have prayed for something, once, twice, several times and then, figuring the answer is no, stopped praying for it.
In our house, no, means no.  Not maybe, not let me think about it; it means don’t ask again.
There are times that God does say no.  Sometimes that is not clear until later, but how many times have I given up before the ‘seventh day?’  How many times was I at midnight on the sixth day and then by stopping I missed God’s blessings or healings?
The Hebrews either obeyed, or didn’t.  When it came time for the judgement they had to say, I did, or I did not do as commanded.  There was no grey area, it was one way or the other and both had severe significances – the one to freedom, the other death.
In today’s world we think we can excuse ourselves from wrong doing by blaming others, or circumstances or whatever we can find – just so we can deflect the blame from us – or at least minimize the consequences.
Obeying God sometimes makes us look foolish to the world. 
And we don’t like to look foolish.
We may follow and obey for a while, but we become tired of the distain, or we don’t see anything happening, so, we give up. 
These two verses, plus many others that come to mind, remind me that God works on His own calendar.  He is not rushed, He is not concerned about how we may be ‘embarrassed’ by His leading, He only cares about obedience.
In the scheme of things seven days isn’t all that long.  But the message is clear, God will do things on His own time, and disobedience will not be acceptable.
The Jewish people could have been in the Promised Land forty years before they actually went in – they disobeyed God and those adults that were part of that decision never saw the Promised Land.
John 16:23-24 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

There are conditions of course, and they are enumerated elsewhere, but we know that if our heart is right with God, the things we ask for will bring glory to Him.
Sometimes, however, we HAVE to ask over a period of time – it may be days, weeks, months or even years, we all know the testimonies of those that have prayed for a friend or family member, only to have it come about after many years of prayer.
The Bible is full of stories that show God’s love and mercy – it sometimes takes years and even centuries for His promises to be fulfilled.
There are many reasons why God may choose to wait before He answers our prayers.  Sometimes, I think, He just wants to know how bad we really want it.
Later, Art :-)

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Started out this morning with heavy fog – fog has lifted, sun is shining but the wind has picked up and dark clouds are on the horizon.
Not a lot happening in our neck of the woods, just puttering around.
Psalm 92:5 O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.
Usually I equate ‘great’ with something huge, magnificent but rarely consider small things – yet there are many small things that are great.  
The light bulb, small but has changed history.
Phone, fits in the palm of your hand, but it connects us with the world – and the new ones do amazing things.
Ball point pen, makes writing so much easier and allows anyone to put onto paper their thoughts and ideas.
When I think of the great things God has done – the works He has created – my first thought is the universe, the world around us, the trees, oceans, animals – but there is so much we cannot begin to see – even the finest microscopes are seeing more and more intricate things as they become more powerful.
We look at our hands and how He devised them to help us in our daily lives – pick up things, hold onto things, grasp, cling, encourage by touching another – so much that we cannot see, the tendons, muscles, bone, joints, blood vessels under the protective cover of skin – how wonderfully made is everything God has created.
Even the smallest matter is imbued with His greatness, planned to work together with other things to complete a ‘task.’
His greatness is all around us.
But we cannot begin to fathom all that He is, all that He does, all that He thinks.  We think we do, only to discover our thoughts are far different and but a skim of the surface of His, much like a film of foamy on the great ocean.
We all too frequently think of Him in terms of a man – we know Jesus walked on this earth as a man and we get hung up on His humanity and forget He is God.
We limit God with our thoughts because we cannot grasp how He works.  We try to tell Him how things should be done, without the understanding of what He is and what He wants to accomplish.
He is there for us.  He is more than a man that walked the earth, He is the Creator who put all things into being and meshed them together to form what we see, hear, smell, taste, feel – but there is so much more than we can understand.
As science learns more about God’s creations it becomes more evident that He knew what He was doing and did it perfectly.
We have to think of God as a Spirit, He doesn’t think or act as a man.  While we are created in His image, He is more than that image.
We must treat Him with the respect and love that He deserves and learn to worship Him with our heart and soul, not just our minds.
John 4:22-24  Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

God is much greater than we will ever imagine, once we accept that fact than we can begin allowing Him to work in our life in a more meaningful way.
Later, Art :-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Doing some cleaning and getting ready to fix dinner for Carla.  She decided that she wanted a whole chicken.  Who am I to disagree?
Exodus 16:4 Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.
Vs 12  I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God.
Vs 35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.
Only God could provide this food, every day, except the 7th day, the Sabbath Day, when they had plenty from the day before because they must rest.
Every day, 365 days a year for 40 years 14,600 days (I realize the Jewish calendar is different from ours, but it is close enough for my thoughts, today.)
Over 600,000 men, plus the women and children – total estimated to be over 3 million - were fed every, single, day.  Obviously it met all of their nutritional needs; they ate it and not only survived but were able to travel and when necessary defend themselves.  They cared for their animals and each other, they were just laying about, they were working.
Quite a miracle; God supplied all their food related needs.
As I read these verses this morning something came to mind, a verse in Mathew, a verse in the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught the people.
Mathew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
I have no idea whether or not what I am about to say is accurate.  I have never heard it preached on or taught (that I am aware of) so my associations may be wrong.  However, having said that, this is what I am thinking:
When I read or repeat the Lord’s Prayer I am always thinking of our current meals; asking the Lord to put meat and all the trimmings on the table.  Rarely do we just eat bread for dinner.
As a matter of fact the old punishment of bread and water for prisoners was more than just reducing what they ate; it was actually harmful to their system.  It was like putting glue into their stomach and intestines.
It was a punishment that had limited duration because the result could mean death. 
But, God gave the Jewish people bread to eat, every day for 40 years and they were fine. 
Vs 15 ... This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat.
It wasn’t that He wasn’t aware of their body functions; it was because He knew what was needed and how to take care of that need.  He created man, so what He gave them would not be harmful – either their system was touched or the bread was digested differently than what is normally thought of as bread.
Was Jesus, in teaching the Lord’s Prayer, referring back to this time of miracles where God provided sustenance of bread everyday while they were in the wilderness?  Could be.
Every Jewish person knew the story, it was one of the foundations of their teachings – God provided bread to their ancestors in the wilderness when they fled from Egypt.
Every one that stood around Him and heard that prayer HAD to have thought about the manna that God provided their people, for forty years.  If God could do that for their fore fathers, then He can do that now, for them.
Jesus told us, often, that God can supply all our needs.  We read it, we hear it but how often do we really believe it?  The best way to bring the message home, is to point to the times He did supply our needs.
God takes care of His people.  He did it in the wilderness and throughout the history of His people.  Jesus says to pray for it now.  God is well aware of what we need and He is prepared to provide it for us – we but have to ask.
Mathew 6:7 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
I don’t know if I am correct in aligning these two themes, but it does reinforce, to me, that God is able to provide whatever I need to serve Him.
Proverbs 30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
When the people gathered the manna up they were told to only take that which they needed for that day – those that did not found it full of worms and decay the next morning.  He provided for them precisely what they needed to do what needed to be done.  The manna was sufficient for them.
What am I asking for that is more than I am required to have to serve God?  Why do I think I need it?
Later, Art :-)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Things are going fairly well in our neck of the woods, the temperatures are mild, the doctors say I should live quite a while longer that we are doing better – still have some things each wants me to do and they do not conflict with each other, which is always nice.
Won’t be too long when we will have to get the garden ready for Carla to play in.
Philippians 4:7-9 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Now just how, in this day and age are we supposed to do this?
Every news cast, almost every article on a web page, newspaper or magazine; almost every TV program or movie give us scenes of brutality, criminal actions, people dying and/or doing outrageous acts – often making sin a good thing.
It seems the only way we can avoid this is to just isolate ourselves, stay away from everyone and refuse to acknowledge the modern world.
We cannot escape it any other way – and yet, we are told in John 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
We are saved from our sins.  But we were also saved that we might become servants of God that we might praise Him, that we might tell others about His Saving Grace and to help each other as we struggle with life’s temptations.
To do that, we have to be in the world.  We have to interact with people, we have to overcome the temptations that are out there so people can find God.
Satan has always placed obstacles in our paths – we see it more, now, because we are here, now.  Yes, the things that television or movies portrayed 50 years ago are far less graphic and hostile to Christians today.  But look at some of the early films and see where they are promoting sinful life styles, not as openly, but there none the less.
Satan has always used the latest technology to promote sin.  Look at the Operas written hundreds of years ago – many are ‘R’ and even some ‘X’ rated in todays ratings.
Etchings on the walls of past empires depict sinful behavior.
Even paintings, which are highly proclaimed to be by the masters, often contained a message from satan.
Some of the first things done with photography was making pornographic pictures. 
It is all around us, but it has always been all around us, ever since satan convinced Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit and then giving it to Adam.
Yes, it is difficult.  But what do we do when we see such things?  How does our mind react, how do we process it?  What, do we allow to inhabit our minds?  What things do we think on?
The technology is, in of itself, neither good nor bad, it is how it is being used, and satan knows how to use it.
Where once Christians were forbidden to see movies and television was outlawed, Christians today are using these mediums to promote God’s messages – and people are finding Christ because of it. 
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
think on these things.
We cannot always choose to see only purity and goodness.  We can strive to minimize our vision of these items by carefully choosing what we watch or read, but there will always be things out there that will try to draw us away from God.
Satan works very much like advertisers work.
Advertisers are very good about sucking us into their vortex and making us think about their product after their commercial is over.  They want those images, those ideas to become so much a part of our thinking process that we dwell on their message.
Advertisers know that you can’t just say it once, it must be said many times – it has to be catchy it has to stick in your mind so that when you mention the type of item you want THEIR message is what we see. 
They target their audience; they know the demographics of those watching certain programs and produce their advertisements to appeal to that age group, that social-economic scale.
One of the best examples I see is in the equestrian circles.  If the program is on ‘common’ horses and activity (riding trails, working the horses on farms, etc.) that are owned by most people, the products displayed are less costly and deal more with the proper care, proper equipment, etc.
However, when you watch the shows that are covering the Dressage style of riding which often includes jumps, etc. the sponsors are high end watches and vehicles – different viewers who tend to be ‘wealthier’ than the other groups.
Satan does the same thing with us, he knows us, he knows how to tempt us, to use the things that will pull us towards sinning or at the very least, keep us from worshipping God.
Christ knows that, yet, He didn’t pray that we be taken from the world but we are kept from evil – the choice of participating or not is up to us, but God will keep us from evil if we remember to keep out thoughts, our minds, our heart on Him.
We are faced with evil all the time – but what God wants us to do is whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
We can focus on these things and not the other things, the things of this world that are harmful to our spiritual life.  We may see them, we may even experience their attacks, but if we deliberately choose to focus on those things that promote holiness then we will soon find we can forget those jingles and slogans of the advertisers and work at remembering the Word of God and the things that bring us closer to Him.
We can do it, we just have to have a will to do it, we need to practice, we need to actively replace those evil thoughts with whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Later, Art :-)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

While it is sunny here, and the blizzard of the east has abated and those people can get back to ‘normal’ I couldn’t help but think that as a nation we are becoming soft and relies much too much on technology and other people – too many have given up self-dependency.
I am not minimizing the hazards of harsh weather, neither am I making light of those that truly suffered in the storm and especially those that lost their lives because of it.
When the weather gets like that it IS best to hunker down.  Common sense tells us to not take unnecessary risks.
However, there was a huge rush to the stores to get necessary emergency supplies – when they should have had that on hand anyway in their homes.
Cities shut down, freeways become parking lots because people are not prepared to deal with the weather.  They don’t have proper tires and even if they did they often don’t have any idea how to drive in in-climate weather – which is a good example of why we have so many problems here in America. 
I don’t know how many accidents I covered, how many cars I pushed out of ditches or out of the way of other vehicles, through the years, because the drivers weren’t prepared.
We would close down the Gorge because of severe weather conditions – but mainly because if we left it open people who had no idea of what they were doing and what the roads were like would cause accidents and block it anyway.
Since there is no way to tell which is which, you close the Gorge and that happens all over the country.
People panic, they don’t know how to deal with adversity so they make bad decisions – and have to be coddled because they don’t know what to do.
Too many are relying on others to make decisions for them that they are no longer capable of making on their own.  They are so dependent that they are unable to keep care of themselves. 
Sad commentary on what we have become.
Instead of teaching them and making them learn, society just ‘helps’ them.  So the next time instead of dealing with it, they have learned that someone will come to their aide.  So what has happened is people can’t do things themselves and have to be ‘saved’ from everything.  Of, course society also now determines that no decision by other than the ‘leaders’ know what is right for the masses, therefore the ‘leaders’ make that determination – regardless of whether anyone else thinks they are right – and mandates their way of doing things.
Generalized, I know, in rural areas of the country they just deal with it and go on.  Unfortunately, laws are passed and rules and regulations are made that causes distress for everyone over the inability of half the country’s population to help themselves.
If we required those individuals to work with farmers (if the farmers could stand them) for a couple of years – or even months – they, and our nation, would be much better off.  They would learn it isn’t about them, it is about working the land, taking care of the livestock – in all kinds of weather – and if you don't animals die and livelihoods are destroyed.  
Learning that despite obstacles, you still have to get up in the morning – stay up late at night – no matter the weather or how you and feel - and do your job, because no one else is going to do it for you.
It is learning that you can do the work AND you can help those that truly need helping, not just standing with their hands out.
I think there was a story along these lines, ‘the little red hen?’ .........
In my humble, opinion.
Exodus 7:4-6 But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.
5 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
6 And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, so did they.
Exodus 10:28 And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face no more; for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt die.
As I have been reading of the plaques that God placed on Egypt I have to wonder ‘why didn’t Pharaoh just kill Moses and Aaron?’
Certainly it was well within his power and authority – so why didn’t he remove this pesky creature instead of allowing him an audience?
It took nine plagues before Pharaoh finally decided that if Moses didn’t stay away from him he would kill him.  I would think he would have thought of that right from the first meeting.  Who has the audacity to call on the mightiest man of the kingdom and threaten him, without suffering the consequences?
The answer, of course is God.
It was time to end the suffering of the Hebrews, while we have no doubt that it would have please them to have the suffering and slavery end much earlier, it was not God’s time.
We may go through trials that seem to be unending and we feel we can no longer stand the suffering – Why, why don’t you lift me up or lift this off?” - we cry to God.  In our minds it is long enough, it is time.
But God has His own means of when things are to be done and while there is nothing wrong with us asking Him for relief – when He decides to give it to us depends wholly on Him. 
Sometimes He allows things to happen to bring us up short and to make us realize that we have strayed from Him.
At other times, as in this era, He has other reasons – and we don’t always know why, we can speculate, but unless we are told in the scriptures, that is all it is.  Why did God send Moses to back to Egypt when he was 80, why not when he was 60?
Frankly those questions are really not important although we can see by His bringing forth other leaders that there was usually a time of trials and temptations, hardships and learning.
What we are reminded of in this story is that God does things and uses them to call people to Him, to prove Who He is, to demonstrate Who is in charge.
We know, of course, that God sent Moses into Egypt as His messenger to and chosen leader of the Hebrew nation – but not only them, it was to let those in Egypt know that He is God.
And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.

Moses was protected by God.  When God sends His messengers, He has a veil of protection around them – yes there are those that lose their lives because the preached His Word – many prophets have been slain through the years because they dare tell the people, particularly the leaders, that they were sinners and His judgement would come down upon them.
But God’s plan, while not open to us, is always well thought out and the reasons for His decisions to prevent or allow His messengers to suffer are His, and always will be to bring others to Him.  To let others know of His authority and glory.
Nine plaques, after which Pharaoh said I will let your people go – and even then he later reneged. 
It wasn’t until the tenth and most devastating plague was placed on the people of Egypt that Pharaoh relented – and even then, after a short time, he decided he needed to go after them and bring them back.
As I read about these plagues and then the promise of Pharaoh to repent I see a duplicate of these actions in my own life.
How many times has God allowed me to be challenged and I prayed for relief – promising to obey and follow Him and THEN after I received freedom from that situation, did I renege on my promises to Him and then turned back to my sins?
All to many, I realize – and within these scriptures is the truth and the lesson that each time I fail, the correction gets harsher.
May I never forget who God is and what He expects of me.  May I never force Him to give me the worse plaque of my life to get me to turn back to Him.
These verses are not only a history lesson as to what happened, not only a demonstration of God’s great power, but a truth to be read and taken to heart.  We learn that God is going to allow suffering for a time, but, He always raises up leaders – in HIS time – and says it is enough, and He takes action.
The scriptures were written so that we may read and learn how to be Holy in His sight.
2 Timothy 3:14-17  But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Later, Art :-)

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Just gotta sound off:
Oregon recently passed a law making it mandatory that employers (with few exceptions) give an hour sick leave for every 30 hours a part-time employee works.
Now, on the surface that is nice, it insures that people aren’t having to lose money when they are sick, or go to work when they are sick.  – It also covers ‘mental health days’ when a person is just so harried they need time off.
But, as in all such mandates, there is a cost – and someone has to pay it.  The prices may go up, or employees may work fewer hours, or the store may open less hours, or some businesses will have to close and the employees are out of a job – no hours.
I am hearing a lot about how our economy is growing and unemployment is not as high – yet, we have fewer full-time job openings and we are seeing major retail businesses closing stores all over the country – Macys and Wal-Mart are the latest to announce such closures.  And of course, small business are closing their doors.
An outlet that I am familiar with declared, a few years ago, part-time employees cannot work over 28 hours and managers must schedule them for no more than 24 hours – because the Federal Government said employees are considered full-time if they work 30 hours a week (down from 40) or more and are entitled to expensive benefits paid by the employer.  Now, not only do they not get benefits, they earn less money to live on.
After the Oregon law was passed, an outlet cut back the number of hours that a manager could have employees on the floor – AND to work the minimum hour employees longer than long time employees because they cost the company less per hour.
We can blame corporate America for this – or we can look at the conditions that are being mandated by government.  We have more people on government payrolls to oversee mandates, so taxes are more exacting for the employer – and some employers have to hire additional staff just to make sure they are in compliance.
Those receiving financial aid from the government is reaching an all-time high, and many of government’s rules and regulations make it better to not work at all and accept the hand-outs from government than actually going to work – and those that are doing nothing but accept money are not expected to do anything for it.
Yet, we must make everyone feel good about themselves and not ‘shame’ them for doing nothing.
There are those that need help, some full-time, but most do not, they have found that they can earn more by refusing to work than actually working.  The problem, of course, is the benefits they receive are often more than the hard-working person is making and the hard-working person has to pay the price of those that refuse.
While it looks like businesses are bearing the brunt of this – and they pass that cost along to citizens, who pay in higher costs for products and higher taxes, with less to show for their time.
It is actually our children that are going to be deprived of a right to earn a living.  I can remember when my cousins in the Portland area would go out and pick beans and strawberries every summer, they learned how to work hard and earn their own money.  Unfortunately there was abuse of the system by some farmers, but rather than dealing with those issues, government decided to pass a law forbidding employment of children my cousins’ ages.
Now it wasn’t like they had to work all summer long, harvest only lasts a short time.  The work was hard, for a couple of weeks it was long days, but then it was over.
There was pride in my cousins’ voice as they showed me the results of their work and what they had saved and purchased with their own money.
Today that kind of work is beneath most people because it is hard work.  I can remember years ago, when I stopped some teenagers after curfew – after midnight, can’t remember exact time – and hauled them in for their parents to come and get them.
They told me there was nothing to do in town, they were bored.  As it happened cherry harvest was in full bloom and I knew that there was a need for pickers – when I mentioned that the distain they showed was palatable – that work was beneath them.  They would rather be out using their time to complain and cause mischief than to actually work.  – And it is even worse today.
Although, I am quite sure the Cherry Growers didn’t want these kids – they obviously didn’t have a work ethic – they refused to even try.  However, it is quite possible that if they had been allowed (or told by their parents) to work at an earlier age they might have realized the value of hard work – and appreciation for those that do it.
Now, there is no appreciation, only demands for handouts without strings attached – or strings that can be quickly cut or diverted for the benefit of those that choose not to work.
There are too many people in government employment that grew up with the idea they are owed a living by others.  They don’t have to work hard to earn anything, they have a right to it, and they are the ones making decisions on how businesses should operate even though they, themselves, have no idea of what it means to work hard and run a business.
Our soldiers are being brought back from war and not given proper medical or mental care.  The government has decided to cut-back on the military – yes a form of government employment, but one where the soldiers actually does something – and throwing these people back into the chaos of unemployment others are going through.  At least these people are productive and give our country the ability to ward off those that would destroy America by violence – seems this is one of the better things our taxes pay for.
There are other things of course, but I am about ‘talked’ out, my cardiologist warned me about discussing politics.......
So what brought all this about, today?
As I watched the news about the big snow storm in the east and how it is shutting down everything – including government – I had to think that government is the one thing that needs to be shut down for a while, at least that part that has anything to do with making more laws that hamper the citizens of this country from being productive.
Oh, by the way, the guards at the site of the Unknown Soldier are on duty and continuing their vigilance!
Just saying.
Exodus 5:7-9 Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.
8 And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God.
9 Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words.

This was Pharaoh’s response to Moses when he demanded Pharaoh let the Hebrews leave.
They have way too much time on their hands, keep them busy and they won’t have time to worry about their God.
Sound familiar?
Satan is still using this to prevent God’s people from worshipping Him.
We can’t spend any time in the morning to read God’s Word and pray, because we are too busy getting the kids off to school, breakfast, prepare lunch, tell the spouse we will see him/her this evening and head off to work.
Get to work and we are overwhelmed with the many tasks at hand, even when we plan our work day things happen that throw us off track and we have to rearrange our time.  We don’t have time to read God’s Word and pray.
Get home and we have to prepare dinner, get things lined out for the next day, do the chores around the place, we just don’t have time to read God’s Word and pray.
Need some time to relax, work on our hobby, hit the computer to see what the world is doing, watch TV, we need this time to get centered, we don’t have time to read God’s Word and pray.
Time to go to bed, we are exhausted and just need to sleep, we can’t focus, just too tired to read God’s Word and pray.
In this world we can become overwhelmed with our responsibilities and we feel rushed and harried.  We want to be all things to all people and do the best we can in our job and in our life – and we become so busy we forget God.
We forget that a few minutes with Him puts everything else into perspective.  If we don’t have time for God, we are misusing our time on earth.
Satan takes great pleasure in making things as difficult as he can for Christians.  He wants to build a wall between us and God.  That wall may start out as a framework, but the more we allow him to do, the more he fills in that frame, first with paper and then with brick and mortar.
It is up to us to turn our minds to God, He is always there, He has no special times, He is never too busy for us - He never says ‘contact me later I have this other crisis I am dealing with.’  He never says, ‘okay, your time is up, I must move onto others.’
We should give Him the same courtesy.  Yes, we are busy, but when we evaluate our day, when we evaluate our routines we will find that there really is time for Him.  We may have to give up something else, but nothing is as important as our relationship with Him.
Later, Art :-)

Friday, January 22, 2016

While I don’t have a lot of problem with light deprivation – where a person gets depressed when he doesn’t see the sun – I have to admit that when I awakened this morning to a bright – bright – sunshiny day I was pleased.
Clouds are now starting to come in, but it has been great seeing blue skies and the mountains, although Mt. Hood was obscured a bit from clouds there.
Not to rub it in for those that are facing the winter storm that is hitting the east coast – we won’t have this sunshine for long, due to get our own bits of moisture as the day goes on.
Had a visit with Teresa this afternoon, Wanda, her dog, came along.  Wanda stayed outside, but wanted in and eventually pushed passed us – the cats scattered – and they still haven’t come out of hiding though Wanda has been gone for over an hour.
Most exercise they have gotten is a while.
Genesis 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Vs 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Mathew 14:28-31  And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
wherefore didst thou doubt?
Why, indeed?
Everything we know about the universe.  Everything we continue discovering all point to a creator.
No one expects a car to evolve from a bicycle; or a house from a pile of wood.  Someone has to plan what needs to be done, they figure out what materials are needed to accomplish the task.
They gather those materials and then they create the final product.
The smallest creature, the smallest atom in the universe is a complex thing.  It didn’t just come about it was designed and created by God to serve a specific function and the means to accomplish that function.
Recently scientist have discovered  “a tiny multicellular animal, which scientists call "Trix" for short, doesn't use its brain at all at mealtime. In fact, it doesn't have a brain or a single nerve cell in its whole millimeter-sized body.
So how is it that these tiny, brainless creatures are found worldwide, crawling across shallow seafloors on a belly covered in hairlike cilia in search of algae? Scientists have recently discovered that Trix have a whole bag of tricks that enable them to seek out algae with surprising sophistication.
According to an article in LiveScience, when scientists used light and electron microscopy to look up close at Trix, they found two previously unknown cell types, giving Trix a total of six body cell types in all. By contrast, humans have hundreds of different cell types. Scientists think that one of these new cell types – which they call "crystal cells" – allows Trix to sense their environment, thus enabling it to find its lunch on the seafloor.”  Copied from Creation Moments published 01-19-2016
We look at the moon, stars and other planets, man can determine what their rate of revolution is, how long their days and nights, how often they go around the sun – comets can be counted on to arrive in the skies at certain times. 
We look all around us and see the hand of God – it is only after we take our eyes off of Him that we are blinded to Him and His ability to create.
Peter looked out and saw that Jesus was walking on the water.  He had enough faith in Jesus to ask Him to call him out to Him.
Peter stepped out onto the sea, but when he looked around him, when he took his eyes off Jesus, he faltered and needed Jesus to lift him up.
Peter cried out Lord, save me.
Jesus didn’t say, tough, you don’t have enough faith so drown.  He didn’t let him flounder – when Peter looked back to Jesus and asked Him to save him, Jesus reached out and saved him.
Why did Peter doubt, he saw Jesus walking on the water, he knew it was Him and he had enough to accept Him and that He could do the same for Peter.
But Peter looked away and in doing so he couldn’t see the miracle that was before Him. 
We do the same thing when we question the writings in the Bible and start looking for other reasons for the universe.
The evidence is before us.  Why do we doubt?
We have allowed those that would deny God and His Word to shape our belief system, rather than defying the world’s vision and turning our eyes back to God.
But, if we cry out to God, ‘Lord, save me.’  He will.  He will also guide us in the truth of His Word that we might be more effective for Him AND that we will be able to rest in the knowledge that God is God and we need not trouble ourselves over the how or why, and trust in His guidance for out lives.
If He can create the smallest cell to survive in harsh conditions, He can help Man – created in His image – to survive all this world has and live eternally for Him.
Later, Art :-)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

For those of you on the eastern part of the country, my thoughts and prayers are with you – from the looks of it you are in for another huge snow storm.
We are still getting snow on the mountains, but not much in our neck of the woods.  While things are calm, right now, we will be receiving rain over the next few days.  Bit dreary, but acceptable. 
Not a lot going on, although I do have someone on my list – a good friend – who is getting an opportunity for a new job and we are joining him and his family in prayer for God’s will to be done in this; I will let you know what is happening when I am free to expound, but your prayers are also coveted.
Galatians 6:7-8  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
More and more television programs are promoting themes that mock God – including the name of the program – Lucifer – where being bad looks good or some such phrase and Bad Angel from Hell are just the newest mocking of God’s Word.
We see it every day, of course, in many programs and movies, in the advertisements, in commentaries by news people – it has become fashionable to mock God and His people and promote an agenda that is riddled with the lies satan has been proclaiming since Adam accepted the forbidden fruit.
This nation has taken under its wing people with low or no moral values in this anything goes society.  And when those that would challenge them speak up they are labeled as ‘haters’ or even terrorists – not withstanding much of what they are concerned about is the terrorists that are being supported by the media and government.
We are reaping what has been sown and will continue to do so until this nation is either completely brought to its knees as so many have in the past, or come to its senses and turns back to God and asks forgiveness.
There is much to be proud of in our nation.  Millions of people are working hard to build a life for themselves, worshiping and following God and helping the needy.  Millions more, are also trying to lift those that are in trouble up and help them become productive adults.
Unfortunately, there are those that don’t care at all and are more interested in the life of the rich and famous than any others.  There are those who do not understand that to help people is to help them learn how to work for themselves, not use the system to garner ‘free’ money, housing, food, etc. while spending it on material things – and deciding they are better off not trying to work, just accepting the ‘free’ stuff that government gives them.
And why should they change, many of them are living a lifestyle above those that are making above the average salary in their area.  They have no pride in themselves, their family or country.  The only thing they are interested in is what they can get for ‘free.’
We are reaping what we have sown, and it isn’t pretty.
What is sad is that we have millions of young people who understand and have the self-pride to study and improve themselves, getting jobs that will provide a decent living but are going to be minimized because they are doing so well.
We use to honor those that stood out as being above the average, now they are being chastised and marginalized by making sure those that either do not have the ability or are too lazy to accomplish anything are given the same ‘participation’ treatment.
We have become a nation of crybabies where everyone seems to owe everyone a living – except for those that are actually making a living – they are too be exploited not thanked.
We are reaping what we have sown.
I haven’t given up on America, I haven’t thrown in the towel but I stand with millions of others who say if this trend is not broken, if this trend continues, we will end up as the great countries in the past.
God loves His chosen people, and always has, but even these people have been chastised and placed into bondage over the millenniums because the fell from and disobeyed God.
We don’t have that same standing with God – we had a good account with God and He has blessed this nation, mightily.  He loves us enough that He is calling us out and to repent with reminders as to what happens when we do not – but once He decides we are no longer worthy of His grace, He will allow us to be completely destroyed – and unlike Israel, we will not be able to rise up.
We need to pray for our country and admit we, too, have failed God and ask forgiveness for ourselves and the nation as a whole.
God can intervene at any time, He can lift us back up – but He wants a commitment that when He does, we will serve Him.
Isaiah 30:14-15  And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.
15 For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

America is being broken right now, are we willing to return to God and rest in His strength understanding that the only salvation for this country is God?
Later, Art :-)