Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sitting here watching the humming birds get their drinks from the feeders.  It always amazes me when I see the pictures and recordings of several birds hovering around a feeder, waiting patiently for those using it to finish.
Not here, the first thing we learned was that there are always those than guard the nectar and try to chase the others away from it.  He will place himself in a strategic location so that he can watch all of the feeders we have and then go after any of the others that approach any of them.
Most of the others have learned that when he goes after one of them, they can then sneak in and drink away.  While it isn’t the battle we have had in years past, there is still that one bully using more energy to chase the others off than he needs to, there is plenty for all of them.  – To the point where we fill them up with about a quart and a half every day.
Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

What a grand and wonderful world God has set us upon.  Even the driest desert or the coldest spot have evidence of God’s hand.
The deepest sea, the highest mountains have evidence of God’s hand.
The mightiest machine, the tallest building, the microscope that can see the minutest particle or the finest telescope capable of seeing millions of miles into space cannot match the glorious detail of God’s creations.
The collective wisdom of all mankind or the most elaborate computers cannot come close to the Master and Creator of the universe.
Man can do some duplication of what God has created, but he cannot match the fullness of God’s Hand.
Reminds me of the discussion between the scientist and God.
The scientist told God that mankind has evolved so much in the millions of years he has been on earth that he can do anything God can do – even create a human for soil of the earth.
God said, “show me.”
The scientist smugly scooped up some dirt off the ground and started to place it in a container.
God reached over and held his hand, “create your own soil, as I did.”
We the religious leaders and priests of the religion of evolution have managed to commandeer the science papers, magazines, text books and other ‘official’ documents proclaiming that it took billions of years to get where the universe is today.
It took over a hundred thousand years for man to reach the state he is currently.
It was all by happenstance.  The universe started from a minute speck of energy which exploded and then expanded to create all the planets and stars and all the things on them, simply by accident. 
Animals and plants were built over billions of years from rocks or some other similar item, that was devoid of any and all life as we know it.
The evolutionists then laugh at us, for believing in a God that created all things within six days.  A God that made the diversity of the things on earth and each small detail of each plant and animal He Created, why even if a God could do that it would take millions of years to plan, design and create all the intricate things here on earth.
Both ‘theories’ demand that we have faith in what we believe.  To me, it makes much more sense that God created, not by letting things take its course, but by deliberate actions made because of His intelligence and imagination.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Now, that is what I believe.
Later, Art :-)

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