Monday, July 4, 2016

Had a fire up Cherry Heights last night.  It burned a total of about 200 acres, but they got it taken care of – despite the low humidity and high winds – before it reached any homes.  You can see some, those white specks on the photo, that were literally just a few yards away from being engulfed.
The fire departments did an outstanding job, it is pretty much out, little wisps of smoke on occasion, but they get them taken care of.
Steven, Celinda and CeeCee passing through town, we met them at Sorosis Park so CeeCee could get the wiggles out. They are staying with her grandparents, Pastor and Mary Jepson, tonight and interviewing for a Children’s Pastor position tomorrow morning.  It is not exactly what he thought he would be doing, his background is a Youth Pastor and he was looking for a regular, Assistant or Youth.
They prayed about it and decided to have an interview on Tuesday.  The Pastor called this morning and said his week was free and since Steven might have to work on Wednesday they chose tomorrow and have been rushing ever since.
It is always good to see the kids and grandchildren even if for just a few minutes.
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Obviously this was directed first at the Jewish people, but, America can attest to this promise also.
For centuries, despite our turmoil, despite our treatment of each other, the vast majority of the citizens loved and worshipped God. 
Churches were built and the congregation took to heart the Words of God about serving our fellow man.  Our government recognized the importance of God in our founding moments and through many trials and tribulations as we grew into a strong nation.
We have natural material to use that makes our living easier.  The vastness of the country gives us different products to trade and sell and buy thus keeping an economy healthy.
We have materials that allow us to build homes, factories items that make our lives easier and more efficient.
We have learned to grow our food in such a manner that we can provide for a growing population of people not only in our country, but others in need.
But while we have taken advantage of all these resources, we have pulled away from God.  We think we no longer need His guidance, His direction and certainly not His Word in our lives.
Where churches used to be active in charity, providing for the widows and orphans and truly needy people, we have allowed our government to usurp our duties.  If a charity accepts funding from the government they are under strict orders not to preach the Gospel, not to allow their ‘religion’ to interfere with their mission which is dictated by the government.
We used to value hard work, duty and loyalty.  Now we give away food and money to those that refuse to work, refuse to provide for their families and they have grown dependent on the government handouts to the point they don’t know how to work.
We have taken charity to the point that it doesn’t just go to the needy, or those that cannot provide for themselves to those who refuse to give up their games, their televisions and other entertainment items that they do instead of working.
Instead of recognizing those that do work, those that strive to do the best they can taking care to do their job well, raise their family with a respect for others; instead of giving praise to those that succeed, they downplay their accomplishments so those that refuse to try don’t feel bad about themselves.  We stroke their egos by giving everyone a ‘participation trophy’ and pat them on the back.
When they hit real life where they are expected to produce, they get upset because when they don’t – instead of telling them they are doing great, the boss fires them.
So, it is easier to just accept the government handouts and not do anything constructive at all.
The government, like so many governments before us, is becoming the new church that preaches and punishes and tells us what we can say and when we can say and where we can say and persecutes those that ‘rebel’ by saying only God has that right.
We have ‘leaders’ saying that America is no longer a Christian nation.  That we have such a varied people now, that what the God of the Bible wants is no longer necessary or important.
Meanwhile our country is spiraling downward in ever increasing sweeps and picking up speed daily.
Lip service is still given by many politicians that they believe in God, but which one?
This nation’s foundation is on God; the Lord our God.  All the documents that have defined who and what we are are based on God’s Word and His commands.  We knew which God we were referring to, it was the Lord.
Are we losing that blessing now?  Have we gone down so far and away from God so badly that we have no possibility of redemption?
We know what happens to countries who worship gods other than the Lord – on this day people are being reminded why we became a nation and despite the work of many who have down played the founding fathers’ influence.  Despite the churning of lies that would undermine our strength and unity under God, there is still a foundation of men and women who understand that God must be worshiped and given credit for Who He IS.  We have a responsibility to pray for this country and remind others that we are a great nation, only if we call the Lord our God.
“I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation be on the Lord’s side.”  Abraham Lincoln
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Let us pray that this nation will be on the side of the Lord so that He will continue to bless us.
Later, Art :-)

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