Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Had an interesting event today.  Went out to feed the birds, as usual they took off while I was filling the feeders.
However, as I was almost done a bird flew into the tree a few feet away and started singing.
May be making way too much of it, but it sure felt like he was thankful for the food.  Nice thought anyway.
48 degrees today.  Nice sunny day.  However.....our driveway is slush and even the family pickup had a bit of difficulty going down AND back up.
We don’t want too much of a break up.  Ground is frozen and can’t absorb the water, so.....floods can be a result.  Next few days though are supposed to be cooler and that should help it melt s-l-o-w-l-y.
Got the rest of the presents wrapped and shipped off – do have one more to go out.  Stopped by the local Fred Meyers and got our Christmas dinner ‘stuff.’  It was early so not much of a crowd although we did get to see people we haven’t seen in a while.  However, as we were heading out more and more people were coming in – ‘twill be a busy day.
All our pets are in and sleeping in their accustomed places and all is well in their world.
“Music is a gift from God, and the study of music has traditionally been considered an essential element of a good education. Modern research is showing us that this traditional approach to music has more wisdom than is offered by a purely materialistic approach to education.”  - Creation Moments
1 Chronicles 15:16  And David spake to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren to be the singers with instruments of musick, psalteries and harps and cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with joy.
I can’t play a note on any instrument.  I did learn to play the accordion when I was younger, but it was a short stint.
Dad played clarinet in his high school band – and I understand that little school went to and won a state championship here in Oregon.
Mom pulled out one of his old clarinets and said she wished he hadn’t given away his good one.  She gave it to me when the band director of our high school was coming around to listen to students who were in middle school (I think) and interested in playing in the band, anyway, he listened to me and suggested I find something else to do...
I do sing, not well, but that hasn’t stopped me.  Carla and I have sung duets and we have sung with another couple at church.  We had a base, Carla’s baritone, an alto and me, a tenor.  Johnny Cash’s song saying ‘daddy sang bass’ wouldn’t describe my range.  Wore out the poor Keyser girls from mom to daughters as they played for us.
But we don’t have to be great singers or play like a concert musician, when we sing our praises to God He doesn’t score us on our musical abilities, He scores us on where our heart is.
Now I wouldn’t recommend that someone who plays poorly, or sings off-key to do so in front of the church, but there are lots of places we can present our love to him in a musical way that doesn’t hurt the ears of our fellow members.
Every Christian has a song of redemption they love to sing, one that melts their hearts and brings tears to their eyes, joy to their heart and lifts their soul up to heaven – we should sing often.
Music somehow makes our words of praise, our words of thanksgiving seem to float in the air and gather strength as they rise to God’s ear.
It doesn’t matter how well we sing, every creature has a “Place in the Choir” as this song proclaims.
Hey, it is okay to clap your hands and tap your feet, and even sing along!
AND who has more reason to sing our praises to God than we do?
ESPECIALLY this time of year!!
Later, Art (-:

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