Friday, November 11, 2016

I am ‘white.’  I was in law enforcement for most of my adult life.  I am a conservative, I am a Christian.  What I am writing is just my opinion, I know many do not share it, but I am just trying to explain MY view of what is currently happening.
I know full well it is a complicated issue, I cannot possibly address everything.  Mainly because I am not in everyone else’s shoes or minds and while there have been times I felt ‘discriminated’ against I know it is nothing like some have experienced. 
I am not trying to trivialize anything or any body’s feelings, they are real and must and can be addressed.
I believe one must stand up for what is right, but I also reject the feeling that one must commit crimes of violence in the process, it just isn’t acceptable – innocent people get hurt and the community, as a whole, suffers.  I believe in the justice system even though I know it is often flawed – it is made up of human beings and none of us is perfect.
This country is not now, nor has it ever been perfect.
We are in constant change.  Some good, some bad.  But overall it is by far the best country for us to live in.
We have many angry people who feel disenfranchised.  They feel that Trump is going to turn things around, so much, that their lives are in danger. 
But how did Trump get elected?  Part of it is because many people, mainly those living in more rural areas and those in larger cities opposed to the current administration’s decisions but their city isn’t listening, feel disenfranchised. 
They believed that the government did not listen to them, attacked them and had completely shut them out of any meaningful discussion.
How do we resolve the conflicts?  I don’t have a lot of answers, but threatening people and destroying property is not a good start. 
Some people believe marching and chanting will make a difference, and it very well may, non-violent protests have worked in the past – however, when those that say they are protesting peacefully allow a small minority to take over their protest THOSE people need to act.
They say they do not approve of the behavior.  Prove it.  The rioting in the Portland area, and probably those that occurred nationwide were done by a few anarchists who kidnapped the cause for their own benefit.
Might ask them why they think they need to carry around baseball bats if they want to join a peaceful protest.
They damaged personal property; they threatened other people with violence and committed other crimes in the name of the protesters.  Estimated costs now appear to be around one million dollars – who do you think is going to eventually pay for the damage?  That is if some of the businesses can stay in business.
I congratulate those that volunteered today to clean up and those that donated money to help businesses; it is a start, but many hundreds of thousands of dollars short.
How many of those anarchists that hijack the protests are from these communities or those close by; how many were deliberately imported to cause problems?
How many came in to cause chaos and commit violence, mostly for the sake of committing violence, thinking they can get away with it?  How many were sent in by YOUR chosen, or even unchosen, leaders to cause this chaos?  They are criminals, hoodlums and not worthy of protecting other than that provided by law.
If they are not part of the peaceful protesters then the protesters should report them, video them, turn them into the police, let them know that you cannot be used and allow crimes to be committed in your name.  Separate them, point them out, expose them to the light.
You outnumber them.  Do not be bullied; or your cause is severely tainted.
I congratulate those that volunteered today to clean up and those that donated money to help businesses; that is responsible citizenship.  From the donation figures I saw, however, probably don’t come close to the actual damage; but, it is a start.
How much of a jump is the insurance company going to make in the policy charges of the businesses involved?  Who is going to help them pay the higher charges?
Most of these protesters are Democrats.  I would venture to say that if you look hard at that party you will find the real reason Trump was elected.  The leaders have been using their followers exactly as the anarchists are using these peaceful protests.
You want to make a difference?  Go into the big cities where crime is rampant and become the eyes and ears of justice.  Watch and report the widespread oppression caused by gangs, drug dealers and other elements that have dominated the neighborhoods for decades.
Neighborhood watch DOES work and citizens can make a difference when they band together to stop crime.
The energy being used now to protest could go a long way in helping those people who have lost hope and feel they have no voice – many can be helped by teaching them, by showing them how to conduct their daily business and properly raise their children.
You want to change things?  Look harder at the leaders who talk a good case, but haven’t gotten into these areas to really help them, teaching others to help them and instead throw money into the pot which has not been effective – a lot of it being misused.
Get involved in your local precinct committees, become a member, make your thoughts heard – participate in the state and national meetings - while many decisions are made in ‘back rooms’ you can shine light on them and keep what happened in this election from happening again. 
You will have more impact on the agenda and choice of candidates.
Look hard at the news media, many of which had their own agenda and made sure their thoughts and ideas, not the facts, were foremost in their reporting. 
Just one other thought.  I heard one of the protesters here in Portland tell a reporter, who asked if he realized he was inconveniencing people, state – we have been inconvenienced in the past they will just have to put up with it.
The heavy majority of the voters in Portland area are Democrats, they feel much the same way you do about the election.  However, ‘inconveniencing’ them, keeping them from being able to work and make a living for their families, or keeping shoppers out of the city which means businesses lose money, which means employees’ hours are cut back or even worse they are laid off, is not a very good tactic.
Right now they may be inclined to be sympathetic, but if you continue to prevent them from making a living, if you continue allowing anarchists to hijack your cause, that sympathy is going to disappear.
There are ways of taking control of your Democratic Party and it can be done legally.
You are upset with Trump.  He is not my favorite person; neither I nor do most of the people I know defend much of his actions.
However, Trump didn’t hold to the party line.  For the most part his campaign was not influenced by large corporations, nor the news media, most of which obviously hated him, nor the Republican Party whose leaders denounced him.
He was elected by a ground swell of people who felt that the nation had gone too far away from both the constitution and the rule of law. 
Can we as a nation do better?  I sincerely hope so, actually I know so, but if you want to make changes you need to start with the leadership of your party and make sure they understand what you are saying, neither party has in the past.
Yes, I may be naïve, but this IS America and unlike many countries we really can make a difference in the way our government operates. 
As a final question, you state you are not endorsing the violence, you are condemning it; how about your elected leaders?  Why aren’t we hearing their condemnations!
Later, Art

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