Monday, May 2, 2016

Well the doc says I am still alive, and my numbers are well within acceptable limits – for that situation anyway.
Much warmer today.  Forecast is for mid-80’s, we will surpass that, still haven’t had to use the AC, though, so am happy with that.
I truly feel for those that are undergoing mass flooding and tornados.
Got a pork loin on the smoker for tonight’s dinner.  Have already put the rub on a pork shoulder for tomorrow.
Still getting use to this smoker, but we seem to be compatible... just have to figure out how to keep the heat at the right level.
Proverbs 27:17  Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
It is important that we help each other and if we see something that is not quite right with a friend, we should take the time to tell them what we are observing.
None of us are perfect, so there will be times that we sin, or at least say or do something that is questionable. 
We do not want to veer from God’s path, we want to stay squarely in the middle, however, that takes our willingness to focus on God AND to listen when other Christians give us advice.
Sometimes the advice is just a matter of a difference of opinion, other times though, it can be spot on and when we listen and evaluate what they say, we understand that we needed to be counseled – that is one of the most valuable things we have as Christians, other Christians that can sharpen us.
It is one of the reasons I ask for your input if you believe I am off base.
I, as I am sure most of you have, experienced ‘sharpening’ from our brethren.  And not always was it either pleasant to hear or to admit my mistake.
It can be humiliating and definitely has an impact on our ego if we let it. 
It is not unusual for someone to be hyper critical – especially in today’s environment where so many seem to be easily offended, or have to shout at the top of their lungs about how we are hypocrites or some other term of ‘endearment.’
Politeness today is often lacking, sometimes because the person doesn’t understand how to express themselves but are sincere in their desire to uplift us. 
Then there are those that like to be sarcastic, demeaning or take on a ‘holier than thou’ attitude.  They can be particularly annoying – however, it isn’t something that should be summary dismissed without consideration (much of the time.) 
Sometimes our perception of the motives of others clouds what we are hearing them say; but, if what they are saying has some truth in it and is something we should listen to and apply it to our actions.
Telling another person that you believe they are not correct in their walk with Jesus can be very difficult.  We are not sure how they will take it; especially if they are a strong Christian who is recognized for their walk with Christ.
I have seen people shake from apprehension as they approach someone who they admire, but feel they need to speak up about something they are seeing – and yep, I have been there.
While it may be difficult, if we truly feel they need guidance we should give it to them.  Most of us have skills in dealing with people, we have children who we have guided into making better citizens, we have been teachers and trainers in one way or another in our professional and private lives.
If a person has supervisory experience he knows it is important to evaluate fairly and honestly, combining criticism with encouragement and recognition of other accomplishments.
The main key of sharing our concerns with fellow Christians is that we do it in love.  Our desire should always be first to be sure this is what God wants us to do and second that we not attack the other person, but let them see the true concern we have and the love of wanting them to be successful in Christ.
Ephesians 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
While iron sharpens iron, using love, as if it were the oil you would put on a wet stone, helps get the point across more effectively and makes both of us sharper.
Later, Art :-)

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