Saturday, May 28, 2016

Still have a few tomato plants left, but not many.  Carla has almost given them all away.
Thus far, thanks to the cooler weather, her garden is doing fine.  Her plants are having time to get well rooted and hardened off before the heat starts stressing them out.
Eating lettuce from the garden, but eagerly waiting and anticipating those tomatoes.  Course beans, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, squash, melons and the blackberries are going to be enjoyed as soon as their harvest time comes along.
Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
All too frequently we see Christians backing down, or compromising their testimony for fear of what others may think or say about them.
To be honest I have done so, not proud of it, but I can’t deny it either.
There are times that there is no point in continuing a ‘discussion’ – or what turns into a shouting match – with those that refuse to accept the truth of who Christ is and what they need to do.
How we approach people can make a big difference in how they respond.  If done as accusations of sin, without any sign of doing it out of love, it often gets their ‘dander’ up and we can no longer show them, nor work with them.
That does not mean that we should not be bold and forthright, but we must recognize that each person is different, what works for one may not work for another.
That is why it is so important to develop relationships with those that do not know our Lord.  Not to be ‘holier than though’ but to demonstrate by deed and word that we have Christ in our heart and we want to share that same love with them.
When people attack us for our belief in Christ, it is natural to feel defensive.  We take it as a personal attack on us – and that is what the attacker is trying to do to us – but the reality is they are fighting against the Holy Spirit that is dealing with them and their spirit.  At least most of the time.
There are those that have made it their life’s mission to destroy all that speaks of God – both personal affirmations and public displays honoring Him.  They don’t care how they do, they don’t care about what we believe and certainly don’t care anything about God.
I am not saying that they are without hope, but, dealing with them in a manner that convinces them of God’s power, authority and love must come through the Holy Spirit, that takes prayer, faith and following His lead, it isn’t for neophytes, or those that are not willing to undertake the work needed to prepare for them.
We have to decide every day if we are going to serve God or attempt to please man.  Most of the time it is either or and we must hold fast to our faith and not worry about pleasing man.
Later, Art :-)

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