Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Made banana nut bread yesterday.  I have made lots of bread in my lifetime, starting when I was 11 or 12 years old.
I have used this particular recipe dozens, if not over a hundred times, it was the first time it came out all but burnt.
I followed the recipe closely – not always do I do that (which becomes frustrating when I make a really good ‘something’ but can’t remember all I put in it nor the amounts) – but when baking I am pretty careful on my measurements.
The putting together the ingredients to the time being baked was the same as I have done so much of in the past – didn’t hurt it too much, a bit crunchy on the crust touching the sides and bottom of the loaf pan, tasted okay, but I can’t figure out why it happened.
The smoked roast yesterday turned out well, lots of leftovers for French dipped sandwiches – or regular ones.  Last time I made French dips I added sautéed onions to the sandwich, turned out quite well.  Will be doing that again.
Official temperature, right now is 85, however, the garden thermometer says 92 – either way, it was time to come in; that plus the sun, so I am told, is not good for me with some of the medications I am one.
John 27:42-43  Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue:
43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

No one enjoys being ostracized; it can be not only disheartening but devastating to us.
We are hearing more and more how people are taking to the social media sites to target and destroy others.  They make terrible comments – what they would not dare say to a person’s face they can do so under the cloak of anonymity they can say whatever they want and get away with it.
Young people, in particular, are vulnerable to the lies and taunting of classmates – they so much want to be part of the group that rejection, regardless if in person or through the airways can mentally destroy them.
We hear of the need for our colleges to have designated ‘safe places’ where students can go who feel they have been traumatized by one experience or another.  (We used to call that the church – but far too many don’t even know what churches are all about.)
It has gotten to the point where people take umbrage over the slightest comments and want a perfect world.
While I am against bullying and gossip, I think we have raised a generation where many can’t stand on their own, they have been raised to need continuing support from peers, parents and ‘leaders’ telling them how great they are, that if they don’t get it they blame anyone and everyone.
But it isn’t just children that have been indoctrinated with this need for acceptance, adults have also had this need – to the point that rather than proclaim their love of Christ they bury it in the background so they will not receive negative ‘vibes’ from the rest of society.
We are seeing a dumbing down of God’s Word so others won’t be offended, so they can feel good about themselves even if they haven’t dealt with the sin in their lives.
Having said about us - For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. - would have to be one of the worst thing said about a Christian.
None of us is immune from such a thing.  I can think of way too many times when I bit my tongue because I wanted the person to like me, or at least keep from them not liking me.
Not as difficult a step now, I am older and have nowhere near the contacts or encounters with non-Christians I used to have.
But even when I was a ‘public figure’ there was no doubt about my relationship with Christ. 
It caused me trouble more times than I can recall.
I was accused of discharging someone, because I was a ‘born again Christian’ and therefor prejudiced against a person who had sinned and that is why they were canned, -- not because they were unable to do their job. 
I was accused of instilling a feeling of anti-sin, or certain behaviors, within my Office that caused the deputies to arrest someone not because they committed a crime or made a violation, but because they were caught in sin.
The fact there was a violation of the law and law enforcement officers have a duty to arrest or issue citations had nothing to do with it........
It is extremely important that we set aside our desire for praise on this earth, and focus on helping others find the salvation and peace that only comes from God.
If the people in Jesus’ day turned against Him, there is no way we should believe we will be free from charges of those that refuse to accept Him.
Later, Art :-)

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