Friday, May 15, 2015

I want to thank you for your prayers – I can’t thank you individually, somehow all your messages got lumped into one, no individuals, so will use this method to thank you. 
Art :-)
September 13, 1985, the beginning of the end of Rancho Rajneesh.
On September 15th, in the afternoon, I was made aware that the Rajneesh was supposed to speak to his followers that evening.  He had invited news media, State Police, our District Attorney and me to the meeting.
I had one of the Sergeants attend the meeting.  I picked up the DA and headed to the ranch.  We arrived about the same time an OSP Captain arrived and we went into the meeting area together.
The news conference was held in the two acre ‘green house’ turned meeting room.  There were several doors opening into the room from the south side.  We were asked to sit in the front row on the south side of the platform where Rajneesh would be talking.
The Rajneesh followers, still on the ranch, were dancing and singing to a small band as they waited for him to come.
There were several news reporters present.  Rajneesh had been big news for a number of years, and this news conference was purported to be a major development at the ranch.
Rajneesh came into the room from a door leading onto the back portion of the platform.  He sat down in a large chair near the edge of the platform.
Smiling and looking around the room, he moved his arms up and down in time with the music then held up his hands for quiet.  The band stopped and he started speaking.  
This was the first time I had seen the man in person.
He was not a very tall man; he had a long grey beard and long hair, wearing a knitted cap of some kind.  He was wearing expensive long flowing robes and a very expensive watch.
As he looked around the room.  His eyes were what I would call hypnotic, rarely blinking, very piercing.
He spoke good English but very slow, very deliberate.  While I cannot recall all that he talked about the gest of it was that after Sheila had fled with her entourage a couple of days ago (the 13th,) her criminal conduct was uncovered.
In front of him on tables were a number of items, particularly recording devices.  He claimed that Sheila had caused these to be placed in the hotel, restaurant and other areas where they could monitor and record conversations.
He was asked about the buildings in Antelope and he said it was all Sheila’s idea, not his.  He said something like, “I am the Guru of the rich, why would I want AIDs patients as part of my commune, they would cost us too much money” as he rotated the $25,000 watch on his arm.
He was asked about the restaurant poisoning, the burning of the planning office and many other charges.  He said that Sheila was the one who planned all of it.
Most of the followers, in the building, were very surprised; they had no idea that these things had been done.  And then having been done in the name of Rajneesh just added to their distress.
Those of us who had been dealing with the antics of Sheila and her group were not surprised.  We had long suspected they were committing crimes, but were unaware of the total extent.  We did not trust them and our feelings were now vindicated.
We looked at the ‘evidence’ after he was done, but they weren’t tagged and were useless as evidence; too many people had handled them and the chain of custody had long been destroyed. 
However, as he accepted questions from the floor and he admitted that Sheila and her entourage had committed many crimes; we had barely scratched the surface that night.
We had information, but it was all hearsay.  We would have to formulate a plan to begin the investigation into Sheila’s, and her henchmen’s, activities.
As we left the building to head home, the Chief came up to me.  I looked at her, put my hands on her biceps and asked her, “What happened to your crime free city?”
She said, “I don’t know I was wondering the same thing.”
John 4:39-42 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.
40 So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two days.
41 And many more believed because of his own word;
42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

My mind is a bit fuzzy, still suffering from the after effects of surgery, so I hope this makes some sense.
As I read these verses this morning, I can’t help but see that when we witness, others might ‘believe’ Jesus is Lord from what we tell them – but it is a surface belief. 
It may be enough to get them to come to Jesus, but our experience doesn’t save them, it can’t.  Even the curiosity factor that says, because we ‘hear you’ and want to see more, is insufficient for their salvation.
In order to accept Jesus as the Savior, these people had to meet Jesus.  When they did, they found the Savior – not because of what the woman said, but because they met Jesus, personally.
We still do that today.  We meet Jesus.  We came to know Him because someone told us about Him.  But acknowledging He exists is not the same as “knowing Him.”
While someone told us about Jesus we needed more, we needed to open our hearts to Him.  I may or may not have been a conscious effort, but our hearts suddenly felt His presence.
When we opened our heart, and listened to the Holy Spirit speaking to us, we met Jesus.  He is as real to us, today, as He was to the disciples that walked alongside Him.
The world is searching for something to fill the void in their heart.  They purposely close their heart to God, but their mind still searches, their soul knows that there is a greater purpose than what they are living; there is a need to connect with the God of the Universe, the Creator that longs to meet with them.
People go through all kinds of hoops to try and get to the place that Christians have found in Christ. 
Our responsibility to God is to live like we are His; in doing so we draw others to Him.
We then must tell of His love and saving grace.  Each of us in our own way, can present the true unfettered Gospel of Christ, telling others what He has done in our lives.  Our experience in Christ will be insufficient for them to believe He is Savior, but it will touch their hearts so they want to know more of Him.
As those that heard the woman at the well tell of her experience and it drew others to Christ – so too will our experience with Christ draw others to Him.
They will soften their heart and allow the Holy Spirit to expound on our experiences, that the truth of Who Christ is will become their experience and they will proclaim him as their Savior.
There will always be those that refuse to listen.  That will strive to deny God’s Words, His works, and that they can only be saved through Christ.
We cannot let those that would deny Him, keep us from preaching Him.
May we have an open heart to Christ and the leading of His Holy Spirit.  May we be unafraid to tell others of our experiences with Him, bringing them before Him and let them experience for themselves their personal meeting with Jesus and receive the salvation that Jesus Christ offers.
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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