Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wresting with a stomach virus, or something.  Not doing much last couple days.

2 Timothy 3:1-5  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Here in America we like to pride ourselves for our leadership in the World.  America has a Constitution that guarantees the rights of its citizens and even extends it to those that are not citizens; we are always ready to give a helping hand to others in need – whether it is supplying food or defense from an oppressor.  We like to say we were founded on the precepts of God and that we are a Godly nation.
America has a lot of adjectives it can ascribe to, and while we are not a perfect nation or people, we have always tried to be fair.  While there have always been those that would undermine the authority and mission of our nation, we are finding that segment growing and taking over the direction this nation is going.
Paul could have written these passages yesterday concerning our nation at the moment.  Instead of turning our faces back to God we are turning our back to Him.  There will be a price to pay and it will fall on all of us if this nation doesn’t realize God is still in charge and we owe Him our allegiance.
While we have many signs that the last days are upon us, we don’t really know how long it will be until Christ’s return.  We don’t know how much longer the patience that God has shown to us will stay His hand. 
I know there are a lot of prophecies concerning that coming event.  I know many people strive to try and determine how close we are, knowing that from all appearances it is very soon, and strive to instill a sense of His coming to the loss that they will come to Him before that happens.
I am less concerned about the last days than they are.  Today is going to be the ‘last day’ of life for someone.
While we do not know when He will come back, we do know that thousands of people die each day.  Most of those people do not know Christ as their Savior.  For them, the last day, the last day/moment for them to accept Christ has already come. 
We are never given a promise we will live tomorrow.  I have seen so many accidents – and for that matter a few murders – where a person was alive, going about their business with no idea they would die the next minute – not to mention that day.  One moment they were driving or walking or swimming or some other activity and the next they were either dead or so seriously injured it was fatal and they would die shortly thereafter.
We all know those that say they will someday come to Christ but give various reasons why they don’t do so now.  They think they will have a long time to live as they are before they are called to account so, they put the decision off until later.  Yet, while any one individual person will live a long time, no one can count on it happening to them.
As Christians whose loved ones and friends are not under Christ’s shield we fill the urgency and the necessity of them making that decision, yet they refuse.  Further discussion on that point by us seems to drive them further away.
Through the years I have learned that I can only witness, I cannot force the issue.  I have learned that some people’s heart seem to be hardened the more they are witnessed to – and, at least in my experiences, it is often best to back off a bit.  We can live our lives in such a manner that they will watch and many will come to us – or someone else - at a later time to talk about, and often receive, Christ.
I have had many people that I have witnessed to become upset with me because of my ‘preaching.’  I have learned that they can still be a friend, I can still witness through my friendship with them and with my love for them.  I pray for them and I know the Holy Spirit is working on them.  AND I have seen many of them come to Christ – some decades later.
It is not up to me to make the decision for them; they have to make if for themselves.  I can provide the answers and point the way, but I cannot make them decide.
Christ can come back to earth at any time to claim His Bride.  We do not know when that will happen.  But we do know that every person now living, if He doesn’t come back within the next 100 years or so, will die.  For them, it doesn’t matter what time He is coming, for them He has already come; and too many of them are found wanting.
The World and America in particular keeps going deeper and deeper into the cesspool of depravity.  But most of us cannot reach the whole world, we can, however, reach those around us.  We can witness, witness to them in deed as well as word whenever possible and pray that they will open their hearts to the Holy Spirit and allow Christ to come in. 
If each Christian can reach even one other person for Christ then we can make the world a different place – one person at a time; let us make that our goal.  Let us ask God to give us names and/or direct our steps to the person He has been working on and wants us to witness to; allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us will allow us to do His bidding.
I am ready for Christ’s return; I want to be with Him, leaving the stress and turmoil of this world behind.  However, as Paul so eloquently put it, it is better for others that we stay here and proclaim the Gospel to all who will listen.

Philippians 1:23-24 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

Later, Art :-)

From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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