Monday, October 6, 2014

The harvesting of potatoes and onions is going strong in Eastern Oregon.  Large loads of the produce is being trucked to processing plants.  Sometimes the trucks are overloaded and can’t make weight at the scales – if they are overweight the drivers are to subject citations and fines.
To keep from being overweight on the road they will ‘dump’ some of their load at a wide spot in the road.  The items left there are available to anyone who wishes to pick them up.  It can amount to a lot of produce is picked up right after the dumping.
Josh was hunting this past weekend and on his way back home he came across one of these dump spots and picked up several bucket loads of potatoes and onions.  He stopped by here and dropped off some for us – we will have enough for several months.  The potatoes are huge and one will make a meal for Carla and me.  We have the onions in net sacks hanging in the basement.  I thought about freezing some, but we don’t have enough room in the freezer.
She did process some pear butter this weekend and it tastes pretty good.  So we will have some for muffins and toast this winter.
We should have enough food stored for Carla and me for the winter.  I can remember when her mother used to can – by the time I came along it was just the three at the house, but she still canned a lot of fruit and vegetables.  I cannot remember any store purchased containers on any fruit or vegetable used when we visited.  They were pretty self-sufficient. 
Some of you will remember the loads of apples, pears and peaches we used to take down in the fall.  You and the fruit were always packed in like sardines and the trunk was always full – it was a wonder we didn’t break the springs of the car. 
Philippians 2:1-4    If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
As I was reading this chapter this morning, it became obvious that Paul had a great concern for the Philippians.  But it could be written to many of the churches today – and to me as an individual.
Can we love someone that we really don’t care for?  It is a question that I have pondered many times.  There are those Christians that have a personality that just rubs me the wrong way.  I do not care to be around them, as I get stressed out just being with them.  The older I get the less tolerance I seem to have – working on it, but it is a weakness in me.
However, they are Christians and while we may disagree on a number of issues, while we may not approach things in the same way, they are still brothers and sisters in Christ.  As fellow Christians they deserve my respect and my prayers.
Part of my problem is that I listen or watch them and I focus on me and my dislike of them.  Instead of accepting that they are different from me, I concentrate on why it/they bother me.  If I can set aside that emphasis on my part, we can worship together and praise our God together.  God’s love can help us overcome our own biases and we can learn to love and fellowship with those that we may not particularly like.
I am not perfect; I realize that I too, have Christians that do not care to be around me.  I have to admit, part of that is my fault, while I am who I am, I could be less assertive and more understanding of others.  Once again understanding that the focus should not be on me, but on them and what I do to make them uncomfortable around me.  It may not be something I want to change, but it should be something I should at least evaluate.
I often thing this world is going downhill fast, Christ is not being honored, God is being portrayed as uncaring and a bigot.  Recognition of the Glory of God and the sacrifice His Son made on our behalf is being downplayed – either His Word is being attacked or people focus on what they want to read – and change the meaning to support their own bad behavior.
We are suffering a pulling away from God in all areas of life here America.  We have a government that not only refuses to accept biblical principles in many areas, but chooses to pass laws that are diametrically opposed to what the Word of God says.
We have church organizations that were founded on Christ and God’s Word, that are supporting those laws and revamping God’s Word in the process.  Is America in trouble?
When we read God’s Word, when we see the trials and tribulations the Jewish people have gone through in the Old Testament because they turned away from God, the answer is yes.
Because of God’s great love He wants to bring everyone to Him.  He knows that most people will not accept Him, but it does not stop Him from giving His Grace to those that do. 
We are not much different from the New Testament churches.  We have inner strive, we have those that are preaching a gospel that Christ would not recognize.  We have those that work for God and those that sit on their hands. 
As we read the Word of God we can see that things have not changed all that much.  However, we can also understand that despite all the strive and struggles, God’s Word is still strong and is still relevant.   We can view the words Paul wrote to the Philippians and apply them to ourselves, determined to overcome our selfishness and loving our fellow Christians.
The last verse is a reminder that everyone must do their part, when one lets down someone else tries to pick up the slack. 
Philippians 2:30  Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.

This was a real accusation and condemnation of the Philippian Church.   Epaphroditus worked so hard to serve Paul, as a service to God, he became deathly ill and almost died.  Why?  Because someone had to do it.  Evidently part of the duty to help Paul was assigned to the Philippian church and they failed do to their own self-interest.
Epaphroditus took that task onto himself and almost died because of it.  There are times that we must give everything we have in service to God, even our very lives.  Frankly, it is expected of us.
But for a man to be so ill in service to God because others have let God down, is a condemnation of those that refused or put off that service.  I would venture to say it probably has been done by any of us.
I can remember trying to get people to teach Sunday School classes, men and women who had great talent and would have done well – and many were not active in any other ministry, but they chose not to teach.  So, we were left with some who took it on because it had to be done, and they had many other things they were doing – or we had those that just went through the motions and while they taught the class, it was without enthusiasm. 
The church is not the only place volunteers are scarce, but it is the one place where every member should be involved in something.  Traditionally only about 10% of the population volunteers – the rest piggyback on them and sit on their hands.
Besides not having enough workers, those that are the ones that volunteer often are overburdened and they eventually burn out – they need a break, they need ministering to, but there is no one to do the job. 
By our lack of service we may be causing others, like Epaphroditus, to become ill.  Something to think about.....
Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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