Wednesday, January 25, 2017

For those that are getting tired of all the snow and this seemingly never ending winter – winters in Uranus last 21 earth years; not so bad now is it?
Go up this morning to find a very fine dusting of snow on the sidewalk – it was like being reminded, “Hey, winter is not yet over.”
However, very slowly the snow is receding, it will be a while in our neck of the woods before it is gone, but that is a good thing; it allows the ground to absorb the moisture and not have massive flooding. 
Our poor cars are sitting and ‘wondering’ what this is all about, they haven’t been driven in over a month.  Instead they watch as that old pickup carries Carla off to work and back; in this weather with the roads as they are, we don’t head out for much more that doctor’s appointments and the store; just too sloppy to drive in.
“Every person is really what he or she secretly admires. If I can learn what you admire, I will know what you are, for people are what they think about when they are free to think about what they will.”  AW Tozer
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  KJV
This verse is probably more significant in this day and age than any other time; at least for me.
The nation, and obviously the world, is so full of hate and viciousness that it is literary on every television channel, every social media, in every city; you cannot go very far without being challenged by someone who hates one person, one thing, or another.
Political correctness is so divisive that sin is not allowed to be called sin; preachers are being threatened for proclaiming God’s Word that ‘offends’ societal norms that are traveling farther and farther away from God.
Tozer’s quote also came in this morning and I am thinking, what DO these people think in their quiet moments, that they are so vitriolic?  They wear their anger like a badge of honor; they get upset over the slightest perceived slight.
Do they practice that?  Do they sit in their homes and plan their method of bringing down those that offend them?
(By the way, for whatever it is worth, that is exactly what the Rajneesh did before they came to public meetings, planning ways to disrupt the process.)
Who are they ‘channeling’ so they can imitate that person’s style?
Christians, too, can get caught up in this process if we are not careful.  Since satan knows who we are, he knows the ways of pushing OUR buttons and having us react in a way that is not a credit to Christ.
I am very careful about watching the news, reading the negativity of politics, etc.  The only thing it does for me is raise my blood pressure and makes me angry; and I don’t like that in myself.
When I think of Christians that act like I truly believe reflects the love and demeanor of God I think of Julius Jepson, Pastor; Bill Hulse, County Judge and John Nichols who was our Jail Chaplain – and it does bother me that my behavior falls far short.
We cannot compare ourselves with others, we can admire them and strive to accept their character, but at the bottom is not only who we admire and want to be like, but how does that line up in OUR relationship with God. 
I have a far different personality than any of those three men, it doesn’t make me bad, it just is.  However, I can learn from them, I can reflect on their style and try and emulate what fits in with my personality.
What do I think about in my alone time?  Who do I think about in my alone time?
Family of course, my wife, kids, grandkids, in-laws, all people who mean a lot to me.
Right now I am composing a number of stories on people who have had significant impact on my career in law enforcement.  Many of those men and women are Christians and their testimony and actions as well as their assistance allowed me to grow and become a Sheriff, who – FAR from perfect – and in conjunction with many good people, did make some difference in our community.
But that is not enough.
I have realized through the years, that I HAVE to read God’s Word.  In His Word are dozens of men and women that have led their lives for Him; even in their failures we see the love and mercy of God as He forgives them and brings them back into His arms.
The more I read of and the more I hear of, the anger and the threats, the fears, the hatred, the more I realize that I MUST find things to follow the directive of this verse:  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
We need to listen to positive people, read stories and articles that lift us up, if watching TV watch the programs that have meaning and do not deny the Word of God.
We need to make being around fellow Christians, being around positive people a priority. 
But above all, we need to meditate on God’s Word.  For in that bound volume of books we find Christ and His passion for the lost.
Christ is the one person who should always be first in our minds and hearts.  He should be first in the way we talk and respond to others. 
He is the one person who we should secretly AND openly most admire.
He is the person we should be most like! 
And while we may live in a divisive world full of hate we will find peace in Him.
Later, Art (-:

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