Friday, January 12, 2018

Greetings and Salutations,
Quiet time in our neck of the woods, however, they are having an Eagle watch at the Dam Visitors center on Saturday and Sunday this month from 0900 to 1500.
They are indeed majestic creatures.
There was a bit of sun today, and it will be coming and going throughout the weekend, or so they forecast.  It actually is in the 50’s right now, not a normal winter day.
As a matter of fact it feels more like March than January; and as I have said earlier, a bit disconcerting.  We are getting a bit of snow on the mountains, which is good, but we need a lot more than a bit!
But Carla enjoys playing in the dirt and will be doing so this afternoon.  She has some bulbs she didn’t get planted this fall and leaves to move so she will be happy.
Galatians 3:26-28  KJV  “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Paul realized that those that had been born Jewish felt they were greater than those that were not – even though both “groups” had accepted Christ as their Savior.
The great Apostle, Peter, could have resolved it, but did not and actually aligned himself with those born Jews for fear of their anger; and the two groups were separated.
There are so many different churches in America today.  All too often we argue over little things, even though we believe in the foundation that Christ laid; even though the differences are minor we find ourselves separating ourselves because we feel we are more pious – or because they feel they are more pious.
God doesn’t look at color of skin, or any other human divisiveness, He doesn’t look at which church we belong to – again with the caveat that the church follows the tenants as set forth in His Word.
He looks at the heart.  We may be seen as pious by those around us, but if our heart isn’t right, it makes no difference what denomination we belong to, or what actions we may do – we will be rejected by Him.
When we accepted Christ, we became children of Abraham and part of God’s promise to him that his offspring would be more than the sands on the shore, or the stars in the sky.
He doesn’t care where we came from, or what our beliefs were before we accepted His Son; He only cares that we did accept Him and that we are striving to serve Him.
When we work for a business we have a job to do.  There will be those in charge, there will be those doing various means of paper work and there will be those that are doing the physical labor. 
But as a group they are members of that business and are recognized as such.  Each helps the other to accomplish the goals of the business; and while some may have more responsibility and accountability and thus make more money, in the end it is the cohesiveness of the work of the employees that make the business successful – each position is vital to the business and without that person or position others have to work harder and not as efficiently.
God will place some Christians over others as a means to conduct the business of the Church, teaching, preaching, serving others in His name, but we are all equal when it comes to being part of HIS Church.
May I always remember that Christ’s Church has many members, some whom I may not agree with all they believe but as long as we have accepted Him as our Savior, and that we are all striving to serve Him and help others find Him, we are all His Children.
Later, Art (-:

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