Thursday, September 22, 2016

The first day of Fall and it actually feels like Fall.  Still no color changes in any of our trees, but it won’t be long.
I love this time of year.  I love the beauty but I also know that my allergies are not as bad now, and I can venture outside and not be attacked by pollen from all the plants.
Getting better each day.  Today, for the first time in several weeks I was able to walk for half an hour without having to rest – and felt good afterwards instead of feeling dragged out.
My primary physician, actually a Physician Assistant, has moved to Hood River in partnership with an old friend from years ago.  My first intent was to do what so many other of his patients have done and that is follow him.  He is good, he knows his patients and does a good job of helping them maintain or improve health.
I am rethinking following him over there.  Not because I think someone will do it better, but, as one doctor told me, my case is complicated.  Here they have access to my very large file at the click of a button.  My PA will not have access to those records and even though he will get them all, they will be harder for him to update so others doctors I deal with on a regular basis can communicate with him.
We shall see.
Psalm 12:6-7  The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
Through the years the Bible has been proven authentic and accurate in both history and preserving the words that were written by the early authors – who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The challenges have been many and merciless, but still the Bible prevails.  Its words teach and comfort those that accept it.
While seemingly harsh at times, the message that God loves His people and wants only the very best for them is reinforced over and over again.
In this day and age when anything is permitted, where charlatans can preach hatred of God and His Word, it still stands.
Where society tries to twist and turn the words to allow their life style to be considered natural, a quick evaluation of their message compared to the Word of God is shown to be false.  It is a deadly interpretation they would bring to others and leads all of their ‘believers’ away from God.
So many people today do not want to accept the standards that God requires.  It is easier to declare they are their own arbiters of what is right and wrong rather than accept God’s Word.
Today there are those that say there are no absolutes, even manipulating the laws of physics and mathematics to attempt to prove their point.
If there are no absolutes than nothing can be trusted.
Yet, the Word of God proclaims there are absolutes and they are found throughout the Word; there are no conditional judgement, they are all determined by God.  Where there are conditions it is how people respond to Him, if they believe and obey they are fine – repenting is the primary condition – but sin is still sin and sin is separation from God, period.
The world likes to think that if they obey their own standards that the God of this universe (when they admit there is one) will accept those standards and allow them entrance into heaven.
But, that is not what His Word says. 
2 Timothy 3:15-17  And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

With so many things that interfere with our worship, where society tries to subtly lead us to follow their false leads and doctrines, it is important that we read what God has said and reaffirm, daily, our trust in Him and His Word; striving to do His will and show others His love.
Later, Art :-)

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