Friday, February 26, 2016

Carla is frustrated.  In the ‘wisdom’ of the City they have determined that burning leaves, weeds, etc. can only be done at specific times. 
Yet, those times are often the wrong time as far as weather is concerned.  Right now her piles are dry enough, the weather is accommodating and the risk of fire escaping is minimal so this is the time we should be able to burn – but we can’t, not until April first when the winds come up and there is more danger.
‘twould have been much better to allow the Fire Department to determine which times of the year open burning should be allowed, based on the weather that given year.
We composed much of what we have, but there are certain weeds that are best burned to keep them from spreading.  You can’t even put them in commercial composting as they can only be dealt with by burning if they grow any at all, or pesticides as they start out of the ground – and then the remnant has to be collected and burned.  Pesticides that will damage the crops and we don’t like to use them, unless we absolutely have not choice, for environmental purposes.
So, we cut them, stack them up and ‘wait’ to burn.
‘nuff of that.
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
I woke up this morning and this verse was the very first thing that came to me as I transitioned from sleep to waking.  You know, that limbo time where we are waking, but not quite there yet.
I began to think of how tragic it is that people in the city rarely – and sometimes never - experience a star lit sky.
They barely see the sun as it shines quickly through the canyons of large buildings and then moves on.  The city is so lit up they cannot see even the brightest star at night.
But the stars are still there and when we, who can see them, look out at the night sky we begin to see the majesty of our God.
Each star is hanging there, its movement in the sky as the night progresses is the same as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.  We know when it will show up, and we can rely on its consistency.
Man has learned to determine, the regularity of planets as they revolve around our Sun.  We know how long it will take for a complete orbit.
We know where the sun will rise in the morning and when it will set, we can predict that time to the minute.
We are hurling millions of miles through space in orbit as we circle the sun once a year.  We are moving at almost 1000 miles an hour as the earth makes a revolution each day.
We have gravity that prevents us from being cast into the abyss of space and yet, with all the different forces of our planet, our moon, other planets, their moons and the sun itself we are kept on track and we are kept from striking each other.
How does that happen, in our galaxy, let alone the millions we are told are out there – how does our galaxy not collide with others?  There is not a day that goes by that people don’t run into each other, whether bumping shoulders or fenders, they have difficulty keeping a proper distance and avoid accidents.
Yet, we rotate around the sun without hitting other planets that are also rotating – and we stay a measured and easily determined distance from each other.
We can tell where we are on earth at any given time by looking (and having the knowledge) of where stars are supposed to be, during any given part of the night.  As long as they are visible, trained people can tell with minimum instruments where they are in both longitude and latitude any place on earth. 
The heavens around us are predicable.  Ancient tribes observed and used their observation and the consistency of the stars to create buildings that allow the sun to shine on only one day into the center of the creation.
If we saw a man build anything close to what we see at night we would be in awe of his abilities.  Indeed we are in awe of things far less complicated – medical instruments and procedures, computers capable of processing questions in mini-seconds and giving us a large volume of resources – sometimes even answering a given question for us – even the telescopes that man has made that grow more complex and efficient with time, THAT show the vastness of God’s handiwork creates a feeling of admiration in us.
Yet with all the evidence surrounding a Creator; evidence of a well-thought out plan and execution, man still denies the existence of God.
Many times I would see trained Police Officers over look evidence in a case – it was there it just wasn’t seen; I have done that myself.
But the evidence is there, we have to look for it and then understand how it relates to the crime.  It may not come out right away, but when found it provides proof of both the crime and often the criminal. 
It is there, it doesn’t depend on whether or not you accept it; it is there.  Not all is immediately visible, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Evidence is evidence because it has either been left at the scene, or taken from it and has meaning.  You can look at the evidence and draw a conclusion.
Some will try and twist it around and make it mean something else, but when analyzed correctly good evidence of the crime is a strong tool for conviction of a criminal.
We look up at the stars.  They are visible.  Doesn’t matter what you believe about them, they are. 
They are dependable, and their evidence proves that they were designed to co-exist with all the other stars and planets in the heaven. 
That could not have been done by accident; it has to be a plan well executed.
It is evidence God has left for us to see His work.
The heavens really do declare His handiwork, all we have to do is open our eyes and see it.  It is just one more piece of evidence that proves His existence.
AND, shows us His majesty.  If we can applaud the accomplishments of man, how much more does God deserve applause for His creations?
1 Chronicles 29:10-12 Wherefore David blessed the Lord before all the congregation: and David said, Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel our father, for ever and ever.
11 Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.
12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.

He is worthy to be praised!
Later, Art :-)

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