Monday, April 13, 2015

Wasco County’s citizens relationship with the Rajneesh, cont:

There are several millionaires in Wasco County.  Most of them made their money in agriculture - wheat, cherries or livestock.  They are difficult to distinguish from those of us who earn a pay check.

We shop with them.  Our children go to school with each other.  They dress the same, they are not interested in wearing $3000 business suits – it would look foolish out in the fields, they talk the same.  They treat everyone as equals.

Being human there are some that will try and use their family name in the community or their status as wealthy land owners or businessmen to obtain some favors.  But in all my years of dealing with the citizens of Wasco County, off-hand, I can count on just two fingers, people who tried that tactic with me; and they didn’t complain when it didn’t work.

They are as apt as any of us to stop at the store after their business in town is done, wearing worn work clothes and scuffed up boots.  Often they drive their favorite vehicle, which for many is a beloved, beat up, old pickup they have had for years, to get around town. 

They know who they are, are confident in who they are and are not concerned about putting on airs.

They know who the rest of us are and treat us as equals.

They do know how to ‘dress up,’ how to enjoy the ‘finer things of life,’ but those are for special occasions, not everyday life.

The leaders of the Rajneesh had come from a different environment.  They were used to getting their own way due to position, bribery or bullying.

They thought that their methods would easily overcome the old methods of the locals and thought their ‘superior intelligence’ would overcome anything the locals could come up with.

They knew they had a lot of people in their organization that were well educated and could be malicious in getting their way.  They were well organized (or so they thought) and dedicated to Rajneesh, obeying his every directive as given through his spokesperson, Sheela.

They were used to bribing officials to get preferential treatment and quickly found out that the elected officials and the County planning director would not accept bribes.

The County Commissioners were not career politicians.  They were men that were active in the community.  They had businesses or ranches and that is how they made their living. 

They were close to the people they served and took the responsibility of that service serious.

I can imagine the Rajneesh were quite upset with these bureaucrats who didn’t know their place.  To have to deal with such ‘low life’ and have them deny their plans had to be galling to them.  It was “who do they think they are?” mentality on the ranch.

Sheila was so focused on getting isolated acreage she didn’t check to see what the laws were concerning that acreage.  I seriously doubt that she confided in the Realtor as to what she really wanted to do with the property or she would have been told she could not have done that on Agriculturally zoned property in Oregon.

Her dishonesty and deceit kept her from looking elsewhere and was the start of a four and a half year reign of terror for Wasco County.

They didn’t realize that the county planner knew the laws and how to apply them.  Land Use Laws in Oregon are well defined and are well tested.  They didn’t realize that he was given access to good land use attorneys.  Much of what the Rajneesh wanted to do had been litigated in the past and had been refused.

I was told that the Rajneesh researched the land use laws in Oregon all the way back to when it became a territory in 1851 and tried all sorts of ways to use them in their favor – they were unsuccessful.

Tens of thousands of dollars were spent by Wasco County in defense of those laws and their decisions were upheld by the courts.

The Rajneesh didn’t realize that the elected officials were serious about serving the citizens and doing the best they could for them.  It was a point of honor for the elected and appointed officials that they would uphold the law and do their best to apply it.

The County Commissioners were not career politicians.  Few served more than a term or two.   

They were men that were active in the community.  They had businesses or ranches and that is how they made their living. 

With the exception of the County Judge, the commissioners were part-time servants, the rest of the time they concentrated on their businesses and everything else a family man does. 

They were close to the people they served and took the responsibility of that service seriously.

The Rajneesh purchased some cattle from a County Judge, not the one that was poisoned, while the County Court was in deliberation on whether or not to allow them to have a city on the ranch.

I know many people thought the judge had been bribed, and I think that is probably what the Rajneesh intended.  I know this man and I don’t believe it for a minute.

He was a rancher, selling cattle; that is what he did for a living.  He did make a mistake in selling to them during that time, but there is no doubt in my mind, while it looked questionable, making that sale had no impact on his decision as a commissioner.

Unfortunately he left office under a cloud, it was a difficult time for him and his family; but his friends, which included most of the county, knew him and felt he had just made a mistake in the timing of the sale.

When bribery didn’t work Rajneesh tried intimidation - which if it worked at all did so only for a short time.  In the end it didn’t work to their advantage and actually worked against them as those they were trying to intimidate dug in their heels.

They were trying to use these tactics against a people who don’t intimidate easily, and will fight back if attacked.  Instead of re-evaluating their methods, when the citizens pushed back, they pressed forward even harder.

They didn’t understand the citizens of Wasco County or they wouldn’t have tried their tactics on them. 

Honesty and a willingness to work with the county officials would have gone a long way to help their cause; while it would not have changed the outcome very much, they may have been allowed more housing units if the ranch was truly a working ranch.

As they worked the land, and showed that they were being successful but needed more people, more buildings probably would have been allowed.

They wanted a large commune capable of handling thousands of followers and were not interested in a smaller vision.  They did not have any patience when it came to being told no.

So instead of downsizing their dream, - or admitting their mistakes and trying to find another location - they chose to try and humiliate, intimidate and finally to commit criminal acts of violence against those that were in opposition to their plan.

While I had seen some of these tactics and had heard from citizens how they had been victims of them, until I took Office I had not experienced, first hand, any of them.

I expected it, and they did try a couple of times.  At first they didn’t know that I, like the planner, knew the area of law in which I worked.  And like the planner I not only knew the law, I knew how to apply it and did.

There was a new Sheriff in town.  

I would be fair to ALL my constituents, but I would not be bullied by any.

A new method of operation within the Sheriff’s Office was beginning; one tested by time, and supported by the majority of our deputies, commissioners and the rest of the citizens.

Having said all that, I also realized that I cannot recall one time that I prayed for them.  Frankly, that is a rather alarming insight for me.

In the next few segments I will try and put into perspective that first year I was in Office.  With the privilege of hindsight, and as much as I can recall, after 30 years which included professional growth but, more importantly spiritual growth, I think I have a better handle on that year.

It will include my Office’s interaction with the Rajneesh and the challenges of operating the Office that first year.  In many ways they are intertwined.

There may be more gaps between my writings of this time, much of what I have already posted I have written before and it just took time to modify – much of the rest will be written as I contemplate the issues I faced that first year.

1 Samuel 22:18 And the king said to Doeg, Turn thou, and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and he fell upon the priests, and slew on that day fourscore and five persons that did wear a linen ephod.

Saul pursued David.  He killed Ahimelech the priest and his family because he helped David and dared to challenge Saul’s hatred of David.

David was hidden away in a cave which Saul, without knowledge of David’s presence, also took refuge.  David could have slain him, he did cut off a portion of his clothing.

As Saul left the cave the next morning, David called after him, proclaiming his dedication and showing Saul he could have but did not kill him.

I would image that Saul was mortified at the time.  He said to David:

1 Samuel 24:17  And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil.
David loved God.  Saul was God’s anointed leader at that time and honored God by not killing Saul.

That is a commitment to God that many of us would have difficulty having, and yet it is that kind of commitment that God expects from us.

Mathew 5:44-45 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Were the Rajneesh enemies?  We often think of enemies as a nation or people that would deprive us of our liberty, kill us if at all possible and take over our lands.

Until it was revealed by the Bhagwan in September 1985 that his followers had committed crimes against the people of Wasco County and others, most of us would have said they were despitefully using Wasco County, but it would have been a big step to have said they were enemies.

Yet, they were of course; they launched multiple attacks against the people and government. 

These attacks were planned by Rajneesh who were determined and had the objective of hurting and killing others; making the government ineffective so they could control the vote – and eventually the county.

The County, our government and our way of life were under attack. 

The vicious and vitriolic comments made by Sheila and by her minions were just the first steps of a body of people that were intent to get their own way, and no one was going to stand against them.

I prayed for guidance from God in my daily live.  I prayed for Him to direct me as I went about my duties as Sheriff.  I prayed for our County leaders and our citizens that were being harassed by this sect.

But, I can never remember praying for them.  Never remember praying that God would send His Holy Spirit to show them the way to a true enlightenment, not man given, but God given.

Today there are still followers of Rajneesh in various communities around the world.  Many are still bitter over their experiences at the ranch and feel they were in the right and the citizens were trying to put them down.

Those men and women need my prayers – not because I want to pray for them, but because I am told to pray for them.  And in praying for them do so from the love of God in my heart.

In today’s world, I am seeing many of the same attitudes, the same way the Rajneesh operated prevalent in our society in America.  I am seeing those that would condemn and shout to be heard rather than listen and try and work with others.

I see the same kind of rancorous and venomous comments, verbal and ‘text’ attacks being generated against Christians worldwide.  I see a building desire to not only quiet the Christians but to utterly destroy them. 

I see a denial of God and a war against his Word and His people. 

And I read that He demands that we pray for them:   But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Nowhere in that verse does it say it will be easy.  But it is a way that God will know we are His Children – and so will those that fight against us – and Him:  That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Later, Art :-)

From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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