Saturday, April 8, 2017

Cold winds a blowing, not hard though, in our neck of the woods, but it does lend its might to the colder temps.  Temperature is 53, but with the wind NOW 20 mph gusting to 30 something, it feels a whole lot cooler and it is a biting cold, but things have to be done.
Sun keeps playing peek a-boo in the clouds.  Got one of the greenhouses put up so Carla can get her transplanted plants in a sheltered environment – will have another one or two before we are done.
Well, Steven and Cee Cee’s visit was cut short, but it was good seeing them.
We went to the Discovery Center yesterday.  I had some of my books I was dropping off – autographed these, and by the way, if any of you have one that you would like me to put my John Henry on, give me a call - plus we wanted to let her visit and see the exhibits.
She was pretty excited about it – more than I would have thought for a four year old.  It is static displays with a few interactive, with most things are above her age level.
We went into the first display area and she went to one of the folders depicting animals that lived around our area, and as she started to flip through the pages she said “what will I learn today?”  - pretty sure that is Mom’s influence.
She got to see some eagles up close.  They have an eagle watch tour – I thought it was going to be someplace on the property overlooking eagles perching, eagles are coming into our area in large numbers – but it was to a small aviary, attached to the building, with a couple of crippled Eagles that couldn’t make it in the wild.  There was also an owl and red tailed hawk, also earth bound.
The eagles gave us that stare that says I don’t want you around me and don’t come any closer or you will truly be sorry.  The poor owl stood in a corner facing it and looked around as if to say, leave me alone.  The hawk kept screeching looking for a mate – all reminded me of people I know.
But after the tour, she wanted to go back where we started so she could see more exhibits – and we did.
Teresa came over for a few minutes and Grandma got to spend some time with them yesterday afternoon and evening, she had today off so we were looking at more time, but it wasn’t to be, just as well, as Steven was getting his call at 0600, Carla was getting a call asking if she could open the store.  She said she would close if someone else opened since they would be gone by that time, and that is where she will be spending her evening today.
“It is absolutely illogical to believe that nothing produces something, or that profoundly intricate designs have come into existence by self-generation.  The more simple and natural conclusion is that there is an immeasurably great Creator and Benefactor back of all the remarkable existences which we observe and experience.”  Gordon Olson
Genesis 1:21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”  KJV
While we were still trying to wake up this morning, Carla and I watched a documentary on hummingbirds.  We like these little critters and enjoyed ‘most’ of the program.
It always amazes me how these are scripted.  The photography was great, they did slow motion showing how they maneuver, etc. and they ARE amazing little critters.
The narrative and video on how they eat and move around, how much energy they use and how much nectar they need to just live for one day was interesting.
However, the commentary about how they came about because the insects were not capable of doing the job in cold weather – as if evolution said, “oh, those poor plants, they need a special bird that can get bills into the flowers and spread the pollen around.” is hogwash.
So, basically there was a need and evolution somehow created the hummingbird – and of course, it HAD to have happened 50 million years ago, give or take a day or two.  It is amazing what the religion of evolution can accomplish, by words.
The complexity of the machinery of this world has been developed by inventors that saw a need and created a machine that could do the work quickly and with precision.  They are intricate in design and planned and blue printed so they can be replicated and improvements or modifications can be made.
No one looks at those complex machines and says ‘wow, isn’t it amazing how all those gears, and bars, and all that other stuff just came together on its own without any help or planning to make that machine.’  Nope, they admire the ingenuity and creativity of the inventor.
Yet, a far more complex organism, like the humming bird, just came about without any organization.
And they say those of us who believe the Bible’s version of Creation are fools – while they believe that everything just happened, starting with a rock or some minute piece of energy smaller than the period on this page that somehow was there, no one knows why or how, and it exploded; and everything ‘evolved from that.’
Both beliefs are just that - beliefs, both believers must have faith in their beliefs and yet, those of us that believe in a Creator are the ones who are crazy.
It is why I call it the religion of evolution.  With their priests and religious teachers that preach that religious dogma as if it was settled science.
Me, I will stick with a Creator, it makes more sense.  With or without the Word of God backing it up.
Later, Art (-: 

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