Sunday, June 26, 2016

Had some fresh tomatoes from Carla’s garden a while back, mid-June, earliest we have had any ripe enough to pick.  They were the smaller ones, like cherry tomatoes, but they were delicious and a promise of things to come.
Can’t wait to pair some up with bacon and Swiss cheese on sour dough bread!
Wrestling with eyes this today.  Never know when they will be a problem.  They can start bothering me at any time and make it difficult for me to see – and read and write – as well as use power tools, have to be extra careful.
Since I have been on the medication that exacerbates the condition I haven’t driven.   I have investigated far too many accidents by impaired drivers using prescription drugs to put anyone else at risk.
The medication is necessary so that when my heart goes into A-fib it is ‘contained’ so it doesn’t go into the 180’s and when my heart settles down it doesn’t go into the low 40’s heart rates.
The ablation surgery I had earlier is supposed to remedy my A-fib and the medication was continued as a precaution until they are sure it worked.  I haven’t felt like I have gone into a-fib for the past months and hope when I see the cardiologist next month we can get off it.
Definitely limits what I can do.
Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
It is a good warning for us.  Nothing we do is hidden from the Lord, whether good or evil, God sees us wherever we are and whatever we do.
We may try to make excuses for our behavior, like, “God isn’t finished with me yet,” or, “it was just a little thing and I needed it to calm down or make myself happy.” 
We try and live for Christ when people see us.  We try to be careful in our activities and the way we respond to challenges we want people to see Christ within us.  Not always are we successful, but we try and when we fail we do what we can to remedy the situation and apologize to God asking forgiveness.
It usually isn’t the public things we do that get us into the most problems, it is the things we do in private when we don’t think anyone is looking.
But God is always aware, with the Holy Spirit dwelling within us we can’t possible hide what we are doing, our lives, minds and hearts are always open to God. 
While those that refuse Him may believe in doing so He doesn’t care, but they are wrong.  Just because they refuse to acknowledge Him, His dominion over them, or His laws doesn’t mean He doesn’t still see what they are doing.
Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
On the other side of that ‘coin’ is the fact that no matter where we are, no matter what we are going through, while we may feel lost and afraid God can still see us.  He can still see our hearts and concerns.
While others may try to keep us from Him, may try to hide us in their corrupted webs, He still sees us and is with us.
Mathew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Amen, in deed!
Later, Art :-)

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