Friday, March 20, 2015

Interesting time to have rain forecasted – and a lot of it.  Next week is Spring Break for the kids and it looks like they will be looking at dreary skies and rain – AFTER it has been so comfortable the past couple weeks.
I know Carla is hoping to have Ian come over and help at least for a few hours, we shall see........
2 Corinthians 8:9  For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.
I know that I may seem to be harping on the same theme, especially these past couple of days.  My heart is very heavy, I see what is going on in the world and it seems to be crushing the very life out of Christians.
We are in very dangerous times.  People are searching for the truth in their spiritual lives and satan is taking advantage of it.
The world is trying to make sense of it, so it contrives answers that sound good to man – because it appeals to man’s vanity – and ignoring the Word of God which will lead them to Christ.
In many parts of the world Christians are laying down their lives for Christ.  They are being punished for simply saying they are Christians.  Incarcerated, possessions confiscated and family members being threatened and terrified by the authorities in an attempt to get these men and women to deny Christ – yet they suffer through, knowing that only in Christ is there hope for salvation. 
And those of us in America are even in graver danger of seeing many more people turning from Christ and going the world’s way.  Too many pride themselves on our being willing to accept anything and everything put out there and not having to discern what is truth – just do what you want to do, we think there is freedom in that philosophy. 
People are being swayed by false teachings.  Others are being led away by greed and a selfish attitude.  Our law makers are turning from the basic truths this country was founded on and deciding they don’t need the wisdom of God – and we as their subjects aren’t going to be able to use it either.
Meanwhile we still have those ministers that are leading others astray with Prosperity preaching, Charismatic personalities preaching but with no substance in their message, or somehow mixing what the Bible says with the current social norms – that keep changing at an amazingly rapid chase – and watering down the truth, or even worse denying it.  
We are seeing tens of thousands of Americans following these ‘leaders’ and endangering their own salvation, not to mention not preaching the salvation message to others. 
Many of these leaders have fallen far from grace because of their arrogance and selfishness. 
Christians are fallible and all of us have fallen in our responsibility to God at one time or another.  As Christians we understand that, however, satan loves to point it out to the world as an example of hypocrisy.  As a result these messages, and failures have undermined God’s message and Christian credibility.
But, that should not stop us from proclaiming the truth and it can be done without hate and pointing fingers.  
Because we have so many natural resources in this country, because it was founded on Biblical principles this country has thrived and has become a beacon to other world citizens as to what can be accomplished with hard work and determination.
While this country was/is imperfect we have made many mistakes through the years, but the heart of the people still believed in the foundation that was laid through Biblical standards.
Now those standards are not only being damaged but there are those that want it destroyed and are doing all in their power to accomplish that – and many Christians are just following along and endorsing the destruction.
Kinda like Nero fiddling while Rome burned – here we have people preaching that all Christians have to do is believe and receive, while the country is being destroyed and souls lost; and Christian are being persecuted for their faith.  BUT let ‘US’ focus on material wealth to show we are good Christians.
Christ didn’t come to earth to make us ‘prosperous.’  He came that we might be saved.  He didn’t say I will give you great riches and preach that to the people, He did point out that He was basically homeless:
Luke 9:59 And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
When Christ made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem he did it on a borrowed burro – not a great white steed.  He was humble and was not out to get whatever financial rewards that He could have demanded from His followers.
Yes, there are many verses that talk about God giving us anything we ask for – but those verses need to be taken in context, need to be viewed with the message Christ gave about suffering as He suffered. 
What we view as our needs, and what GOD views as to what we need are often times radically different.  We incorporate the world’s values, God uses only His.
We do hear the many cries for God to send a messenger, a leader(s) that will take the point on standing for Christ in America.  A leader(s) that will draw others to Him and the result will be the salvation of our country.
He can do that if He chooses.  But will we listen?
Christians want a leader that will stand up against sin and the promiscuity of sinful behavior in our country – but we also want someone who will be listened to by those that need Christ and will come to Him.  Interesting dilemma – the prophets, Christ, the Apostles and Christian warriors through the last 2000 years have been dealing with that since Adam fell.
Satan also hears those pleas for a leader and knows how to manipulate the world’s values to make them seductive to a Christian that is not discerning; so he is raising up people who SAY they are teaching Christ and God Word, but are working to twist God’s Word to say what God does not say.
Luke 21:8   And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
There is incredible turmoil in our nation; politics has become a service to self and self-interests instead of service to the people.  Man has interjected his values for God’s values and the result has been devastating.  AND it is getting increasingly worse.
We want to be careful though.  The person coming in on a white horse may very well be a false prophet and will lure us into a false since of belief that he will make it all come out well.
As Christians, our main concern is for the spiritual well-being of our country and our fellow citizens – coupled with the well-being of our fellow believers all over the world.
We need a leader(s) who will speak God’s message clearly and with the authority of the Holy Spirit will be raised up and will help to place God’s value first in our decision making in both the political and the spiritual needs of this country.  AND that more people WILL listen.
Instead of praying for wealth, we should focus on what God wants:  Mathew 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
But let us use wisdom and humility to God in supporting the spiritual leaders that will be coming forward.  Is their message supported by the Word of God, or, instead, compatible with the world’s (and satan’s) desires just masquerading as God’s message?
Mathew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Later, Art :-)
From the ColumbiaRiverGorgeous
May Our Good Lord Bless and Keep YOU....’til we meet again

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