Monday, March 18, 2019

Greetings and Salutations,
    It is a pleasant day in our neck of the woods.  We still have snow tucked away from the sun, but it is quickly melting.  It will not be long until Carla’s garden will be ready for her hand.
    I came across and article the other day that was interesting, to me at least.  It was on the practice of Charivari.
    It started out hundreds of years ago in Europe.  The practitioners would be unhappy with the choice someone made in marriage.  It could be they didn’t like one spouse or the other.
    It could be that they felt the widow(er) got married too soon and several other reasons – and they would show their displeasure by disrupting them with deeds, such as running off with the husband during the wedding night (or wife as Alan Refsland can attest) returning him or her the next day.
    They would damage some of the property and in some way just make it uncomfortable for the newlyweds.
    In America it came over and was continued in southern states.  Eventually it lost the stigma of displeasure and became a fun event for the revelers, if not the newlyweds.
    Carla and I used to participate in such shenanigans.  It has been several years since we have done so, but some I remember fondly.
    Shower stalls or tubs would be filled with wadded up newspapers, one couple found several cow bells under their bed, they would lay down hear one, remove it only to find out that there were more.
    Unscrewing light bulbs, setting up cupboard doors so when they were opened a box of rice or something would come spilling out.
    Canned food labels were removed, things hidden away that they might want – nothing malicious, just to let them know we loved them.
    We knew people that would set the clocks in the house backwards so when the victims got ready for work, they would be late.
    We did it differently, we set them ahead.  We never knew how well that actually worked until one day we did it on a young couple.
    They came back from their honeymoon to the usual challenges from a Charivari.   After some clean up they retired, set the alarm clock so they could get up and go to work the next morning.
    The wife got up and fixed her husband breakfast, turning off the clock radio so he wouldn’t be disturbed while she went about her work.
    They finished breakfast and then went to his mother’s house – can not remember if one of them was taking her to work or going to work with her, however when they arrived she was not ready for work.
    They tried to rush her, but she kept saying it was an hour earlier, finally they called ‘time’ and found out she was correct.
    For weeks the wife kept trying to find out who was responsible.  They were a popular couple in our Youth Group so they were sure it had to be some of them, but no one would fess up.
    One night, during church service, I handed her an envelope – she was sitting just in front of us.  She looked through the pictures and turned around and loudly – enough that we got a dirty look from the Pastor – saying “IT WAS YOU TWO!  Carla and I just smiled.
Romans 15:13  KJV   Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
    As we look on what the world deems a reason for rejoicing, we tremble at what we have become and are becoming.
    When a government can be enthusiastic and celebrating the passing of a bill that allows the taking of a baby’s life right up to the birthing process we have to wonder how much longer God is going to allow us to live without terrible repercussions.
    Eight states allows that, including the state of Oregon.
    AND far too many churches not only do not condemn such behavior but embrace it.
    There is hope and there is salvation for those that participate in this barbaric act.  But, they need to ask forgiveness and change their behavior.
    I used to be proud of this state, the individualism, the opportunity to grow in an environment that was concerned about God’s blessings.
    Used to be.
    Now, when I am asked if I am from Oregon, I make it clear I am from CENTRAL OR EASTERN Oregon; but even in our neck of the woods we are seeing the putrefying of our society and the increasing disconnect with our God.
 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
    Frankly, it is only through the Holy Ghost that we can have joy and peace.  It is only through Him that we can have hope for our nation and families.
    When it is illegal AND we morally condemn a person who kills a dog or cat in a perceived “inhuman method’ yet, it is a moment to rejoice for a person who has taken a life through abortion, we have to be concerned for the morality of our nation.
    Christians need to be heard.  They need to be praying every day for this nation and the conscience we have somehow formed destroying all decency.
    I look outside and I see new life springing up because it is Spring.
    The birds sing in gratification.
    The flowers bloom and start to display their beauty and fragrance exclaiming that growing season is all but upon us and a promise of tomorrow really is out there.
    There is hope for a new dawning.
    Our world has survived many cultures that resemble this country’s future if we do not change – those cultures destroyed themselves using the same Godless behavior and excuses we see in America today.
    There is new life coming soon in nature, let us pray that it will also come in our nation as a renewed growth in us and a strong renewal of vibrancy will fill the hearts of those that are being led astray with this world’s so-called all-encompassing anything goes, morality.
    As a nation we are fortunate.  Unlike many cultures that have fallen before us, we have millions of men, women and children who believe in God and believe in His Word and who are praying for all of us.
    But let us also not lose sight of the blessing God has poured out on our people and rejoice in Him.
    Through the power of the Holy Ghost, this nation CAN change.
 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Later, Art (-:

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